Report from the disciplinary battalion
For a more complete disclosure of incomplete threads in the gazebo It disciplinary battalion, the text of the author. Writes onepamop
28 separate disciplinary battalion in Moulineaux - one of two remaining Russian disciplinary battalion. The second - near Chita. But in those days, when the disciplinary battalion in the country was more Mulino was considered one of the safest, if not the word "welfare" and "disciplinary battalion" can be placed next. A few hours spent in this institution inspires respect, I think it turned out to be extremely useful. A rare power source of knowledge of life.
Disciplinary Battalion - not a prison and a military unit. Serve in the \ h 12801 Two types of personnel - fixed and variable. Soldiers of varying composition - are those that are within the protected perimeter. Get inside at different times, from three months to two years. At the moment, 170 of the "guests" of the 800 possible.
48 photos
Knowledgeable people explained: call in a disciplinary battalion - the task is not so simple. I mean, there are a few "accidentally stumbled," many of those who managed to acquire his work is quite significant personal "glory." Army - not the House of weights and measures and right-flank scout troop, is a huge organization, which is constantly happening inside the strangest mass violations and deviations. And some have to strain to be personally seen against the general background. Some do not regret it forces.
The disciplinary battalion many of those who indulged in the so-called hazing. Otherwise, such relations are called "hazing" or "godkovschinoy." One of the most common types of bullying - beating colleagues. In addition to the "executioners" great and the percentage of "Sochi residents" (op - absence without leave), or, as they are called - "skiers". Generally speaking, the articles on which the soldiers convicted of variable composition, not so much.
For example, article 335 of the Criminal Code. Infringement of authorized rules on mutual relation between military men at absence of subordination relations between them. Infringement of authorized rules on mutual relation between military men at absence of subordination relations between them related to the honor and dignity of the victim, or any mockery involving violence, punishable by detention in a disciplinary military unit for a term not exceeding two years, or imprisonment for up to three years. And in sub-article.
Or Article 337. Autocratic leaving unit or place of service. Autocratic leaving unit or place of service, as well as absence without valid excuse at the service of the dismissal of a part in the appointment, transfer, from a business trip, vacation or hospital lasting more than two days, but not more than ten days, perfect undergoing military conscription - is punished by imprisonment for up to six months or maintenance to disciplinary military unit for the term up to one year. And again, a bunch of sub-items.
There is a disciplinary battalion former thieves, brawlers, thieves, hooligans and unprincipled just amazing caliber of fools (for those interested - almost hour movie with real stories). But rapists, murderers and other criminals there. For these places are different kind.
Here, incidentally, is a very big question arises - where, in fact, better in the disciplinary battalion or in prison? Personally, I do not know the right answer, but I suspect that for most of the disciplinary battalion drove healthier prison. But this is my fantasy of course, as it is there in fact - I do not know. But I know that there were no marks of criminal records in the passport soldier, spend time in the disciplinary battalion - no. Military Commissioner, of course, will not be difficult to understand what lies behind the lines about staying in at \ h 12801, but for the rest, not privy to - a reputation untarnished. This, it is believed, in some circumstances for a young man can be expensive.
"Nothing makes life easier for a soldier, as a discipline ...»
The companies - only ordinary. Past achievements, titles and distinctions in the standings do not go. Occupation troops and specialization also play no role. Sailor, motostrelok, border guard or "Vova" - all the same kindly taken into the bosom of the disciplinary battalion. Shear shaved and disguised in a new uniform. A time when the disciplinary battalion wore Red Army uniform of 1943 - passed. Forage caps with stars, trousers and gimnastёrok with collar warehouses anymore.
Soldiers dressed in the usual "camouflage." Above the form of white paint over the stencil marked numbers mouth and the words convoy full back. This is to avoid confusion between a constant and variable composition. Another visible difference between the compositions - instead overcoat jackets. Although, as you can see in the picture, and jackets too. Shoes pretty is uniform - boots. The frost - boots. Boots, by the way, we met in terms of the soldiers convicted downright shine. Buckles at the soldiers, on the contrary, faded, field. Some reason, painted with green paint.
Inside the protected perimeter bars on the windows, buffer gates of metal mesh and other restrictions. Sleeping quarters in barracks separate lockable lattice metal door. If the itch night fighter in the toilet - it should be noted in the special list, and proceed to the place of departure of natural needs strictly in splendid isolation. Even together, for example, at night to rush to the toilet is impossible.
While we photographed orderly, sleeping in the barracks outfit received the command, "Rise!" Vacationers instantly soared over the beds and crisp short formation marched into the room for washing.
The national question in part is missing, all sorts of "national groups" and other kuchkovaniya not encouraged. But the so-called "Caucasians" - present. About one fourth of the 170 present "condemnation" - from the Caucasus. Among them there are mistakenly consider themselves stubborn and inflexible citizens. When stopped at a disciplinary battalion fiery fighter for the rights of its men's list of proposed treats seems full enough - there is healing guardhouse. The tenure there - up to 30 days. Court decisions do not require enough faith commander.
If the thirty days to "lip" seem a joke - the procedure can be repeated. Until now, they say, it helps everyone. The output of attraction to work on a creative and physical labor in the name of society have condemned and erring warrior sharply increased. But "diet food" in the form of bread and water in the guardhouse was canceled. The food is there the inmates and a disciplinary battalion fighters alike.
Outside the "variables" of soldiers guarding the other soldiers - from the permanent staff. In addition to the shooters on the guard stand ferocious guard dogs and special equipment. Object Modal, guards moved in the "armor", helmets and fixed bayonets, and in which case, to have the right to open fire. Shoot able, live firing of the command spends almost ezhepyatnichno, good range in Mulino huge, plenty of room for hand protection and self-propelled guns.
"We are working together with a friend on diesel ...»
Labor front for the military variable composition - circle. Starting from the barracks, shining almost sterile cleanliness, absolutely square drifts around the parade ground and finishing the painstaking manufacturing scale mockups of the local museum.
