Frisbees Iii Reich
A few days ago I looked transfer about Nikola Tesla (as he played David Bowie in the movie "The Prestige"!). They mentioned his project of a flying machine to a magnetic field, and then told us that the Nazis used his knowledge to create a "flying disk" and quickly showed cutting out pictures.
Who did not see, see below:
Driving aircraft developed Tesla 20-ies:
In a special section SS, called "Ananerbe" engaged in non-classical science (find Shambhala, Hyperborea, Atlantis, the Holy Grail (remember the "Indiana Jones"?) And all sorts of secret knowledge) formed a department under the code name «VRIL-Haunebu» (generally translated - God knows) to create a new type of flying machines:
Next were Haunebu2:
Who did not see, see below:
Driving aircraft developed Tesla 20-ies:
In a special section SS, called "Ananerbe" engaged in non-classical science (find Shambhala, Hyperborea, Atlantis, the Holy Grail (remember the "Indiana Jones"?) And all sorts of secret knowledge) formed a department under the code name «VRIL-Haunebu» (generally translated - God knows) to create a new type of flying machines:
Next were Haunebu2: