Abdullah and Agidel
In this village, no neighbors, and meeting people are very rare c. Abdullah morning outside the gates of the house there is no one to nod his head firmly in Bashkir shake hands. The village only two houses under the roof. In one lives Abdullah. Another empty. Sometimes Abandoned become a haven for tourists. The door was not locked it.
Oddly enough, but on the map of Bashkiria the first village in the two houses on the river Agidel (on White) denotes a large circle. Bai (aa) Sakalova. Ak - it was me put in a word to understand the title.
Photos and text © Victor Surodina (Miass, Chelyabinsk region)
12 parts
If we try to translate the name into Russian, the meaning would be: a rich old man ...
Abdullah, consider a local mountaineer. He lives at a height of 612 meters (that's about three hundred meters above the Miass). In June there is still snow in August, already snow. During the short summer the earth bring forth grass, and only a little potato.
The fed Abdullah? Do not be mistaken if I say difficult. Horses, cows, chickens and a tractor "Belarus" - this is his subsistence farming. A fed a soul? Maybe, yes. Abdullah writes poetry, in its own way, as best he can, often goes blank verse. What is poetry? Yes, that close - about the forest and the river, about the mountain that far, about the cold, about the floods in spring and drops on Agidel. By heart almost all read, but to understand the Russian-Bashkir does not always work. In the hallway outside the door on a piece of tetrad also his poems, such as prayer, but the essence is the same - both joyful soul in nature ...
Interest and curiosity to the edge lured us in other places. After thinking over the map, get directions to the origins of the White. Late autumn on "UAZ" passed halfway frozen on dry road. What came to semisotmetrovuyu height - the landscape changed. Winter. All in the snow. In that year, the source did not look white, lured some reason the other way. Bundle on the left to the right source. But to discover the "names" Abdullah ... Over the past years, we have more than once been in Baysakalovo, met with Abdullah closer. Abdullah lives on the banks of Agidel nearly a quarter of a century.
- Abdullah, you're like a living? He married? - Wives, they then come then go. This with the fall here. The second winter will be. Not everyone likes the wilderness. - And how many wives that was, Abdullah? - Thirteen.
4.Abdulla asks: - When will you come? - Maybe now once again, but probably next summer. - Elk to birch tie? I know I was joking, but I'm afraid to disagree. Abdullah has seventy-eight, but the strength and skill and he is enough.
5.Sluhovoy apparatus Abdullah quite outdated. Just can not understand each other. I am writing in a notebook, "Abdullah, tell me about yourself" and turn on the recorder. - I teptyar. When the mother died, the four of us left. Father married. The woman turned out to be fruitful, every year one boy dragged. For three years - three boys. Father dead, drowned. We stayed seven Gavrikov. In forty-two began to work at the mine, sent to carry the supports. Then he chopped wood for Beloretsk plant. Then FZO, front. In the fifties, retired, he came to Kamchatka, settled welder CTZ ... I did not have my children. I have grown stepdaughter. She got married in Chelyabinsk. First birth to a boy, and then once the two girls. I'll be there - the children are sick. I say, let the village. I do not agree. Then I said: Transfer the me here. They moved me. The house was built. All summer there were children, the daughter took leave without pay. I then had bees, honey, sour cream - there is no cream did not sit down to eat. The children grew up healthy, strong, good shots they do not need. That was in Baysakalovo. And now they call me in Chelyabinsk, throw, say everything and come to us, and I do not want to go there.
6.- Abdullah what to bring? - What do you want, anyway not you bring. - You bring us newspapers, and more - making it the fourteenth order wife. - About the new laws about the monetization of benefits to pensioners? - Well, them to Shaitan. "Speed-Info" bring. Hear must! Abdullah haywire again hearing aid earphone third finger, pulls postings, and so want to know why the guests laugh.
7.- How Abdullah receives a pension, it brings? - Walks. Uchaly walks, then with Uchalu in Urazovo. It is at midnight goes skiing. At six in the morning, getting on the bus, goes to the city. The same bus back. And back on skis. In four or five in the morning at home. - Imagine a day on the road, back and forth sixty kilometers through the forest at night. It's like we go to Indonesia. - How old Abdullah? - Twenty-six eighty-December will. - And how he guided night? - And he knows the way. Buran sweep, he knows everything. And all the animals know it.
8.Nam all wondering how to get along with the beast Abdullah. Fanusa "Wolves really was not afraid to take my family. Wolves go along with the cows. Bear came to us. Calves fed milk we out of the trough. Cub also wanted milk, I guess. Come running, a quick drink with the calves, while the mother is over there, on the hill, waiting for him. The calves are not afraid of him, are accustomed to. He grew up already, probably, this is not seen. "
9. "Agidel" - a nice name by the river
10.Nazovite me even though one person who, having the front, having developed seniority and retirement, so that's picked up and gone to live out their lives in an abandoned village. Two decades away from people to live only by their work, rely only on God and themselves. Doing everything yourself, and do not ask the village head of questions like these: Why at night there is no light, why in the entrance, that is, the passage, dirt, why in the home is no water, why the river snow is not cleared, why there is no bread, why cattle in the wind, not the flock, manure removed why, why, why, why ... And all these "why" Abdullah decides for himself. - To deceive no one here - he says, - but to live for others is impossible. Abdullah rolled into one, and the head of the village and its inhabitants.
12. "Abdullah, do not go. Without Baysakalovo your soul will die before the body "- parting, I wrote it in a notebook. Hermit long time poring over the text, and then pulled out a sheet, folded it in four, put in a shirt pocket, buttoned, we all shook hands and suddenly ... a cunning squint eyes: "Oh, to get to fishing, in the magical pond. Whatever catch a mermaid, and to heal would be alone with her. "... But the magic fishing Abdullah never met. He, a veteran of World War II, contributed one-bedroom apartment in the regional center.
Came the sad news that Abdullah had died. "According to my information - I wrote the familiar - Abdullah left the resort on foot towards Assa Inzer and lost ... & quot; The fate of this man who lived almost two decades alone, as it has become part of our lives. Wood did not want to let go of Abdullah, and may itself hermit soul was unable to come to terms with the city. "... Must live in harmony with God's peace be with the Lord in the mind .. & quot;
Oddly enough, but on the map of Bashkiria the first village in the two houses on the river Agidel (on White) denotes a large circle. Bai (aa) Sakalova. Ak - it was me put in a word to understand the title.
Photos and text © Victor Surodina (Miass, Chelyabinsk region)
12 parts

