Yosemite. Half century
Yosemite: The Story of a national park in 15 photographs and one taymlapse
June 30, 1864, in the midst of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln signed an act on the protection of Yosemite Valley and the Mariposa Grove of giant sequoias. Thus Valley became the first in the US landscape preservation, and in 1890 - a national park area of 304 thousand. Ha. A great president, even during the bloody conflict, remember that the war is over, and replace it new generation will come, and he helped to save them one of the most amazing places in the North American continent.
The same document, released from under the hand of Lincoln, through which the nature of Yosemite National Park was saved. Now Yosemite is visited annually by about 4 million tourists.
"Father" of Yosemite National Park, meanwhile, is not considered the 16th president of the United States, as a naturalist, writer and conservationist John Muir, a native of Scotland. He first visited Yosemite in 1868, and a year later he returned to work as a shepherd on the ranch and spend all my free time studying the flora and fauna unique terrain. It was John Muir convinced Congress to create in the reserve gorgeous national park and save the environment from "hoof locusts" - those sheep flock by Muir. By 1907, when this photograph was taken, Mr. Muir has managed to expel the hated sheep favorite terrain.
This photograph was taken in April 1935. Visitors to the park with enthusiasm fishing, and behind him to his full height towering mountain El Capitan - one of the largest monoliths in North America. Granite block is at an altitude of 2307 m above sea level, and conquered it for the first time in 1958 in the ascension process, which lasted 47 days.
Sailors and soldiers rest before naval Rehabilitation Hospital August 16, 1943. In fact, military hospitals in the park is not, but during the Second World War under these needs adapted Ahwahnee Hotel - a luxury hotel for visitors to the upper classes. Military consecutive saved the hotel from complete ruin, because the country before the war crippled the Great Depression, and the number of members of the upper social classes were not so great as to support the tourist industry even in a satisfactory condition.
Party sailors walking on the mend, fun passes through a tunnel in the tree Wawona August 13, 1943. Giant sequoia height of 69 meters and a girth of 27 meters acquired its own tunnel in 1881, after a tree was struck by lightning and a crack in the trunk. Carved a tunnel instead of the crack of the park allows visitors to pass through it, even on horseback, and in the next era - in the car. It is not surprising that the tunnel immediately became a favorite place for photos and views of the tunnel - a classic story for postcards.
Young people, whom the war has thrown for treatment in one of the most beautiful places on the planet, in the course of recovery together enthusiastic photography. It is understandable - the area possessed. In this photo dated August 13, 1943, beginning photographers listen to a lecture by a guru landscape photography Ansel Adams. Himself Mr. Adams first visited Yosemite in 14 years and has since come back every year until his death.
In the photo from June 4, 1944 can be seen as against the impressive scenery of Yosemite face two different civilizations: the old world with its horse riding and a new world with tourists, cyclists. However, even today - 70 years later - the park is still possible to move to a single horsepower. For example, for horse riding there is a special way to the falls, where other vehicles simply can not reach.
Glacier Point - the most famous views of the valley. Accessible from the main road to the lookout Glacier can be half an hour by car on the serpentine. This photo was taken June 9, 1950, and, fortunately, views, views from the observation deck of this, to this day have not changed: the whole valley of Yosemite, the symbol of the park - granite rock Half Dome, several waterfalls and Mirror Lake.
Another attraction of the observation deck Glacier - Hanging stone. While it is not fenced for safety of tourists, the stone was used for filming in full of interesting stories for postcards and advertising. For example, in 1916 the hanging rock did advertising photography Studebaker Roadster.
Long before the car initiative - in the 1890s - two dancing waitresses touting the hanging rock your current place of work - a nearby hotel. A photographed them George Fiske - American landscape photographer, who in 1879 settled in Yosemite and lived there until the end. End of him, by the way, was a very tragic - in 1918, Mr. Fiske was shot on the grounds that "tired of life».
Climber Dean Kaldvell close to the top of the monolith El Capitan 19 November 1970. Dean and his partner Warren Harding had on the wall of El Capa almost a month - they climb lasted 27 days. Sam Warren Harding conquered top of the rock is not the first time, in fact it became its discoverer in 1958. Five days before the end of the climb climbers found the weather, and on the fourth day of the storm rescuers decided to go to their aid. Dialogue Harding and Kaldvella rescue services went down in history bigvolla: climbers offered rescuers appeared in time to gain a foothold on the wall and have a drink with them wine to be saved, they did not want.
Eight years after the famous dialogue between climbers and rescuers top of El Rana won the first woman - Beverly Johnson. October 28, 1978 Beverly photographed on a cliff after a 10-day ascent. She was only 24 years old.
In this picture again in 1975 photographer Ansel Adams, only thirty years later, he teaches his art not wounded in the war guys and pretty girl. This girl - Susan Ford, daughter of eighteen 38th US President Gerald Ford. Ansel Adams useful lessons young Miss Ford - she became a photojournalist.
March 5, 1983 Yosemite National Park for the first time visited the British Queen Elizabeth II. The picture shows the manager of the park shows her sights on the observation deck Inspiration Point. By the way, the queen and her husband Prince Philip spent a few days in the same hotel Ahwahnee, which during the war rented for a military hospital.
Today, Yosemite is no longer photographed on black and white film. Fortunately, the face of the main National Park of California may be considered in all the colors that painted his nature. The slopes of the mountain range of Sierra Nevada, countless waterfalls, rivers and redwoods - in 1984 it acquired the status of all World Heritage Site under the auspices of UNESCO and preserved in its original form.
In January 2012, Colin Delehanti photographers and Sheldon Neal went to shoot the rich scenery of Yosemite technique taymlaps. The result of their work - excellent videos that reflect the beauty and diversity of wildlife national park. From black-and-white photos to high-tech taymlapsov - is the story of Yosemite, which, unlike the technology remains unchanged.

