Classification of individuals in games
Good time of day, dear reader. In this article I will try to tell briefly about the main types of people in the MMO projects. And so proceed.
This creature, devoted his life to conquer spaces of different MMO. Distinguished by high achievements in most of these projects, but mostly not because of talent, but it is a lot of time spent in the game. As a rule, are a subspecies shkoloty zadrotov.
It inhabits this kind of creatures in the dark areas near the consoles or PC. It eats everything that comes handy and does not require much time for preparation.
This being poorly adapted to survive in the outside world, and virtually no ability to reproduce. For science it is still a mystery survival of the species.
This species is more perfect than the body with zadrotov. Usually zadrotov is evolving and has more developed nervous system. Able not only to sit for days in front of the monitor, but also to perform more complex actions (familiarity with individuals of the opposite sex, a meeting with other members of the community, and possibly even training!).
It lives mainly in areas near polumrachnyh PC but able to retreat to the great distance from his lair.
It feeds more complicated dishes than Zadrot. This creature is able to reproduce. But they are not engaged in willingly.
Among Gamers can select a separate subspecies - Old School Gamer.
This subspecies is particularly mothers. Often sighs that were once the game more complex and interesting.
You can and should identify separately Gamers professional.
The main difference of this group is:
- Social (to achieve their goals the group members together in flocks, which are themselves called "Clan»)
- High levels of skill (many hours spent on honing skills, strategizing and more)
Troll MMO is no different from Troll of forum or any other. This creature is entirely the spinal cord, but there are some individuals with a developed nervous system capable of subtle trolling.
This being associated with the IMO are very few and mostly appears in the games for a change of scenery. A kind of vacation that does not need to take the wife / mistress, children, dog and other animals.

This creature, devoted his life to conquer spaces of different MMO. Distinguished by high achievements in most of these projects, but mostly not because of talent, but it is a lot of time spent in the game. As a rule, are a subspecies shkoloty zadrotov.
It inhabits this kind of creatures in the dark areas near the consoles or PC. It eats everything that comes handy and does not require much time for preparation.
This being poorly adapted to survive in the outside world, and virtually no ability to reproduce. For science it is still a mystery survival of the species.

This species is more perfect than the body with zadrotov. Usually zadrotov is evolving and has more developed nervous system. Able not only to sit for days in front of the monitor, but also to perform more complex actions (familiarity with individuals of the opposite sex, a meeting with other members of the community, and possibly even training!).
It lives mainly in areas near polumrachnyh PC but able to retreat to the great distance from his lair.
It feeds more complicated dishes than Zadrot. This creature is able to reproduce. But they are not engaged in willingly.
Among Gamers can select a separate subspecies - Old School Gamer.

This subspecies is particularly mothers. Often sighs that were once the game more complex and interesting.
You can and should identify separately Gamers professional.

The main difference of this group is:
- Social (to achieve their goals the group members together in flocks, which are themselves called "Clan»)
- High levels of skill (many hours spent on honing skills, strategizing and more)

Troll MMO is no different from Troll of forum or any other. This creature is entirely the spinal cord, but there are some individuals with a developed nervous system capable of subtle trolling.
This being associated with the IMO are very few and mostly appears in the games for a change of scenery. A kind of vacation that does not need to take the wife / mistress, children, dog and other animals.