Who does not know how to do layout of parts, ships and aircraft - making concrete blocks and other concrete structures, loading, digging, it is, sews - but you never know what can make a soldier, if he skillfully order! The work is enough for everyone, but not everyone is trusted by important sectors of production. First you have to prove themselves. They say it is profitable erring soldier
In some cases, convicted soldiers may come under parole (parole). Such happiness must be earned. The standings are knowledge of military regulations, differences in the drill, discipline and flawless progress on the labor front. Usually stay in the disciplinary battalion in the life of a soldier is canceled and returned to his unit (or in the one where he was sent after his release) dosluzhivat position. But it is not rare and the situation when a soldier from the disciplinary battalion is sent straight home.
In the meantime, there is no question about the house, to visit the convicted soldiers can come closest relatives. Neskolkochasovye allowed short visits (if you can not - telephone) and four visits lasting for three days every year. For such cases, there is a special hotel. At the time of staying with my parents, of course, a soldier relieved from work and employment.
The disciplinary battalion can send the parcel. The list of prohibited items brought to the attention of each fighter, all the rest - it is possible. The package is delivered in a part of the postman, the inventory posting is loaded into kaptёrku, after which the owner is free to dispose of an application for benefits on your own. The standard way - to get a piece before sending the next intake of food in the dining room and share with friends. Separately, he clarified the issue with cigarettes: If cigarettes are sending disciplinary battalion - a fighter does not smoke. Because buy it with money and a mobile phone does not have. Not allowed.
The food and the constant and variable composition of the same. Canteens met our group common to such institutions odor and rows of tables and benches. Ware, of course, not from Bohemian glass, but clean and neatly arranged. Kitchen with stainless steel boiler, sink with towels and soap, daily changing menu on the stand at the entrance - just like in other parts of the military, which I have visited.
After the "tour" on the part of the audience was given the opportunity to hear a brief history of the four fighters disciplinary battalion. Most of them are harmless, "gunners". Escape from the home side, I ran for three days, and now nine months to hold the fence in Moulineaux. Beside him, a guy with a Georgian surname, and restless eyes. Beat officer shoot it on video, and this broke vidimokameru. Why is that? What for? Unclear. 10 months for reflection.
Best kept former sergeant, who served for 11 months zadembelevavshy and on this basis to express themselves in serious injuries. The Mulino arrived at 2 years. I looked at all of an eagle, probably a sturdy nut. In the eyes of the rest it was dark and scary. Young boys aroused sympathy, which is already there. Among them were wonderful characters. Now, all together waiting for exciting activities to redress for themselves.
We were escorted by officers available explained: trimming and relentless okvadrachivanie snow, constant walking system, an easy cast concrete blocks in the industrial zone, and many months zubrёzh the same, a hundred times already annoying Charter - class, of course, stupid. It is clear to everyone, especially civil. Explanatory classes - it's extortion, theft, escape, assault, theft of motor vehicles, unauthorized absences to his mother and arrivals in the next holiday with overworking yourself many days of booze mixed with indiscriminate looting confused citizens. Other Well really matter!
From traction to such passions in disciplinary battalion eliminate with the help of therapists. As we stood on the parade ground, several groups of men with crowbars, shovels and brooms defiled in different directions, smartly measured pace of mёrzlomu asphalt. On the parade ground soldiers marching disciplinary battalion or (more often - in the ranks, but sometimes individually) or run run. Drill and exercise are closely intertwined and fills almost the entire leisure serviceman. In general, the impression that the soldiers of variable composition in the disciplinary battalion or tends to stand to attention and immediately run to run.
In the so-called "Free time" military disciplinary battalion can turn to faith. On the territory of the disciplinary battalion arms convicted erected a small, very neat Orthodox church. For Muslims, there is a prayer room. In rare moments of leisure faithful soldiers have the opportunity to reflect on their immortal souls. Places of worship in the military unit is not empty.
Ran out whether disciplinary battalion? Ran. But rarely, and fail. One of the cases recorded escape in 2008. Escape ended sadly after warning shots into the air guards opened fire on the fugitive, shot him with both feet, and guard dogs and bitten more wounded. But here it is not necessary to look for the guilty, all the participants of the event for sure know what they are going and what should be expected. The Mulino is not Hollywood, many kilometers of heated ventilitsionnyh manholes and baskets of linen to ensure a comfortable escape to be found.
There have been stories in the disciplinary battalion and highly resourceful soldiers, one decided to escape through the window at the sheets directly from the hotel, where the parents came from, and the other bravely ate nails and other metal objects. It wanted the hospital to rest. Nails of the entertainer removed and transferred to a museum piece. There are stored and other items seized from (of) convicts - syringes, homemade playing cards, primitive sharpening knives and other useful stuff.
No, let me emphasize once more reds, no horror in the arrangement of the notice could not be other than those that were shown at every step: cleanliness, monotony, full employment. Without any jokes - 8:00 drill and physical training 8 hours of study manuals, 8 hours of sleep, moving strictly within the perimeter jogging or marched, inspection of construction, strict implementation of the agenda, the daily drill stand not everyone. Charters, for example, to study the complete amazement and the confluence of the military trance, only on this basis can the mind move! There is no doubt - a serious place. In those soldiers variable composition once everything is clear. It is not necessary, they say, get here, but only late in the day illuminates
I do not know whether useful in later life soldiers received disciplinary battalion skills, but from a conversation with a soldier of constant composition revealed: knowledge of regulations still make life easier on either side of the barbed wire. It looks like a soldier knows what he is talking about.
28 separate disciplinary battalion in Moulineaux - one of two remaining Russian disciplinary battalion. The second - near Chita. But in those days, when the disciplinary battalion in the country was more Mulino was considered one of the safest, if not the word "welfare" and "disciplinary battalion" can be placed next. A few hours spent in this institution inspires respect, I think it turned out to be extremely useful. A rare power source of knowledge of life.
Disciplinary Battalion - not a prison and a military unit. Serve in the \ h 12801 Two types of personnel - fixed and variable. Soldiers of varying composition - are those that are within the protected perimeter. Get inside at different times, from three months to two years. At the moment, 170 of the "guests" of the 800 possible.
48 photos

