Announced in 2015, the emergence of 10Gb Wi-Fi

Today the fastest Wi-Fi-routers can achieve a speed of about 1 Gbps, provided the use of high-performance network cards. The following year, this achievement can essentially become obsolete if Quantenna Communications will release its new Wi-Fi-chipset.
Today, most chipsets represented in the mass market, providing simultaneous transmission of three spatial streams (3x3 MIMO). Routers satisfying standard 802.11ac, can transfer data at up to 1, 3 Gb / sec at a frequency of 5 GHz. At CES, ASUS announced a new router, built on 4x4 MIMO chipset from Quantenna, which will be capable of providing speeds of up to 1 Gbit 7. The other day Quantenna announced that is working on the creation of the chipset 8x8 MIMO, whereby the transmission rate via Wi-Fi can reach 10 Gb / s.
The developer claims that the new chip will be compatible with previous standards 802.11a / b / g / n. He created technology-based MU-MIMO (multi-user MIMO). At the heart of the MIMO technology based on the principle of reception and transmission of data using multiple antennas located on the same device. MU-MIMO can transmit data to multiple devices simultaneously, amplifying the signal on the transmitting device. The new chipset will provide adaptive formirvoanie beam in which the transmitter and receiver analyzes the signals that are exchanged to determine the optimum signal propagation.
Decision on Quantenna will be built on the "Connections" multiple channels at 5 GHz to achieve a total bandwidth of 160 MHz (modern routers 802.11as provide a bandwidth of 80 MHz). The developers believe that their new product will be used to address a variety of tasks, including the creation of entertainment networks and ISP-infrastructure. For example, the company Vivint, providing secure access to the network, uses in its decisions chipsets 4x4 .
However Quantenna has no plans to develop a mobile version of the chipset 8x8, nor is the version for USB-routers. New products will be used only in conventional routers, network cards, bridges and on motherboards laptops and desktops.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/219443/