National alkobrend
Biting tequila gazpacho, thinking about the national alcohol brands. Curiously, the National Alcohol exotic attributable outside the natural range of the production of beverages to the elite, in its essence is an elementary moonshine cheap local raw materials. All of its elite in other regions partly due to different traditions alkogolevareniya, and, of course, the active legendizatsiey to advance on foreign markets.
For example, tequila - just a bad brew purified from what grows in Mexico, literally under the feet - agave cactus. (By the way, with lime and salt (licked, nibbled) to drink invented PR, to promote a new drink on the European market. Clean bar joke. In Mexico, just drink it, or drinking SANGRITA).
The same rum - vile swill of cheap sugar cane molasses, raw material, by the standards of the region's production, junk. This is not a "mojito ingredient" and the drink of the poor sailors who needed to quickly and cheaply get drunk while in port. All the romance of the drink came up with PR people, and relatively recently. [Next]
Calvados, which is currently more expensive cognacs other, just distillate of fermented apple juice. (Each summer visitor who walks in the fall to his knees in apples, and scratching their heads wherever it is rotting shit do, will understand me). Trash raw materials, the type of drink, "but would not throw».
In principle, the same story with the "classic drinks" - whiskey, cognac and vodka. But these, once cheap local brew, already consecrated by time so that the layer piarnaya legendirovaniya them naros impenetrable. We will not touch them, lest being ostracized for "attempted sacred».
I want to say about the other. Based on this trend, we are completely wasting not weak piece of the world market of national drinks. I believe that we urgently need to promote the drink "Kosorylovka» (Kosoryloffka) - brew of sugar beet. It fully meets the criteria of the elite drink the bar - the homeland of his chase of shit lying under your feet, it is a cheap swill marginal bottom, it has a fantastically vile taste that is easy to call a "special, unique bouquet." What else is needed? Well, of course, some adaptation. After all, the current rum and tequila - also not the drinks that were originally. They further purified, aged in oak barrels, flavored scoring their inherent odor of bad brandy and so on. So primordial kosorylovku, of course, is not a European tender sdyuzhil - and sdyuzhil because of a hangover in the morning die. Therefore, it needs more cleaning, maintaining in barrels of diesel fuel from the noble oak bottled in stylized household utensils, but very graceful design of the bottle. But this is all nonsense. The main thing - a powerful piarnaya legendirovanie. About how ... for centuries, in the wilds of the Siberian Forests, the harsh Russian Kozaks, after milking medved, sat around the Samovar and long polar nights, a mournful strum Balalayka, stoked his cedar Shishkas and fanned using Kirzovyi Sapog, ousting from collected in secret forest glades mysterious berries Sweet Svekla great, enlightening minds drink ancestors - Kosoryloffka ... And, of course, need an appropriate ritual drinking that fascinated the process more than the result, and detract from the taste of fusel product. Well, navrode Tequila "licked, nibbled," only in appropriate legendirovaniyu harsh manner. For example, "I breathed-planted glass-zanyuhal sleeve-punched in the ear of his neighbor on the left." Well, or something like that. To have many admirers and apologists dispute - how correct zanyuhivat sleeve - left or right? How much should be given to the neighbor's ear and a hand? Do I have to put this glass on the table, or, on the contrary, it is necessary to take in hand the bottle to kick went tight? In general, anything that creates a specific aura of elitism around a drink.
Well, of course, some come up with a specific cocktail also absolutely necessary that the bartenders could earn, hopelessly diluting it. For example:
Cocktail "New Russian" - in faceted glass to pour a third of the most expensive in the bar, brandy, whiskey-third monosolodovogo twelve and a third beer "Zhiguli." Pour so blended and left layers (let the bartender poebetsya, yeah). Volley drink. Drink a full glass of "Kosorylovki." Quickly, while still holding the legs, give the bartender in the eye. Wake up in the morning in the "monkey" out of money, a mobile phone and half teeth. In the evening repeat.