If we try to translate the name into Russian, the meaning would be: a rich old man ...
Abdullah, consider a local mountaineer. He lives at a height of 612 meters (that's about three hundred meters above the Miass). In June there is still snow in August, already snow. During the short summer the earth bring forth grass, and only a little potato.
The fed Abdullah? Do not be mistaken if I say difficult. Horses, cows, chickens and a tractor "Belarus" - this is his subsistence farming. A fed a soul? Maybe, yes. Abdullah writes poetry, in its own way, as best he can, often goes blank verse. What is poetry? Yes, that close - about the forest and the river, about the mountain that far, about the cold, about the floods in spring and drops on Agidel. By heart almost all read, but to understand the Russian-Bashkir does not always work. In the hallway outside the door on a piece of tetrad also his poems, such as prayer, but the essence is the same - both joyful soul in nature ...
Interest and curiosity to the edge lured us in other places. After thinking over the map, get directions to the origins of the White. Late autumn on "UAZ" passed halfway frozen on dry road. What came to semisotmetrovuyu height - the landscape changed. Winter. All in the snow. In that year, the source did not look white, lured some reason the other way. Bundle on the left to the right source. But to discover the "names" Abdullah ... Over the past years, we have more than once been in Baysakalovo, met with Abdullah closer. Abdullah lives on the banks of Agidel nearly a quarter of a century.

- Abdullah, you're like a living? He married? - Wives, they then come then go. This with the fall here. The second winter will be. Not everyone likes the wilderness. - And how many wives that was, Abdullah? - Thirteen.

