Tractors apocalypse

Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant MZKT in Soviet times was a secret unit MAZ. It was his multi-axis motor driven gear on Red Square during the parade missile defense installations and heavy equipment. After the dissolution of the Union MZKT became an independent company and is managed by the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Belarus. Today it manufactures products under the brand name "Volat", which means "Hercules". NedoSMI photojournalist managed to get on the conveyor and transfer pictures amended before they got American spies.

MZKT-79221 is used in a mobile launcher for complex "Topol-M". Russia sold over 4 million rubles apiece.

View from the cockpit

See what's going in the right mirror can be only the second "driver" in another cab. They can communicate by radio or gestures if the rocket between them.

16 wheels, leading

MZKT-7930 (8x8) will carry on itself "Iskander»

Tank polygon. The film crew of the program "Technopark" TV channel "Capital" has decided to make a comic comparison MZKT 8022 and ...

At the plant revealed several rarities. About this I can not tell.

But it's a real truck apocalypse. MAZ-7907. Angle is not the best, does not convey the enormity of the whole, it blocked the other machines. 30 meters long (nine-height), all 24 four-wheel drive. It had to be mounted ballistic missile complex Celina-2. While there were tests, the Cold War is over, and the only thing that managed this monster ten years after construction - in 1995, to carry the 40-meter and 100-ton ship from Borisov Lake Naroch.

And finally, a photo of mystery. What is happening in the picture? The first thing coming to mind an assumption - wrong. The answer will be a little later.

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