Earth as Art
A collection of pictures "Earth as Art" presents the US Geological Survey and NASA. All pictures are taken by satellite Lendset. The collection shows the beauty of our planet's geographic features.
18 ph via msnbc.msn.com
1. The Algerian abstraction
In this image can be seen a pale yellow stripes. This is actually a sandy ridges Erg Igidi. Shifting sands region, stretching from Algeria to Mauritania.
2. Anyuiskiy volcano
Red stripe in the center of the image - are the remnants of lava and mud flows. Their source - a dormant volcano Anyuiskiy (orange circle on the right end of the strip), located in the north-east of the country. Remote and inaccessible area - a collection of high volcanic peaks, steep valleys and wild rivers.
3. Belcher Islands
Belcher Islands look like the broad strokes of pink and green colors on the dark blue waters of the Canadian Hudson Bay.
4. Byrd Glacier
This river of ice, called the Byrd Glacier, quickly moving through the Transantarctic Mountains. Glacier slides down from the polar plateau (left) to the Ross Ice Shelf at a speed of 800m per year. In the photo the long sweeping lines intersect short. Short are cracks in the ice, called crevasses. Also pictured is seen red uchastki- rock outcroppings.
5. Caribbean Luxury
Caicos Islands in the northern Caribbean popular attraction for tourists. The resort is known for beautiful beaches, clear waters and snorkeling. In this photo shore of the island turned turquoise and red vegetation.
6. Empty Quarter
Tiny clouds suggest shadows on brown sand Rub al Kali, or Empty Quarter, on the border of Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Sand lines characteristic of the vast desert or sand seas. Ridge line breaks sand lines.
7. Ice Stars
Drifting ice in the frigid waters of the Basin Fox about Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic similar to the nebula of interstellar dust of distant galaxies.
8. Icelandic Tiger
Continuation of the north coast of Iceland resembles the head of a tiger for its orange, black and white stripes. Tiger's mouth - a deep fjord, which is part of the mainland between steep mountains. It is called the great Eyyafyordur, which translated means "island fjord." Name went from a small Icelandic island chrysene. The shape of the island resembles a tear and is in the "tiger's mouth".
9. flown away island
Canadian Akimiski Island island in the James Bay lying under a layer of ice. With climate change, the ice came down and Akimiski Island is slowly but surely began to move away from the mainland. As a result of waves of one of its sides has become a semi-circular.
10. Winding Mississippi
Small squares of cities, fields and pastures surrounded by wonderful curls Mississippi River. "Mighty Mississippi" is the largest river system in North America
11. Island Meige
Satellite image Lendset seen as almost Snow veil veiled Island Meige (left) off the northern coast of Canada. Across the Channel Serdup is larger island of Axel Heiberg Island, where the glaciers accumulate in deep fjords rocks.
12. Mount Elgon
Clouds surround the summit of Mount Elgon in Africa. A huge, high extinct volcano located on the border between Uganda and Kenya. This volcano has the largest caldera in the world - at the end of recess volcano crater with a diameter of 6.5 kilometers.
13. Remote Tundra
Elongated land like bony hands in Liverpool Bay area in the north-west of Canada. This pattern can be observed during the short Arctic summer, when the local landscape covered with small lakes.
14. Break the Rocky Mountains
Thick red stripe, is actually a play of light from clouds in the Canadian Rockies. Low clouds filled the part of the fault near the border between the Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia. Sunlight reflected from clouds led to this stunning effect.
15. Siberian Feeds
Bright colors and whimsical shapes are combined in an illustration of the fairy tale. This exotic maze made by the winds that blow from the Chaun Bay in the north-eastern Siberia. It can be seen at the bottom of the picture.
16. Monster Darja
Darja peninsula in western Turkmenistan is located on the coast of the Caspian Sea. Strong winds create huge dunes near the water, forming something like a bizarre monster.
17. Van Gogh with space
Near the Swedish island of Gotland, in the dark waters of the Baltic Sea, a large crowd of green phytoplankton form a pattern in the style of paintings by Van Gogh "Starry Night."
18. End of the Yukon River
Yukon River originates in northern British Columbia, flowing through the territory of Canada, Alaska and crosses empties into the Bering Sea. Yukon Delta is one of the biggest in the world. Countless lakes, marshes and ponds scattered throughout the Yukon Delta. Meandering waterways and branching similar to blood vessels.
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18 ph via msnbc.msn.com
1. The Algerian abstraction
In this image can be seen a pale yellow stripes. This is actually a sandy ridges Erg Igidi. Shifting sands region, stretching from Algeria to Mauritania.

