Paradise Now
No, no, it's not a movie about two brothers suicide. It's about Paradise that people can build on the land, if not for themselves then at least for cats arranging share-Saturday in the "House cats salvation».
Via Andrey Deveykin
Forum a hunting accident Saturday organized an action-real help feline shelter in Hadera on Saturday, 25 June. I have long wanted to get on to repeat such an action and increase his "feat" three years ago: House Cat Rescue in Hadera. He tried to join the shares bikers who decided to help the orphanage after reading my report, but the contact was never found. Noble, said the action was - so many people at the same time at the shelter was not. And this event was not a one-time, albeit with a smaller number of participants than the first time.
The shelter is located in a citrus garden. Orchard - in Hebrew - pardes. The historical vicissitudes have meant that during the Second Temple period the word "paradise" has become associated with the Garden of Eden, or rather with the restored Garden of Eden. Judaism says that when the time comes, will come Paradise on Earth. The righteous, regardless of affiliation to Judaism, rise from the dead, and will live forever in the bright future.
3. Login via "airlock»
With people, everything is clear - they are waiting for an hour "X". What about cats? Is a person is unable to arrange for their Paradise on Earth today? The more that have the makings of a cat shelter is already there: it is already located in pardese
As you know, Heaven requires little physical and material costs. How much time and money is spent from the owners shelter in the elementary sustenance I did not even ask. More or less there constantly "working" 2-3 people serving about 500 (!) Animals. "Works", I wrote in quotes because these people really work on this paper, and shelter devote their free time. Naturally, time and on life support, and cleaning / weeding territory, and patching roofs have so many people are missing. It is designed to solve this problem Saturdays like this. We arrived not with empty hands. They brought someone I could: medicines, food, and cat bowls pots, blankets. And, of course, the warmth of our hands
4. attacked
The whole area is overgrown with grass and thorns. On the dry thorn cats are injured permanently, and in the tall grass can not be found weakened and dying animal to give him timely assistance. After the winter rains, many cat climbing frame collapsed, and a leaky roof houses. And how in the territory of accumulated waste products ...
5. - I have a monument
Although the shelter is called "House of rescue cats" dog eat here too.
11. Surrounded
12. Exotic
13. Siberian
30. Before
Via Andrey Deveykin

Forum a hunting accident Saturday organized an action-real help feline shelter in Hadera on Saturday, 25 June. I have long wanted to get on to repeat such an action and increase his "feat" three years ago: House Cat Rescue in Hadera. He tried to join the shares bikers who decided to help the orphanage after reading my report, but the contact was never found. Noble, said the action was - so many people at the same time at the shelter was not. And this event was not a one-time, albeit with a smaller number of participants than the first time.

The shelter is located in a citrus garden. Orchard - in Hebrew - pardes. The historical vicissitudes have meant that during the Second Temple period the word "paradise" has become associated with the Garden of Eden, or rather with the restored Garden of Eden. Judaism says that when the time comes, will come Paradise on Earth. The righteous, regardless of affiliation to Judaism, rise from the dead, and will live forever in the bright future.
3. Login via "airlock»

With people, everything is clear - they are waiting for an hour "X". What about cats? Is a person is unable to arrange for their Paradise on Earth today? The more that have the makings of a cat shelter is already there: it is already located in pardese
As you know, Heaven requires little physical and material costs. How much time and money is spent from the owners shelter in the elementary sustenance I did not even ask. More or less there constantly "working" 2-3 people serving about 500 (!) Animals. "Works", I wrote in quotes because these people really work on this paper, and shelter devote their free time. Naturally, time and on life support, and cleaning / weeding territory, and patching roofs have so many people are missing. It is designed to solve this problem Saturdays like this. We arrived not with empty hands. They brought someone I could: medicines, food, and cat bowls pots, blankets. And, of course, the warmth of our hands
4. attacked

The whole area is overgrown with grass and thorns. On the dry thorn cats are injured permanently, and in the tall grass can not be found weakened and dying animal to give him timely assistance. After the winter rains, many cat climbing frame collapsed, and a leaky roof houses. And how in the territory of accumulated waste products ...
5. - I have a monument



Although the shelter is called "House of rescue cats" dog eat here too.



11. Surrounded

12. Exotic

13. Siberian

















30. Before
