Olshansky musorohranilische

Lay out and translated by permission: lyoshko.livejournal.com/18563.html
Seeing in Google Earth Reservoir, surrounded by mountains, expecting, having arrived there, to be among the steep landscapes ...

1. Tereble-Ritska HPP. 27 MW, located on the river Rika. But it takes the water from the river Tereblya, this water passes through a 3.7 km pipe full of a mountain range.

2. To this end, the river was done Tereblya musorovodohranilische (Map)

3. Beautiful lake between mountains

4. But ...


6. Thousands of bottles. Moreover, in more than one place and around the reservoir

7. Despite the trash, landscapes truly awesome

8. I suspect so much garbage is floating, because the residents of all the villages upstream dump it into the river, and here reservoir - garbage delayed

9. In contrast to the water to nasorit on the beach, we had to come here
