Komondor - a Hungarian sheepdog
Shepherd is not Arsene Wenger, but just from Hungary
9 photos via ZooPicture
Komondor considered a very ancient breed of dogs, although the first mention of this dog came just a few centuries ago. It is likely that the Komondor moved to the Danube basin (in the territory of today's Hungary) with the nomadic tribes who settled there in the ninth century.
The ancestors of the current Komondor was used to guard sheep, goats and cattle are not only predators - wolves and bears, but also on people. Very often, the shepherds leave them alone, and they had to make their own decisions about where to lead the flock of their wards. This way of life has made this kind of shepherds in a very intelligent, independent and strong-willed dogs.
In the early 1930s several Komondor were imported into the United States, at the same time, the breed was recognized by the AKC. During World War II, these dogs are used extensively for the protection of military facilities, and more of them were killed.
Enthusiasts have begun the search for the remaining Komondor in remote rural areas of Hungary, where they are still tending their herds, and restored the breed. Komondor is still a very rare breed, and most people never seen them. Today they are the most numerous in Hungary and in the United States, the approximate number of animals in each country - two to three thousand. In total in the world is not more than ten thousand dogs of this breed.
This Komondor impression of a big, strong, courageous, independent and docile dog, with well developed muscles. The main feature is its unusual komondor white coat consisting of long, curly cord, similar to dreadlocks rastamanov.
In ancient Hungarian Komondor most of its life in the open air, and their unusual wool cover protecting them from predators and warm in bad weather. It is believed that such a wool required for the dog if necessary, could be lost among his flock. Unlike the herding breeds, Komondor - the defenders of the herd. While in the service, an experienced adult Komondor in the event of danger will always remain with their wards, not allowing the predator to captivate his pursuit.
To this day, the dogs of this breed are used for the protection of animals, birds and other pets. However, the majority of them live in homes as companions and reliable defenders. For these dogs a family in which they live, it is a step (in the best sense of the word) that they are ready to take care of with all devotion.
Komondor quite reserved with strangers and affectionate with those they love. Their dedication to those who, in their opinion, needs help, limitless - a loyal, courageous and vigilant guards.
The most striking and unusual aspect of the content is komondor care of his hair. Komondor puppy furry coat and curly frizz in curly beautiful curls. At about 8 or 10 months, begin to go awry and hair shedding. As a result, the grown puppy acquires a beautiful white cords - dreadlocks.
To hair is not tangled, it is necessary to periodically separate the more delicate curls. With age, formed dreadlocks will grow, and if they are not trimmed, can reach the ground. Usually owners Komondor coat trimmed twice a year, leaving a neat white cords 20-25 cm long.
9 photos via ZooPicture
Komondor considered a very ancient breed of dogs, although the first mention of this dog came just a few centuries ago. It is likely that the Komondor moved to the Danube basin (in the territory of today's Hungary) with the nomadic tribes who settled there in the ninth century.
The ancestors of the current Komondor was used to guard sheep, goats and cattle are not only predators - wolves and bears, but also on people. Very often, the shepherds leave them alone, and they had to make their own decisions about where to lead the flock of their wards. This way of life has made this kind of shepherds in a very intelligent, independent and strong-willed dogs.

In the early 1930s several Komondor were imported into the United States, at the same time, the breed was recognized by the AKC. During World War II, these dogs are used extensively for the protection of military facilities, and more of them were killed.

Enthusiasts have begun the search for the remaining Komondor in remote rural areas of Hungary, where they are still tending their herds, and restored the breed. Komondor is still a very rare breed, and most people never seen them. Today they are the most numerous in Hungary and in the United States, the approximate number of animals in each country - two to three thousand. In total in the world is not more than ten thousand dogs of this breed.

This Komondor impression of a big, strong, courageous, independent and docile dog, with well developed muscles. The main feature is its unusual komondor white coat consisting of long, curly cord, similar to dreadlocks rastamanov.

In ancient Hungarian Komondor most of its life in the open air, and their unusual wool cover protecting them from predators and warm in bad weather. It is believed that such a wool required for the dog if necessary, could be lost among his flock. Unlike the herding breeds, Komondor - the defenders of the herd. While in the service, an experienced adult Komondor in the event of danger will always remain with their wards, not allowing the predator to captivate his pursuit.

To this day, the dogs of this breed are used for the protection of animals, birds and other pets. However, the majority of them live in homes as companions and reliable defenders. For these dogs a family in which they live, it is a step (in the best sense of the word) that they are ready to take care of with all devotion.

Komondor quite reserved with strangers and affectionate with those they love. Their dedication to those who, in their opinion, needs help, limitless - a loyal, courageous and vigilant guards.

The most striking and unusual aspect of the content is komondor care of his hair. Komondor puppy furry coat and curly frizz in curly beautiful curls. At about 8 or 10 months, begin to go awry and hair shedding. As a result, the grown puppy acquires a beautiful white cords - dreadlocks.

To hair is not tangled, it is necessary to periodically separate the more delicate curls. With age, formed dreadlocks will grow, and if they are not trimmed, can reach the ground. Usually owners Komondor coat trimmed twice a year, leaving a neat white cords 20-25 cm long.
