Habitat Natus Vincere
Natus Vincere (Na`Vi) - UKRAINIAN multigeymingovaya eSports organization. In 2010, the team for the game Counter-Strike 1.6 for the first time in history to win three major tournaments in a single year - Intel Extreme Masters, Electronic Sports World Cup and the World Cyber Games 2010.
I suggest you heed photos dwelling place team.
Will be 12 photos and 1 video, please neportit assembly.
General form.
Ivan «Edward» Sukharev
Yegor «markeloff» Markelov.Luchshy WUA-Schnick Ukraine)
Arseny «Esenin» Trinozhenko
Daniel «Zeus» Teslenko
Then they work out the tactics to play.
They eat ... hum) Even I Do not Know that UTB ...
Rest they are comfortable and large beds)
Designated shoe at the bottom netu.Ili all in such a hurry to play)
They sleep in 2 on 1 crib ..) But comfortable.
Posted in [mergetime] 1312222142 [/ mergetime]
Unfortunately the video was shot, took the Large Live 50 mb.
Opportunities do not have to shorten it.
Who cares link to the video
Posted in [mergetime] 1312222191 [/ mergetime]
If you have interesting muviki-frags from etoy team can throw here.)
I suggest you heed photos dwelling place team.
Will be 12 photos and 1 video, please neportit assembly.
General form.

Ivan «Edward» Sukharev

Yegor «markeloff» Markelov.Luchshy WUA-Schnick Ukraine)

Arseny «Esenin» Trinozhenko

Daniel «Zeus» Teslenko


Then they work out the tactics to play.

They eat ... hum) Even I Do not Know that UTB ...

Rest they are comfortable and large beds)

Designated shoe at the bottom netu.Ili all in such a hurry to play)

They sleep in 2 on 1 crib ..) But comfortable.
Posted in [mergetime] 1312222142 [/ mergetime]
Unfortunately the video was shot, took the Large Live 50 mb.
Opportunities do not have to shorten it.
Who cares link to the video
Posted in [mergetime] 1312222191 [/ mergetime]
If you have interesting muviki-frags from etoy team can throw here.)
