All-wheel drive is not a panacea
Some buying all-wheel drive passenger car, think she has a lot more features than its counterparts monoprivodnom. At the traffic lights racing wheel drive transmission is an important "profit", but on the roads, and parking is often confused from her zero. That's what an unenviable situation was the driver of red Subaru Impreza, probably thought that for the Japanese all-wheel drive hatch parking on snow no problem, but he was wrong ... If you look at photos, while come to their senses he still was, but he hit the gas ... and machine just hung on the front bumper, and one of the rear wheels hanging in the air. Still suspension moves from the Impreza cars ... Now the driver needs to think how to get your polnoprivodniki with minimal damage, that is most likely to wield a jack and underlay board, aligning the machine. The classic way to pull this off-road car, will lead to the loss of the front bumper. So think where and how to park the.
4 photos via carlifeblog
4 photos via carlifeblog