Stay out of the bottle
Giant bottle height of 12 meters and weighing eight tons, filled with mangled cars, set at 26 km of the Minsk highway in Odintsovo. The idea and execution of the project belongs Zavod Consulting Agency, with the support of the Russian Union of Insurers.
11 ph via odintsovo.info
The purpose of the installation of the bottle - to show citizens the consequences of finding a driving while intoxicated, and that sometimes turns into a car after an accident. What here to speak about the person in the car ... A pile of metal placed in a bottle - fragments of real cars, which injured people.
As explained by traffic police inspector, a police captain Yevgeny Voronin, "monument" drunk drivers in our city are not put because Odintsovo district is the drinking. "The program on road safety is implemented continuously, and the installation of the bottle - is one way to improve the situation on the roads. If at least one driver out of a hundred will think that drinking and driving is impossible, and the realization that it will save lives, it will be great, "- said Voronin.
According to the chief of traffic police Odintsovo district, Vladimir Yegorov, the installation location of the bottle is not accidental. Here cross two streams of vehicles - from Mozhaisk and the Minsk highway, traffic intensive, so the "monument" will see the highest number of drivers. Everything else, Minsk highway - transit route, and pay attention to the installation visitors, Odintsovo District.
Earlier bottle with the slogan "I drank - not anymore! Break it! "Was the World Trade Center on the Krasnopresnenskaya embankment and on the Leningrad highway capital. Odintsovo unusual monument will stay for about two months.
Note that after the appearance of the bottle in our country, visual agitation against drunkenness interested and abroad. On motives of the project of the Russian agency Zavod, such a "monument" established in Israel. Soon there will be a bottle, and in some other countries.
11 ph via odintsovo.info

The purpose of the installation of the bottle - to show citizens the consequences of finding a driving while intoxicated, and that sometimes turns into a car after an accident. What here to speak about the person in the car ... A pile of metal placed in a bottle - fragments of real cars, which injured people.



As explained by traffic police inspector, a police captain Yevgeny Voronin, "monument" drunk drivers in our city are not put because Odintsovo district is the drinking. "The program on road safety is implemented continuously, and the installation of the bottle - is one way to improve the situation on the roads. If at least one driver out of a hundred will think that drinking and driving is impossible, and the realization that it will save lives, it will be great, "- said Voronin.

According to the chief of traffic police Odintsovo district, Vladimir Yegorov, the installation location of the bottle is not accidental. Here cross two streams of vehicles - from Mozhaisk and the Minsk highway, traffic intensive, so the "monument" will see the highest number of drivers. Everything else, Minsk highway - transit route, and pay attention to the installation visitors, Odintsovo District.

Earlier bottle with the slogan "I drank - not anymore! Break it! "Was the World Trade Center on the Krasnopresnenskaya embankment and on the Leningrad highway capital. Odintsovo unusual monument will stay for about two months.

Note that after the appearance of the bottle in our country, visual agitation against drunkenness interested and abroad. On motives of the project of the Russian agency Zavod, such a "monument" established in Israel. Soon there will be a bottle, and in some other countries.