Knowledgeable people explained: call in a disciplinary battalion - the task is not so simple. I mean, there are a few "accidentally stumbled," many of those who managed to acquire his work is quite significant personal "glory." Army - not the House of weights and measures and right-flank scout troop, is a huge organization, which is constantly happening inside the strangest mass violations and deviations. And some have to strain to be personally seen against the general background. Some do not regret it forces.
The disciplinary battalion many of those who indulged in the so-called hazing. Otherwise, such relations are called "hazing" or "godkovschinoy." One of the most common types of bullying - beating colleagues. In addition to the "executioners" great and the percentage of "Sochi residents" (op - absence without leave), or, as they are called - "skiers". Generally speaking, the articles on which the soldiers convicted of variable composition, not so much.
For example, article 335 of the Criminal Code. Infringement of authorized rules on mutual relation between military men at absence of subordination relations between them. Infringement of authorized rules on mutual relation between military men at absence of subordination relations between them related to the honor and dignity of the victim, or any mockery involving violence, punishable by detention in a disciplinary military unit for a term not exceeding two years, or imprisonment for up to three years. And in sub-article.
Or Article 337. Autocratic leaving unit or place of service. Autocratic leaving unit or place of service, as well as absence without valid excuse at the service of the dismissal of a part in the appointment, transfer, from a business trip, vacation or hospital lasting more than two days, but not more than ten days, perfect undergoing military conscription - is punished by imprisonment for up to six months or maintenance to disciplinary military unit for the term up to one year. And again, a bunch of sub-items.
There is a disciplinary battalion former thieves, brawlers, thieves, hooligans and unprincipled just amazing caliber of fools (for those interested - almost hour movie with real stories). But rapists, murderers and other criminals there. For these places are different kind.
Here, incidentally, is a very big question arises - where, in fact, better in the disciplinary battalion or in prison? Personally, I do not know the right answer, but I suspect that for most of the disciplinary battalion drove healthier prison. But this is my fantasy of course, as it is there in fact - I do not know. But I know that there were no marks of criminal records in the passport soldier, spend time in the disciplinary battalion - no. Military Commissioner, of course, will not be difficult to understand what lies behind the lines about staying in at \ h 12801, but for the rest, not privy to - a reputation untarnished. This, it is believed, in some circumstances for a young man can be expensive.

