Ukrainian museum dedicated to the history of the Great Patriotic War

Gallery of the main entrance to the museum:

Sculptures gallery embody the heroic defense of the Soviet border from the German attack ...

... The horrors of the German occupation, partisan struggle, labor feat of logistics:

... And the battle for the Dnepr:

Monumental sculpture "Motherland", under which there is a two-story museum. The museum is divided into 14 rooms, which are presented in chronological order all the events of the war. See also "The highest statue of the world."

So begins the museum. Introductory room:

Hall № 4. The defense of Odessa. Exposition of the downed plane. The plane is completely true and is in a form in which it was found:

Hall №5. Fighting on the Crimean peninsula. defense of Sevastopol and Kerch:

Halls № 6-7. The Nazi occupation regime. Torture machine:

Children's clothing from Majdanek concentration camp:

During the period of the occupation on the Ukrainian land has been destroyed more than 5 million. People civilians.

Hall № 8. The anti-fascist resistance movement of the Ukrainian people:

Hall № 9. The economy, science and culture of Ukraine - front:

Hall № 10. The Battle of Stalingrad. Battle for the Caucasus. The Battle of Kursk. The mass expulsion of the enemy from the Ukraine:

Hall №11. Battle of the Dnieper. The liberation of Kiev:

Hall № 12. The completion of Ukraine's liberation from enemy troops:

Set personal belongings Soviet soldier:

Exhibit Hall №13. The final expulsion of the invaders from the territory of the USSR. The release of the countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe and Asia. The anti-Hitler coalition. The end of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World Wars.

Memorial Hall. The composition "Memory Wall»:

27-meter memorial table on which are placed front-line stuff everyday, embroidered towels, izvescheniya- 'funerals »:

In the background exposition "Widow»:

Hall Of Fame. On the white marble pylons gold inscribed with the names of about 12,000 Heroes of the Soviet Union and 201 Hero of Socialist Labor, awarded these titles for deeds committed during the war.

And above the only way)

Monument ace pilot-IM Kozhedub, shot down 64 enemy aircraft.