2. Anyuiskiy volcano
Red stripe in the center of the image - are the remnants of lava and mud flows. Their source - a dormant volcano Anyuiskiy (orange circle on the right end of the strip), located in the north-east of the country. Remote and inaccessible area - a collection of high volcanic peaks, steep valleys and wild rivers.

3. Belcher Islands
Belcher Islands look like the broad strokes of pink and green colors on the dark blue waters of the Canadian Hudson Bay.

4. Byrd Glacier
This river of ice, called the Byrd Glacier, quickly moving through the Transantarctic Mountains. Glacier slides down from the polar plateau (left) to the Ross Ice Shelf at a speed of 800m per year. In the photo the long sweeping lines intersect short. Short are cracks in the ice, called crevasses. Also pictured is seen red uchastki- rock outcroppings.

5. Caribbean Luxury
Caicos Islands in the northern Caribbean popular attraction for tourists. The resort is known for beautiful beaches, clear waters and snorkeling. In this photo shore of the island turned turquoise and red vegetation.

6. Empty Quarter
Tiny clouds suggest shadows on brown sand Rub al Kali, or Empty Quarter, on the border of Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Sand lines characteristic of the vast desert or sand seas. Ridge line breaks sand lines.

7. Ice Stars
Drifting ice in the frigid waters of the Basin Fox about Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic similar to the nebula of interstellar dust of distant galaxies.

8. Icelandic Tiger
Continuation of the north coast of Iceland resembles the head of a tiger for its orange, black and white stripes. Tiger's mouth - a deep fjord, which is part of the mainland between steep mountains. It is called the great Eyyafyordur, which translated means "island fjord." Name went from a small Icelandic island chrysene. The shape of the island resembles a tear and is in the "tiger's mouth".

9. flown away island
Canadian Akimiski Island island in the James Bay lying under a layer of ice. With climate change, the ice came down and Akimiski Island is slowly but surely began to move away from the mainland. As a result of waves of one of its sides has become a semi-circular.

10. Winding Mississippi
Small squares of cities, fields and pastures surrounded by wonderful curls Mississippi River. "Mighty Mississippi" is the largest river system in North America

11. Island Meige
Satellite image Lendset seen as almost Snow veil veiled Island Meige (left) off the northern coast of Canada. Across the Channel Serdup is larger island of Axel Heiberg Island, where the glaciers accumulate in deep fjords rocks.

12. Mount Elgon
Clouds surround the summit of Mount Elgon in Africa. A huge, high extinct volcano located on the border between Uganda and Kenya. This volcano has the largest caldera in the world - at the end of recess volcano crater with a diameter of 6.5 kilometers.

13. Remote Tundra
Elongated land like bony hands in Liverpool Bay area in the north-west of Canada. This pattern can be observed during the short Arctic summer, when the local landscape covered with small lakes.

14. Break the Rocky Mountains
Thick red stripe, is actually a play of light from clouds in the Canadian Rockies. Low clouds filled the part of the fault near the border between the Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia. Sunlight reflected from clouds led to this stunning effect.

15. Siberian Feeds
Bright colors and whimsical shapes are combined in an illustration of the fairy tale. This exotic maze made by the winds that blow from the Chaun Bay in the north-eastern Siberia. It can be seen at the bottom of the picture.

16. Monster Darja
Darja peninsula in western Turkmenistan is located on the coast of the Caspian Sea. Strong winds create huge dunes near the water, forming something like a bizarre monster.

17. Van Gogh with space
Near the Swedish island of Gotland, in the dark waters of the Baltic Sea, a large crowd of green phytoplankton form a pattern in the style of paintings by Van Gogh "Starry Night."

18. End of the Yukon River
Yukon River originates in northern British Columbia, flowing through the territory of Canada, Alaska and crosses empties into the Bering Sea. Yukon Delta is one of the biggest in the world. Countless lakes, marshes and ponds scattered throughout the Yukon Delta. Meandering waterways and branching similar to blood vessels.

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