18 photos
1 Borovoye.
Mostly found cobwebs very solid when you bump it a feeling as if the taut fishing line. Since Time was short, unfortunately it was not possible to observe the life of the spider.
2 photo
By the way a spider lacks one foot
4 photo
Another there
Even in nature.
It was possible to relax in the nature 5 days, watch this cute little family. Husband and wife are waiting for the offspring.
To feed them every day. We concluded that the grasshoppers they like the least.
The most interesting thing when casting a food (live) spider runs to somewhere under the web, but the female is active on the contrary, envelops, drags. Any attempt to turn up in a spider hole she would push out. In all that time he had just repaired the cobwebs. The rest is all female.
But the male regularly repaired cobwebs
This spider (do not know where he suddenly appeared) lived at my house a few days on a cactus (immediately on the first day after her divorce from her husband). Then, just as suddenly he disappeared.
Even when he was sadly missing
There was only a photo
I do not think spiders are nimble
Fly he quickly saddled. Then he ate and
Last spider
We spread its
1 Borovoye.
Mostly found cobwebs very solid when you bump it a feeling as if the taut fishing line. Since Time was short, unfortunately it was not possible to observe the life of the spider.

2 photo

By the way a spider lacks one foot

4 photo

Another there


Even in nature.
It was possible to relax in the nature 5 days, watch this cute little family. Husband and wife are waiting for the offspring.
To feed them every day. We concluded that the grasshoppers they like the least.
The most interesting thing when casting a food (live) spider runs to somewhere under the web, but the female is active on the contrary, envelops, drags. Any attempt to turn up in a spider hole she would push out. In all that time he had just repaired the cobwebs. The rest is all female.



But the male regularly repaired cobwebs

This spider (do not know where he suddenly appeared) lived at my house a few days on a cactus (immediately on the first day after her divorce from her husband). Then, just as suddenly he disappeared.


Even when he was sadly missing

There was only a photo

I do not think spiders are nimble

Fly he quickly saddled. Then he ate and

Last spider

We spread its