Unusual owners of large corporations
In order to create a huge corporation, you need to have a remarkable intellect, enormous abilities and incredible talent. But very often it happens that the talent and great potential combined with no less strange. Meet with a small selection of just such general directors of world famous corporations.
Steve Jobs - one of the main creators of the world's first commercially successful personal computer and the founders of the corporation Apple Inc, which has more than 230 patents on various inventions, according to the well-known business by Fortune magazine among the most malicious "egomaniac". In 1993 he headed the list of "the coolest American bosses", compiled by the same magazine. In the clothing adheres to Steve Jobs own style - it day in and day dresses in blue jeans Levi's, New Balance sneakers and a black turtleneck. He pesketrianets - do not eat meat of warm-blooded animals, but can afford a little bit of fish and seafood. His car Mercedes SL55 AMG is no license plates. His salary as CEO of Apple $ 1 a year, but his fortune exceeds $ 5 billion, and the list of the richest people in the world in 2010 according to Forbes, Steve Jobs took the 136 th place.
Mark Zuckerberg took the 7th place in the list of the richest Americans in 2010 according to Forbes. In addition, he is the developer of social network Facebook, as well as the youngest billionaire in history. Mark is known by many original tricks. For example, he used without any serious grounds to call their colleagues on the fencing bouts. It is said that the young billionaire lives in a rented apartment, where there is no furniture, no TV. But to fully acquainted with the extraordinary personality of Mark Zuckerberg, you can watch the film "The Social Network", although the Mark Zuckerberg stresses that there is the creation of the film nothing.
On the business card Seth Pribacha, founder and CEO of SCVNGR, emblazoned inscription, notifying that before you himself "chief ninja» SCVNGR. His study scored avtomobilchikov models, and the chief ninja never parted with their favorite sunglasses poisonous orange, which he wears on his head.
Jeff Bezos - the founder of the largest in terms of turnover online store Amazon.com and one of the richest men in the world. Today, he can afford to establish and finance their own company Blue Origin, is engaged in space flight. The business plan for its ultra-successful project Amazon.com he created during a trip from New York to Seattle, and create the company began in his garage, with no means to anything else. About him it says that it combines a terrible recklessness and meticulous in every detail.
Caterina Fake - Hunch co-founder of the website and service Flickr, which enjoys great popularity among bloggers. In his blog, she said that it is extremely interested in the dog, duct tape and weather. Fake winner of numerous awards, and in 2006, Time magazine included it in the list of the hundred most influential people.
Steven Anthony Ballmer took over as CEO of Microsoft Corporation in January 2008. In 2007, his fortune reached $ 15 billion. Ballmer is the first person in the world who became a billionaire, thanks to options received from the employer, without being any the founder nor a relative of the founder. He is known for his intransigent hatred for the iPhone, which makes the company Apple - the eternal rival Microsoft. Once he even wins and threw this smartphone from your employee. Appearances Ballmer on stage during the event Microsoft ever become hits Internet video. One of the most famous videos shows how he selflessly to sweat, shouting «Developers!» (Software developers) during the developer conference.
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Steve Jobs - one of the main creators of the world's first commercially successful personal computer and the founders of the corporation Apple Inc, which has more than 230 patents on various inventions, according to the well-known business by Fortune magazine among the most malicious "egomaniac". In 1993 he headed the list of "the coolest American bosses", compiled by the same magazine. In the clothing adheres to Steve Jobs own style - it day in and day dresses in blue jeans Levi's, New Balance sneakers and a black turtleneck. He pesketrianets - do not eat meat of warm-blooded animals, but can afford a little bit of fish and seafood. His car Mercedes SL55 AMG is no license plates. His salary as CEO of Apple $ 1 a year, but his fortune exceeds $ 5 billion, and the list of the richest people in the world in 2010 according to Forbes, Steve Jobs took the 136 th place.

Mark Zuckerberg took the 7th place in the list of the richest Americans in 2010 according to Forbes. In addition, he is the developer of social network Facebook, as well as the youngest billionaire in history. Mark is known by many original tricks. For example, he used without any serious grounds to call their colleagues on the fencing bouts. It is said that the young billionaire lives in a rented apartment, where there is no furniture, no TV. But to fully acquainted with the extraordinary personality of Mark Zuckerberg, you can watch the film "The Social Network", although the Mark Zuckerberg stresses that there is the creation of the film nothing.

On the business card Seth Pribacha, founder and CEO of SCVNGR, emblazoned inscription, notifying that before you himself "chief ninja» SCVNGR. His study scored avtomobilchikov models, and the chief ninja never parted with their favorite sunglasses poisonous orange, which he wears on his head.

Jeff Bezos - the founder of the largest in terms of turnover online store Amazon.com and one of the richest men in the world. Today, he can afford to establish and finance their own company Blue Origin, is engaged in space flight. The business plan for its ultra-successful project Amazon.com he created during a trip from New York to Seattle, and create the company began in his garage, with no means to anything else. About him it says that it combines a terrible recklessness and meticulous in every detail.

Caterina Fake - Hunch co-founder of the website and service Flickr, which enjoys great popularity among bloggers. In his blog, she said that it is extremely interested in the dog, duct tape and weather. Fake winner of numerous awards, and in 2006, Time magazine included it in the list of the hundred most influential people.

Steven Anthony Ballmer took over as CEO of Microsoft Corporation in January 2008. In 2007, his fortune reached $ 15 billion. Ballmer is the first person in the world who became a billionaire, thanks to options received from the employer, without being any the founder nor a relative of the founder. He is known for his intransigent hatred for the iPhone, which makes the company Apple - the eternal rival Microsoft. Once he even wins and threw this smartphone from your employee. Appearances Ballmer on stage during the event Microsoft ever become hits Internet video. One of the most famous videos shows how he selflessly to sweat, shouting «Developers!» (Software developers) during the developer conference.

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