Little-known facts about North Korea
1. Now North Korea is not 2014, and the 102nd. The beginning of the local chronology assumed birth date of Kim Il Sung - April 15, 1912.

2. "Elections" in the country are held every 5 years. However, the newsletters contain only one name, and as you might guess, the votes are fairly predictable - 100% support the leader.
3. Roads not found a single traffic light. Within urban car traffic is controlled by the police. However, the strong traffic on the roads and not seen as transport in the country can only own soldiers.

4. The biggest stadium in the world is built in North Korea. Stadium "May Day" for 150 thousand seats, becoming the venue for the annual "Mass Games" - a kind of colorful demonstrations glorifying the national leader and his ideas.

5. The country has a generally "punishment of three generations." People break the law should be sent to re-education camps. But also all the members of his family, including parents, children and grandparents, are sent to the conclusion together with the offender.
6. Some time ago, North Korea was made to be able to play the accordion. In 1990, the requirements for all teachers specifies mandatory possession of the instrument. Currently, many Koreans prefer to play the accordion other music.

7. Next to the South Korean border city erected a fake. In order to create the image of a successful settlement, attracting defectors from the south and misleading opponents, after the Korean War was established "peace villages" - uninhabited place presentable looking from the side.

9. The Constitution of North Korea is readable to anyone. However, although the document posits freedom of expression, democratic vote and freedom of religion, the real situation in the country is far from that.
10. For the filming of bravura propaganda films on orders of Kim Jong Il was kidnapped director. Holding in custody of the local masters of cinematography Xing San Oka and his wife, North Korean leader forced him to make a film glorifying the current political regime. Fortunately, after a few years in prison director managed to escape.

11. In North Korea, filmed his own version of the movie "Godzilla", named "Pulgasari." Looking once this famous work, Kim Jong Il has desired to have his film with the same plot. In addition, an important part of the script was propagation mode. For the filming was employed by none other than the already mentioned here Shin Sang-ok.

12. Kim Il Sung has the status of "eternal leader". This means that there will always be considered that at the helm it was he, in spite of the rise to power of his descendants.

13. It is known that Kim Jong Il is annually imported into the country in the amount of volume of brandy 763,000 dollars, while the average annual income of the state is defined in $ 1,500. Apparently, the leader was no stranger to a good brandy.
14. North Korean scientists are convinced that a proof of the existence of unicorns. According to a local news agency, was recently discovered burial of these amazing creatures.
15. The most popular entertainment in the country - visiting the mausoleum of Kim Jong Il. Embalmed body of the leader is placed in a glass tomb and is available for public viewing. Allowed even foreign tourists.
16. Terms of local basketball differ from those generally accepted. Accounted chetyrehochkovye throws (if the three-point ball touched the edge of the basket), as well as points for the missed free throws.

17. Local TV has three channels, two of which are only available on weekends, and the third is aired only in the evening.

18. North Korea has the 10th largest producer of fruit.
19. According to the officials, the state operates under the ideology of "Juche", which means: "Man himself master of all that is happening and its decisions».

20. Students are required to pay the cost of desks and chairs, as well as fuel for heating. Requirements to pay literally everything except the service of the teacher, the parents of students are forced to discontinue their schooling.