"Nothing makes life easier for a soldier, as a discipline ...»
The companies - only ordinary. Past achievements, titles and distinctions in the standings do not go. Occupation troops and specialization also play no role. Sailor, motostrelok, border guard or "Vova" - all the same kindly taken into the bosom of the disciplinary battalion. Shear shaved and disguised in a new uniform. A time when the disciplinary battalion wore Red Army uniform of 1943 - passed. Forage caps with stars, trousers and gimnastёrok with collar warehouses anymore.



Soldiers dressed in the usual "camouflage." Above the form of white paint over the stencil marked numbers mouth and the words convoy full back. This is to avoid confusion between a constant and variable composition. Another visible difference between the compositions - instead overcoat jackets. Although, as you can see in the picture, and jackets too. Shoes pretty is uniform - boots. The frost - boots. Boots, by the way, we met in terms of the soldiers convicted downright shine. Buckles at the soldiers, on the contrary, faded, field. Some reason, painted with green paint.





Inside the protected perimeter bars on the windows, buffer gates of metal mesh and other restrictions. Sleeping quarters in barracks separate lockable lattice metal door. If the itch night fighter in the toilet - it should be noted in the special list, and proceed to the place of departure of natural needs strictly in splendid isolation. Even together, for example, at night to rush to the toilet is impossible.
While we photographed orderly, sleeping in the barracks outfit received the command, "Rise!" Vacationers instantly soared over the beds and crisp short formation marched into the room for washing.

The national question in part is missing, all sorts of "national groups" and other kuchkovaniya not encouraged. But the so-called "Caucasians" - present. About one fourth of the 170 present "condemnation" - from the Caucasus. Among them there are mistakenly consider themselves stubborn and inflexible citizens. When stopped at a disciplinary battalion fiery fighter for the rights of its men's list of proposed treats seems full enough - there is healing guardhouse. The tenure there - up to 30 days. Court decisions do not require enough faith commander.
If the thirty days to "lip" seem a joke - the procedure can be repeated. Until now, they say, it helps everyone. The output of attraction to work on a creative and physical labor in the name of society have condemned and erring warrior sharply increased. But "diet food" in the form of bread and water in the guardhouse was canceled. The food is there the inmates and a disciplinary battalion fighters alike.
Outside the "variables" of soldiers guarding the other soldiers - from the permanent staff. In addition to the shooters on the guard stand ferocious guard dogs and special equipment. Object Modal, guards moved in the "armor", helmets and fixed bayonets, and in which case, to have the right to open fire. Shoot able, live firing of the command spends almost ezhepyatnichno, good range in Mulino huge, plenty of room for hand protection and self-propelled guns.
"We are working together with a friend on diesel ...»
Labor front for the military variable composition - circle. Starting from the barracks, shining almost sterile cleanliness, absolutely square drifts around the parade ground and finishing the painstaking manufacturing scale mockups of the local museum.



Who does not know how to do layout of parts, ships and aircraft - making concrete blocks and other concrete structures, loading, digging, it is, sews - but you never know what can make a soldier, if he skillfully order! The work is enough for everyone, but not everyone is trusted by important sectors of production. First you have to prove themselves. They say it is profitable erring soldier



In some cases, convicted soldiers may come under parole (parole). Such happiness must be earned. The standings are knowledge of military regulations, differences in the drill, discipline and flawless progress on the labor front. Usually stay in the disciplinary battalion in the life of a soldier is canceled and returned to his unit (or in the one where he was sent after his release) dosluzhivat position. But it is not rare and the situation when a soldier from the disciplinary battalion is sent straight home.

In the meantime, there is no question about the house, to visit the convicted soldiers can come closest relatives. Neskolkochasovye allowed short visits (if you can not - telephone) and four visits lasting for three days every year. For such cases, there is a special hotel. At the time of staying with my parents, of course, a soldier relieved from work and employment.