So, my dear, forged strong national brands of alcohol! Where there Mex with his tequila ...
What are you sitting here in the monitor pyalites? - Run the patenting of the brand and to start a public relations company! The Motherland Calls!
For example, tequila - just a bad brew purified from what grows in Mexico, literally under the feet - agave cactus. (By the way, with lime and salt (licked, nibbled) to drink invented PR, to promote a new drink on the European market. Clean bar joke. In Mexico, just drink it, or drinking SANGRITA).
The same rum - vile swill of cheap sugar cane molasses, raw material, by the standards of the region's production, junk. This is not a "mojito ingredient" and the drink of the poor sailors who needed to quickly and cheaply get drunk while in port. All the romance of the drink came up with PR people, and relatively recently. [Next]
Calvados, which is currently more expensive cognacs other, just distillate of fermented apple juice. (Each summer visitor who walks in the fall to his knees in apples, and scratching their heads wherever it is rotting shit do, will understand me). Trash raw materials, the type of drink, "but would not throw».
In principle, the same story with the "classic drinks" - whiskey, cognac and vodka. But these, once cheap local brew, already consecrated by time so that the layer piarnaya legendirovaniya them naros impenetrable. We will not touch them, lest being ostracized for "attempted sacred».
I want to say about the other. Based on this trend, we are completely wasting not weak piece of the world market of national drinks. I believe that we urgently need to promote the drink "Kosorylovka» (Kosoryloffka) - brew of sugar beet. It fully meets the criteria of the elite drink the bar - the homeland of his chase of shit lying under your feet, it is a cheap swill marginal bottom, it has a fantastically vile taste that is easy to call a "special, unique bouquet." What else is needed? Well, of course, some adaptation. After all, the current rum and tequila - also not the drinks that were originally. They further purified, aged in oak barrels, flavored scoring their inherent odor of bad brandy and so on. So primordial kosorylovku, of course, is not a European tender sdyuzhil - and sdyuzhil because of a hangover in the morning die. Therefore, it needs more cleaning, maintaining in barrels of diesel fuel from the noble oak bottled in stylized household utensils, but very graceful design of the bottle. But this is all nonsense. The main thing - a powerful piarnaya legendirovanie. About how ... for centuries, in the wilds of the Siberian Forests, the harsh Russian Kozaks, after milking medved, sat around the Samovar and long polar nights, a mournful strum Balalayka, stoked his cedar Shishkas and fanned using Kirzovyi Sapog, ousting from collected in secret forest glades mysterious berries Sweet Svekla great, enlightening minds drink ancestors - Kosoryloffka ... And, of course, need an appropriate ritual drinking that fascinated the process more than the result, and detract from the taste of fusel product. Well, navrode Tequila "licked, nibbled," only in appropriate legendirovaniyu harsh manner. For example, "I breathed-planted glass-zanyuhal sleeve-punched in the ear of his neighbor on the left." Well, or something like that. To have many admirers and apologists dispute - how correct zanyuhivat sleeve - left or right? How much should be given to the neighbor's ear and a hand? Do I have to put this glass on the table, or, on the contrary, it is necessary to take in hand the bottle to kick went tight? In general, anything that creates a specific aura of elitism around a drink.
Well, of course, some come up with a specific cocktail also absolutely necessary that the bartenders could earn, hopelessly diluting it. For example:
Cocktail "New Russian" - in faceted glass to pour a third of the most expensive in the bar, brandy, whiskey-third monosolodovogo twelve and a third beer "Zhiguli." Pour so blended and left layers (let the bartender poebetsya, yeah). Volley drink. Drink a full glass of "Kosorylovki." Quickly, while still holding the legs, give the bartender in the eye. Wake up in the morning in the "monkey" out of money, a mobile phone and half teeth. In the evening repeat.
So, my dear, forged strong national brands of alcohol! Where there Mex with his tequila ...
What are you sitting here in the monitor pyalites? - Run the patenting of the brand and to start a public relations company! The Motherland Calls!
