Petersburg priest beat two elderly women
Normal drivers clash, which occurred on Sunday in Vsevolozhsk, would go unnoticed - little did they occur on the streets of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, if not the participants. On the one hand - 60-year-old driver of "Volvo" and her 66-year-old sister as a passenger on the other - 34-year-old Archdeacon St. Petersburg diocese to "Hyundai-Getz».
- My sister Valentina went to the station Berngardovka - said Alla Pavlova. - Passing on Hristianovskoy street past the church. Suddenly, the one on the other side of the road in front of us went blue-gray "Goetz". We had to brake sharply. We stopped just ten centimeters from the "Hyundai».
What happened next, according to the words of retired sisters, looks savagery.
- Valentine out of the car, walked to the passenger door, "Getz" - where the glass was ajar, slapped his palm and told the driver: "What are you doing?" - Continued the story Alla Pavlova. - From there, got a healthy guy, and a half a head taller than we are, he replied: "Who will know." I walked around the hood and, without another word, slammed his fist sister. She fell backward. [next] Here, I have jumped out of the car, and the guy just walked up to me. Just silently I swung, and I flew fist. I just held up her palm. Blow repulsed, and in his hand were the keys to his "Goetz" - it turns out, Valentin hit while holding keys in his hand. Her lip is cut into half a centimeter!
Then the picture is drawn is this: the man began to take away car keys pensioner. She did not give. And then he got punched in the nose.
- I did not expect that he will knock me - a woman still can not believe that this happened. - The impact, I flew back to the car, his feet began to fight back. But he took the keys, got into his "Goetz", started the engine and tried to leave.
At this point the sisters gathered her courage and blocked the path of the machine: Valentin Pavlov stood in front of the hood, Alla Pavlova - for luggage.
- Stand back, he's crazy! Asking! - People were shouting from the curb.
Finally the road "Hyundai" has blocked some of the drivers passing by. And then we arrived and the children of retired, began to call the police.
- Yes, call the police even though the FSB! I will be nothing! - Shouted a fighter.
And then it turned out that the tall guy raised his hand at older women - Archdeacon Sergei Frunza. Serve in the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul at the Mechnikov Medical Academy Hospital and the Peter the Great.
- Contrary to our church magazine - said Alla Pavlova. - From there just came rector. I saw what happened - just threw up his hands.
Seniority order for a long time did not go.
- Well, where is your police there? - I ask the minister of the church. - I have no time!
Finally came the district. Battered ladies he immediately sent to the hospital. There are both diagnosed with closed head injuries and concussion. Plus Alla nose injury, and Valentine had to impose on the lip three stitches.
In the evening, the children of the women came to Protodeacon home, the good he lives next door - in Berngardovka. We asked to apologize to their mothers. He came.
- Well, excuse me, it happens - he told the women. - That is so here I am ...
- Not in his eyes, no words of remorse was not - shared his impressions of Alla Pavlova. - His apology, I took note, but nothing more.
As Sergei Frunza see what happened, we never found out, he refused to talk with a reporter and hung up. But, according to eyewitnesses, the Archdeacon was waiting for his wife, who went to the store. And when she went out with shopping bags on the street, I went to see her.
CALL in the diocese
- If the accusations are confirmed Protodeacon, it certainly threatens the church punishment - said our source at the St. Petersburg diocese. - May prohibit the service can send in some taiga or monastery. Maybe someone will intercede and he did nothing. However, the Patriarch declared: "We are returning to the purity of the apostolic canons and rules," and even restored a church court. However, we have it as yet no one condemned: all the things that were there, scattered and quietly disappeared.
- What are Protodeacon? - We asked who agreed to talk to us priests.
- This kind of reward for the deacon of a long and honest service. Typically, it is given twenty years of service.
- But Frunza only 34 years old!
- We never happens. Some archpriests and 37 years old are. How - I do not know. But the procedure is as follows: the confessor wrote the recommendation, the bishop asserts. Or Theological Academy bidder wrote a petition to the rector, the recommendation applies confessor, once ordained and the rector.
