"Photoshop" in the domestic environment
In general, in the early 2000s, a mountain-muschschina engaged in robbery, but it was under threat of violence thrust bags etc. at the fairer sex. And their happiness in a freshly spizzhennoy purse found MVD employee identity, and determined not to lose a fortune from hand decided to "otfotoshopit" ksivu. According to the results armed with whitewash, glue and their photos I made a crust.
So he stayed and not get caught if I had not dropped his identity in the eyes of police officers, which seemed odd that form on ksivu women.
In short, it tied and license confiscated.
Here he is, and his handiwork in the continuation ...
3 photos via leprosorium
So he stayed and not get caught if I had not dropped his identity in the eyes of police officers, which seemed odd that form on ksivu women.
In short, it tied and license confiscated.
Here he is, and his handiwork in the continuation ...
3 photos via leprosorium