June 30, 1864, in the midst of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln signed an act on the protection of Yosemite Valley and the Mariposa Grove of giant sequoias. Thus Valley became the first in the US landscape preservation, and in 1890 - a national park area of 304 thousand. Ha. A great president, even during the bloody conflict, remember that the war is over, and replace it new generation will come, and he helped to save them one of the most amazing places in the North American continent.

The same document, released from under the hand of Lincoln, through which the nature of Yosemite National Park was saved. Now Yosemite is visited annually by about 4 million tourists.

"Father" of Yosemite National Park, meanwhile, is not considered the 16th president of the United States, as a naturalist, writer and conservationist John Muir, a native of Scotland. He first visited Yosemite in 1868, and a year later he returned to work as a shepherd on the ranch and spend all my free time studying the flora and fauna unique terrain. It was John Muir convinced Congress to create in the reserve gorgeous national park and save the environment from "hoof locusts" - those sheep flock by Muir. By 1907, when this photograph was taken, Mr. Muir has managed to expel the hated sheep favorite terrain.

This photograph was taken in April 1935. Visitors to the park with enthusiasm fishing, and behind him to his full height towering mountain El Capitan - one of the largest monoliths in North America. Granite block is at an altitude of 2307 m above sea level, and conquered it for the first time in 1958 in the ascension process, which lasted 47 days.

Sailors and soldiers rest before naval Rehabilitation Hospital August 16, 1943. In fact, military hospitals in the park is not, but during the Second World War under these needs adapted Ahwahnee Hotel - a luxury hotel for visitors to the upper classes. Military consecutive saved the hotel from complete ruin, because the country before the war crippled the Great Depression, and the number of members of the upper social classes were not so great as to support the tourist industry even in a satisfactory condition.

