Why the fox tail?
In fact, it is vital to her.
Let's deal.
Pseudo-scientific explanation.
To keep it in the wind ...
The tail is like a pillow, and scarf.
The tail is like the elevator.
Tail for balance when walking on its hind legs
The tail is like a banner in the attack
The tail as an additional point of support
Tail-pennant: everything here is mine!
In short, the "wings, legs ... the main thing - the tail!»
via shpilenok
Let's deal.
Pseudo-scientific explanation.
To keep it in the wind ...
The tail is like a pillow, and scarf.
The tail is like the elevator.
Tail for balance when walking on its hind legs
The tail is like a banner in the attack
The tail as an additional point of support
Tail-pennant: everything here is mine!
In short, the "wings, legs ... the main thing - the tail!»
via shpilenok