The most expensive attractions

The famous Eiffel Tower, which is considered the symbol of Paris, not once fell on top of all sorts of ratings. And now it became known that the Parisian tower topped the list of most expensive architectural sights in Europe, and far ahead of all its "competitors".
Experts Chamber of Commerce of the province of Monza and Brianza evaluated several dozen nominated monuments of architecture and after the end of the study announced its results. With a large margin the first place was taken by the Eiffel Tower, estimated at 435 billion euros. In second place is located the Roman Coliseum with a score of 91 billion euros. In third place with a small gap from the runner (90 billion. Euros) remained famous gothic cathedral Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. Architect Antonio Gaudi did not have time to finish it during his lifetime. The construction of this temple is still going on, with the funds for its construction are going through voluntary donations.
The drafters of the rating also noted Milan Cathedral (82 billion. Euros) and the Prado Museum in Madrid (59 billion. Euros). Unfortunately, the Moscow Kremlin is among the most expensive architectural monuments in Europe has not got.