Festival of sand sculpture in the UK
Weston-super-Mare - a small resort town on the coast of Bristol Bay in the UK. It was here, right on the water and is held annually popular festival of sand sculptures.
This year's festival opened its doors for the day before, on Wednesday, the sixteenth of April. The main theme of the festival - a fairy tale, fable and fantasy. Actually, the name "Once upon a time» (Once Upon a Time), clearly and concisely describes the topics that affect the sculptors participating. In addition to the classic characters of literature, there were also a few characters and scenes from the film and television products. Such as: "The Hunger Games," "The Hobbit," "Game of Thrones" and others.
This year's festival opened its doors for the day before, on Wednesday, the sixteenth of April. The main theme of the festival - a fairy tale, fable and fantasy. Actually, the name "Once upon a time» (Once Upon a Time), clearly and concisely describes the topics that affect the sculptors participating. In addition to the classic characters of literature, there were also a few characters and scenes from the film and television products. Such as: "The Hunger Games," "The Hobbit," "Game of Thrones" and others.