© KP
Sergei Frunza - diverse people. He is fond of the Orthodox humor, and a group of "Silver».
After the incident the priest changed its name to Sergei Ivanov and deleted his profile vk.com/id78577605.
- My sister Valentina went to the station Berngardovka - said Alla Pavlova. - Passing on Hristianovskoy street past the church. Suddenly, the one on the other side of the road in front of us went blue-gray "Goetz". We had to brake sharply. We stopped just ten centimeters from the "Hyundai».
What happened next, according to the words of retired sisters, looks savagery.
- Valentine out of the car, walked to the passenger door, "Getz" - where the glass was ajar, slapped his palm and told the driver: "What are you doing?" - Continued the story Alla Pavlova. - From there, got a healthy guy, and a half a head taller than we are, he replied: "Who will know." I walked around the hood and, without another word, slammed his fist sister. She fell backward. [next] Here, I have jumped out of the car, and the guy just walked up to me. Just silently I swung, and I flew fist. I just held up her palm. Blow repulsed, and in his hand were the keys to his "Goetz" - it turns out, Valentin hit while holding keys in his hand. Her lip is cut into half a centimeter!
Then the picture is drawn is this: the man began to take away car keys pensioner. She did not give. And then he got punched in the nose.
- I did not expect that he will knock me - a woman still can not believe that this happened. - The impact, I flew back to the car, his feet began to fight back. But he took the keys, got into his "Goetz", started the engine and tried to leave.
At this point the sisters gathered her courage and blocked the path of the machine: Valentin Pavlov stood in front of the hood, Alla Pavlova - for luggage.
- Stand back, he's crazy! Asking! - People were shouting from the curb.
Finally the road "Hyundai" has blocked some of the drivers passing by. And then we arrived and the children of retired, began to call the police.
- Yes, call the police even though the FSB! I will be nothing! - Shouted a fighter.
And then it turned out that the tall guy raised his hand at older women - Archdeacon Sergei Frunza. Serve in the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul at the Mechnikov Medical Academy Hospital and the Peter the Great.
- Contrary to our church magazine - said Alla Pavlova. - From there just came rector. I saw what happened - just threw up his hands.
Seniority order for a long time did not go.
- Well, where is your police there? - I ask the minister of the church. - I have no time!
Finally came the district. Battered ladies he immediately sent to the hospital. There are both diagnosed with closed head injuries and concussion. Plus Alla nose injury, and Valentine had to impose on the lip three stitches.
In the evening, the children of the women came to Protodeacon home, the good he lives next door - in Berngardovka. We asked to apologize to their mothers. He came.
- Well, excuse me, it happens - he told the women. - That is so here I am ...
- Not in his eyes, no words of remorse was not - shared his impressions of Alla Pavlova. - His apology, I took note, but nothing more.
As Sergei Frunza see what happened, we never found out, he refused to talk with a reporter and hung up. But, according to eyewitnesses, the Archdeacon was waiting for his wife, who went to the store. And when she went out with shopping bags on the street, I went to see her.
CALL in the diocese
- If the accusations are confirmed Protodeacon, it certainly threatens the church punishment - said our source at the St. Petersburg diocese. - May prohibit the service can send in some taiga or monastery. Maybe someone will intercede and he did nothing. However, the Patriarch declared: "We are returning to the purity of the apostolic canons and rules," and even restored a church court. However, we have it as yet no one condemned: all the things that were there, scattered and quietly disappeared.
- What are Protodeacon? - We asked who agreed to talk to us priests.
- This kind of reward for the deacon of a long and honest service. Typically, it is given twenty years of service.
- But Frunza only 34 years old!
- We never happens. Some archpriests and 37 years old are. How - I do not know. But the procedure is as follows: the confessor wrote the recommendation, the bishop asserts. Or Theological Academy bidder wrote a petition to the rector, the recommendation applies confessor, once ordained and the rector.
© KP

Sergei Frunza - diverse people. He is fond of the Orthodox humor, and a group of "Silver».
After the incident the priest changed its name to Sergei Ivanov and deleted his profile vk.com/id78577605.