The disciplinary battalion can send the parcel. The list of prohibited items brought to the attention of each fighter, all the rest - it is possible. The package is delivered in a part of the postman, the inventory posting is loaded into kaptёrku, after which the owner is free to dispose of an application for benefits on your own. The standard way - to get a piece before sending the next intake of food in the dining room and share with friends. Separately, he clarified the issue with cigarettes: If cigarettes are sending disciplinary battalion - a fighter does not smoke. Because buy it with money and a mobile phone does not have. Not allowed.

The food and the constant and variable composition of the same. Canteens met our group common to such institutions odor and rows of tables and benches. Ware, of course, not from Bohemian glass, but clean and neatly arranged. Kitchen with stainless steel boiler, sink with towels and soap, daily changing menu on the stand at the entrance - just like in other parts of the military, which I have visited.







After the "tour" on the part of the audience was given the opportunity to hear a brief history of the four fighters disciplinary battalion. Most of them are harmless, "gunners". Escape from the home side, I ran for three days, and now nine months to hold the fence in Moulineaux. Beside him, a guy with a Georgian surname, and restless eyes. Beat officer shoot it on video, and this broke vidimokameru. Why is that? What for? Unclear. 10 months for reflection.
Best kept former sergeant, who served for 11 months zadembelevavshy and on this basis to express themselves in serious injuries. The Mulino arrived at 2 years. I looked at all of an eagle, probably a sturdy nut. In the eyes of the rest it was dark and scary. Young boys aroused sympathy, which is already there. Among them were wonderful characters. Now, all together waiting for exciting activities to redress for themselves.

We were escorted by officers available explained: trimming and relentless okvadrachivanie snow, constant walking system, an easy cast concrete blocks in the industrial zone, and many months zubrёzh the same, a hundred times already annoying Charter - class, of course, stupid. It is clear to everyone, especially civil. Explanatory classes - it's extortion, theft, escape, assault, theft of motor vehicles, unauthorized absences to his mother and arrivals in the next holiday with overworking yourself many days of booze mixed with indiscriminate looting confused citizens. Other Well really matter!

From traction to such passions in disciplinary battalion eliminate with the help of therapists. As we stood on the parade ground, several groups of men with crowbars, shovels and brooms defiled in different directions, smartly measured pace of mёrzlomu asphalt. On the parade ground soldiers marching disciplinary battalion or (more often - in the ranks, but sometimes individually) or run run. Drill and exercise are closely intertwined and fills almost the entire leisure serviceman. In general, the impression that the soldiers of variable composition in the disciplinary battalion or tends to stand to attention and immediately run to run.

In the so-called "Free time" military disciplinary battalion can turn to faith. On the territory of the disciplinary battalion arms convicted erected a small, very neat Orthodox church. For Muslims, there is a prayer room. In rare moments of leisure faithful soldiers have the opportunity to reflect on their immortal souls. Places of worship in the military unit is not empty.






Ran out whether disciplinary battalion? Ran. But rarely, and fail. One of the cases recorded escape in 2008. Escape ended sadly after warning shots into the air guards opened fire on the fugitive, shot him with both feet, and guard dogs and bitten more wounded. But here it is not necessary to look for the guilty, all the participants of the event for sure know what they are going and what should be expected. The Mulino is not Hollywood, many kilometers of heated ventilitsionnyh manholes and baskets of linen to ensure a comfortable escape to be found.

There have been stories in the disciplinary battalion and highly resourceful soldiers, one decided to escape through the window at the sheets directly from the hotel, where the parents came from, and the other bravely ate nails and other metal objects. It wanted the hospital to rest. Nails of the entertainer removed and transferred to a museum piece. There are stored and other items seized from (of) convicts - syringes, homemade playing cards, primitive sharpening knives and other useful stuff.

No, let me emphasize once more reds, no horror in the arrangement of the notice could not be other than those that were shown at every step: cleanliness, monotony, full employment. Without any jokes - 8:00 drill and physical training 8 hours of study manuals, 8 hours of sleep, moving strictly within the perimeter jogging or marched, inspection of construction, strict implementation of the agenda, the daily drill stand not everyone. Charters, for example, to study the complete amazement and the confluence of the military trance, only on this basis can the mind move! There is no doubt - a serious place. In those soldiers variable composition once everything is clear. It is not necessary, they say, get here, but only late in the day illuminates

I do not know whether useful in later life soldiers received disciplinary battalion skills, but from a conversation with a soldier of constant composition revealed: knowledge of regulations still make life easier on either side of the barbed wire. It looks like a soldier knows what he is talking about.
