IQ-rate people using IE, lower than that of other users of browsers!

Frankly, unless you never occurred to him that you have to be an idiot to use the Internet Explorer, when there is in many ways superior to its Safari, Chrome or Firefox? If earlier such an idea could be considered unfounded or an exaggeration, but now there empirical evidence for this proposition.
According to the latest research conducted by the Vancouver consultancy Aptiquant, IQ-figure people using IE, lower than users of rival browsers. The company conducted an experiment during which proposed to go online tests IQ. The proposal used by more than 100 thousand. Man. Then the report was prepared, according to which found the average IQ score for each user browser.
What are the results? Just glancing at the table, you can clearly see that Internet Explorer users have IQ below average. Do users Chrome, Firefox and Safari was slightly higher, but users from Camino, Opera and IE with Chrome Frame was exceptionally high level of IQ.
For example, data such studies seem to be very controversial, which is true, but still have Aptiquant appeared a powerful tool that allows you to hit the reputation of the popular browser.
Overall, not too surprising that people with high intelligence usually prefer a more docile and less popular browser. Anyway, the next time you tell that someone using Internet Explorer, a complete idiot, you're actually right.