Party sailors walking on the mend, fun passes through a tunnel in the tree Wawona August 13, 1943. Giant sequoia height of 69 meters and a girth of 27 meters acquired its own tunnel in 1881, after a tree was struck by lightning and a crack in the trunk. Carved a tunnel instead of the crack of the park allows visitors to pass through it, even on horseback, and in the next era - in the car. It is not surprising that the tunnel immediately became a favorite place for photos and views of the tunnel - a classic story for postcards.

Young people, whom the war has thrown for treatment in one of the most beautiful places on the planet, in the course of recovery together enthusiastic photography. It is understandable - the area possessed. In this photo dated August 13, 1943, beginning photographers listen to a lecture by a guru landscape photography Ansel Adams. Himself Mr. Adams first visited Yosemite in 14 years and has since come back every year until his death.

In the photo from June 4, 1944 can be seen as against the impressive scenery of Yosemite face two different civilizations: the old world with its horse riding and a new world with tourists, cyclists. However, even today - 70 years later - the park is still possible to move to a single horsepower. For example, for horse riding there is a special way to the falls, where other vehicles simply can not reach.

Glacier Point - the most famous views of the valley. Accessible from the main road to the lookout Glacier can be half an hour by car on the serpentine. This photo was taken June 9, 1950, and, fortunately, views, views from the observation deck of this, to this day have not changed: the whole valley of Yosemite, the symbol of the park - granite rock Half Dome, several waterfalls and Mirror Lake.

Another attraction of the observation deck Glacier - Hanging stone. While it is not fenced for safety of tourists, the stone was used for filming in full of interesting stories for postcards and advertising. For example, in 1916 the hanging rock did advertising photography Studebaker Roadster.

Long before the car initiative - in the 1890s - two dancing waitresses touting the hanging rock your current place of work - a nearby hotel. A photographed them George Fiske - American landscape photographer, who in 1879 settled in Yosemite and lived there until the end. End of him, by the way, was a very tragic - in 1918, Mr. Fiske was shot on the grounds that "tired of life».

Climber Dean Kaldvell close to the top of the monolith El Capitan 19 November 1970. Dean and his partner Warren Harding had on the wall of El Capa almost a month - they climb lasted 27 days. Sam Warren Harding conquered top of the rock is not the first time, in fact it became its discoverer in 1958. Five days before the end of the climb climbers found the weather, and on the fourth day of the storm rescuers decided to go to their aid. Dialogue Harding and Kaldvella rescue services went down in history bigvolla: climbers offered rescuers appeared in time to gain a foothold on the wall and have a drink with them wine to be saved, they did not want.

Eight years after the famous dialogue between climbers and rescuers top of El Rana won the first woman - Beverly Johnson. October 28, 1978 Beverly photographed on a cliff after a 10-day ascent. She was only 24 years old.

In this picture again in 1975 photographer Ansel Adams, only thirty years later, he teaches his art not wounded in the war guys and pretty girl. This girl - Susan Ford, daughter of eighteen 38th US President Gerald Ford. Ansel Adams useful lessons young Miss Ford - she became a photojournalist.

March 5, 1983 Yosemite National Park for the first time visited the British Queen Elizabeth II. The picture shows the manager of the park shows her sights on the observation deck Inspiration Point. By the way, the queen and her husband Prince Philip spent a few days in the same hotel Ahwahnee, which during the war rented for a military hospital.
Today, Yosemite is no longer photographed on black and white film. Fortunately, the face of the main National Park of California may be considered in all the colors that painted his nature. The slopes of the mountain range of Sierra Nevada, countless waterfalls, rivers and redwoods - in 1984 it acquired the status of all World Heritage Site under the auspices of UNESCO and preserved in its original form.
In January 2012, Colin Delehanti photographers and Sheldon Neal went to shoot the rich scenery of Yosemite technique taymlaps. The result of their work - excellent videos that reflect the beauty and diversity of wildlife national park. From black-and-white photos to high-tech taymlapsov - is the story of Yosemite, which, unlike the technology remains unchanged.