The unique tradition of fishing in the Crimea
Over the years, inventive Crimean fishermen use a unique way of fishing, which has already become a good tradition. The peculiar, difficult, but extremely effective. About it and about the results achieved by fishermen strongly recommend reading under the cut!
The coast south of Kerch:
Near the village we noticed Naberezhnoe estuary strange color,
and then drew attention to the two towers in the sea:
Here they are closer:
How is the fishing:
First, put the two towers of thick logs. Then the stakes are driven into the bottom, between
It stretched a large square net and put on the bottom. A man sitting on the tower in
polarizing glasses and looking at the water in the area of the grid. When it passes over a school of fish,
man gives the go-ahead to people on the shore.
On the bank, in turn, set the gates, which are wound a rope connected to the network.
Fishermen twist gate edge network rise, fish is on the network. After that, the fishermen are suitable for
boats and pull the catch:
The entire coast is divided between fishing enterprises in the different areas.
They are called berths, although, of course, no berths in the traditional sense is not here:
Each Fisherman's Wharf for some reason enclose on land.
Currently in full swing preparing for the fishing season:
Boats where fishermen go to sea, and put the network:
They stand on the mountain, that is located well above sea level:
Here sits a man who oversees \ "looking \" on the water and gives the go-ahead \ "twisting \" on the land.
I think if the fishermen transceiver, this position in the team could be abolished:
With this method, you can fish from the first of June to the 20th of August:
Fishing Artel. During the season, probably live here permanently:
And far out to sea, meanwhile, is \ "fishing in a large \» ...

The coast south of Kerch:

Near the village we noticed Naberezhnoe estuary strange color,
and then drew attention to the two towers in the sea:

Here they are closer:

How is the fishing:
First, put the two towers of thick logs. Then the stakes are driven into the bottom, between
It stretched a large square net and put on the bottom. A man sitting on the tower in
polarizing glasses and looking at the water in the area of the grid. When it passes over a school of fish,
man gives the go-ahead to people on the shore.
On the bank, in turn, set the gates, which are wound a rope connected to the network.
Fishermen twist gate edge network rise, fish is on the network. After that, the fishermen are suitable for
boats and pull the catch:

The entire coast is divided between fishing enterprises in the different areas.
They are called berths, although, of course, no berths in the traditional sense is not here:

Each Fisherman's Wharf for some reason enclose on land.
Currently in full swing preparing for the fishing season:

Boats where fishermen go to sea, and put the network:


They stand on the mountain, that is located well above sea level:

Here sits a man who oversees \ "looking \" on the water and gives the go-ahead \ "twisting \" on the land.
I think if the fishermen transceiver, this position in the team could be abolished:

With this method, you can fish from the first of June to the 20th of August:

Fishing Artel. During the season, probably live here permanently:

And far out to sea, meanwhile, is \ "fishing in a large \» ...