4.Abdulla asks: - When will you come? - Maybe now once again, but probably next summer. - Elk to birch tie? I know I was joking, but I'm afraid to disagree. Abdullah has seventy-eight, but the strength and skill and he is enough.

5.Sluhovoy apparatus Abdullah quite outdated. Just can not understand each other. I am writing in a notebook, "Abdullah, tell me about yourself" and turn on the recorder. - I teptyar. When the mother died, the four of us left. Father married. The woman turned out to be fruitful, every year one boy dragged. For three years - three boys. Father dead, drowned. We stayed seven Gavrikov. In forty-two began to work at the mine, sent to carry the supports. Then he chopped wood for Beloretsk plant. Then FZO, front. In the fifties, retired, he came to Kamchatka, settled welder CTZ ... I did not have my children. I have grown stepdaughter. She got married in Chelyabinsk. First birth to a boy, and then once the two girls. I'll be there - the children are sick. I say, let the village. I do not agree. Then I said: Transfer the me here. They moved me. The house was built. All summer there were children, the daughter took leave without pay. I then had bees, honey, sour cream - there is no cream did not sit down to eat. The children grew up healthy, strong, good shots they do not need. That was in Baysakalovo. And now they call me in Chelyabinsk, throw, say everything and come to us, and I do not want to go there.

6.- Abdullah what to bring? - What do you want, anyway not you bring. - You bring us newspapers, and more - making it the fourteenth order wife. - About the new laws about the monetization of benefits to pensioners? - Well, them to Shaitan. "Speed-Info" bring. Hear must! Abdullah haywire again hearing aid earphone third finger, pulls postings, and so want to know why the guests laugh.

7.- How Abdullah receives a pension, it brings? - Walks. Uchaly walks, then with Uchalu in Urazovo. It is at midnight goes skiing. At six in the morning, getting on the bus, goes to the city. The same bus back. And back on skis. In four or five in the morning at home. - Imagine a day on the road, back and forth sixty kilometers through the forest at night. It's like we go to Indonesia. - How old Abdullah? - Twenty-six eighty-December will. - And how he guided night? - And he knows the way. Buran sweep, he knows everything. And all the animals know it.

8.Nam all wondering how to get along with the beast Abdullah. Fanusa "Wolves really was not afraid to take my family. Wolves go along with the cows. Bear came to us. Calves fed milk we out of the trough. Cub also wanted milk, I guess. Come running, a quick drink with the calves, while the mother is over there, on the hill, waiting for him. The calves are not afraid of him, are accustomed to. He grew up already, probably, this is not seen. "

9. "Agidel" - a nice name by the river

10.Nazovite me even though one person who, having the front, having developed seniority and retirement, so that's picked up and gone to live out their lives in an abandoned village. Two decades away from people to live only by their work, rely only on God and themselves. Doing everything yourself, and do not ask the village head of questions like these: Why at night there is no light, why in the entrance, that is, the passage, dirt, why in the home is no water, why the river snow is not cleared, why there is no bread, why cattle in the wind, not the flock, manure removed why, why, why, why ... And all these "why" Abdullah decides for himself. - To deceive no one here - he says, - but to live for others is impossible. Abdullah rolled into one, and the head of the village and its inhabitants.


12. "Abdullah, do not go. Without Baysakalovo your soul will die before the body "- parting, I wrote it in a notebook. Hermit long time poring over the text, and then pulled out a sheet, folded it in four, put in a shirt pocket, buttoned, we all shook hands and suddenly ... a cunning squint eyes: "Oh, to get to fishing, in the magical pond. Whatever catch a mermaid, and to heal would be alone with her. "... But the magic fishing Abdullah never met. He, a veteran of World War II, contributed one-bedroom apartment in the regional center.

Came the sad news that Abdullah had died. "According to my information - I wrote the familiar - Abdullah left the resort on foot towards Assa Inzer and lost ... & quot; The fate of this man who lived almost two decades alone, as it has become part of our lives. Wood did not want to let go of Abdullah, and may itself hermit soul was unable to come to terms with the city. "... Must live in harmony with God's peace be with the Lord in the mind .. & quot;
