South African wedding
What is the wedding of Russian, the three buckets of vodka, fun, drunken brawl, when all the fighting and in the end everything seems to be satisfied with such a move. And that's what a wedding in the African, I'll show you the example of South African President Jacob Zuma. His current wife is the fifth in a row, with the former, he probably did not get along. And the ceremony itself, as requested by his administration, was held in the narrow family circle. That's just the circle has appeared numerous. Since in May 2009. Zulu Jacob Zuma became president, the people of South Africa and the press arguing about which of his wives would be first lady. The president himself appears in the last months of public events accompanied by his two wives and brides Tobeki Mabidzhi. Two years ago, Jacob Zuma paid family Mabidzhi "ilobolo '(bride price). The commitment of the President tribal traditions of polygamy does not approve all South Africans. In particular, many young people in South Africa believes that in today's society there is no place of polygamy.
4 Photo © Rajesh Jantilal, AFP via durakdurakom
Happy bride ...
4 Photo © Rajesh Jantilal, AFP via durakdurakom
Happy bride ...



