in oil
Quantum teleportation
On teleportation average man just a few meters it would take 15 years
Created a device to "teleport" physical objects
Scientists successfully attempted the teleportation of information at three meters
Teleportation on the road - a unique case in China.
Inventions, which you did not know (14 photos)
10 unusual phenomena, thought experiments and paradoxes of quantum mechanics
The quirkiness of quantum theory
Teleportation in action!
Astrology, phrenology, and homeopathy 11 popular pseudoscience
Reflections on new fundamental breakthroughs after Peter Thiel's Stanford lecture
Scientists: experiments on the teleportation of particles has completed successfully
Supernatural human abilities
Facebook plans for Oculus — nine reasons for concern
Found a way to make an object invisible by manipulating light
10 technologies that exploded in 2014
That categorically it is impossible to say at parting
10 reasons our universe a virtual reality
10 books on science, written with humor
10 amazing facts about the magic of gravity
10 most intriguing stories about interdimensional travel.
14 amazing inventions
Photoshop-infamous blunders in politics
Museum of the oil industry
Quantum teleportation
On teleportation average man just a few meters it would take 15 years
Created a device to "teleport" physical objects
Scientists successfully attempted the teleportation of information at three meters
Teleportation on the road - a unique case in China.
Inventions, which you did not know (14 photos)
10 unusual phenomena, thought experiments and paradoxes of quantum mechanics
The quirkiness of quantum theory
Teleportation in action!
Astrology, phrenology, and homeopathy 11 popular pseudoscience
Reflections on new fundamental breakthroughs after Peter Thiel's Stanford lecture
Scientists: experiments on the teleportation of particles has completed successfully
Supernatural human abilities
Facebook plans for Oculus — nine reasons for concern
Found a way to make an object invisible by manipulating light
10 technologies that exploded in 2014
That categorically it is impossible to say at parting
10 reasons our universe a virtual reality
10 books on science, written with humor
10 amazing facts about the magic of gravity
10 most intriguing stories about interdimensional travel.
14 amazing inventions
Photoshop-infamous blunders in politics
Museum of the oil industry
Sensation - a recipe from the American blogger
The grapes in Moldova