20 most successful casual inventions
1. Penicillin
Classic "random inventions" - penicillin. Alexander Fleming loved to put all sorts of experiments. Literally, he lived in his lab. Even eating right at your desk. And to get out there was neither the time nor the desire - the whole science was. So during the study Staphylococcus bacteria and it was the greatest discovery - one of the samples was killed by mold spores, which the professor was full everywhere - even on the ceiling. In 1945, Fleming for penicillin even given a Nobel Prize!
2. Nobel Prize
By the way, the "Nobel Prize"! The idea is that the prize should be talking about thin and vulnerable soul of Alfred Nobel, impersonate altruism and selfless devotion to science and the arts. Nothing like this! It was just the opposite. Journalists with repolarization that got it wrong, and published an obituary on the death of a millionaire early. This is where the Nobel and learned the truth about myself, "Merchant of Death", "millionaire blood" and stuff like that. Not wanting to remain in the memory of man villain, he bequeathed his entire fortune to the establishment of the Fund and the Prize itself.
3. Microwave
American Percy Spencer perfected a device generating microwave signals used in the first radar. One day, standing at the working of the magnetron (the so-called device), the engineer reached into his pocket for the "Snickers" and run into the melted chocolate. When finished all the swear words, enlightenment came: "Well I invented the microwave!»
4. Reinforced
French gardener Joseph Monier was nearly ruined by selling palm trees - on the road beat clay pots, and the plant dies. An idea to make a tub of cement, and for strength - even the frame of iron rods. Thus it was invented reinforced concrete. There is no place palms became. Ten years later, Monier patented concrete sleepers, and later - from concrete, beams, bridges and much more.
5. Chocolate paste
Pietro Ferrero made candies and sold them at a local fair. One day he was going to work for a long time, because of the heat sweetness turned into a shapeless pile of chocolate. To sell anything, Pietro resulting mass smeared on bread and ... became the inventor of chocolate paste «Nutella». Today the company is called by the name of its founder - one of the most profitable in the world. And before particularly critical cases or negotiations Pietro always prayed: "God help us Holy Nutella!»
6. The Kiev cake
More on sweets. "Kiev cake" also appeared accidental. Biscuit shop workers simply forgot to clean the refrigerator beaten egg white. In the morning the foreman surnamed Petrenko at your own risk and excitement has decided to make the cake of what is. So there's a new ingredient - the famous crispy cakes. This cake is not ashamed to present myself to Brezhnev on one of his many anniversaries!
7. Salad "Caesar»
One of the most famous salads - "Caesar", was first prepared by accident. It was July 4, 1924. On the occasion of the Independence Day of the US, restaurant Caesar Cardini raided by so many people that snack was not enough. And on the occasion of shops were closed. Helped whether ingenuity, or desperation: Caesar decided to mix all that was left in the kitchen - cheese, eggs, lettuce, garlic, and even bread. The holiday was a success. Life restaurateur - too.
8. Dance Sirtaki
Incidentally, you can invent even dance! Shortly before filming the final scene of the film "Zorba the Greek" Anthony Quinn broke his leg, and the scenario out there - dance with jumps. I had to think of something else. That something is called "Sirtaki" and became a symbol of Greece. By the way, the music and dance no relation to Greece has not - she, too, was written specifically for the film. Although still like to think that this is what the ancient Greeks danced!
9. Superglue
In 1942 the company «Kodak» looking for clear plastic gun sights. One of the employees of the company, Harry Coover got some substance that is glued to the entire row and spoil any materials. 15 years later, Coover remembered the bad experience and patented superglue. The one that is now on sale at any kiosk. Moreover, the first adhesive produced all the same «Kodak».
10. Safety Glass
Often laziness - the engine of progress! And the wheel was invented, and the crane, and even triplex safety glass. But not because the French chemist Edouard Benedictus was too lazy to change the broken (for example, a slingshot) window. He was too lazy to wash test tubes and flasks. One such vessel once fell and broke ... do not! It was found in the flask was dissolved long ethyl ether, ethanol, and nitrates. The liquid evaporated and was left on the walls of a thin layer of solution. By the way, Volvo has adopted the invention Benedictus in 1944.
11. Crossword
The title of the inventor crossword claimed several people. For example, a Victor Orville. Invented by accident. Idleness and despair. In prison. He folded the letter in the word on the square floor tiles of his cell. It is a beautiful and unusual. Which prompted prisoners to highly intellectual thoughts. Orville came up with simple rules and sent the crossword in the local newspaper. On freedom came with a clear conscience and a large sum in the bank.
12. Lego
Due to the financial crisis of 30-ies of the last century, a Danish carpenter Ole Christiansen almost went around the world. The people were not up to ladders on which it once stood in every sense. But the designer for the children, who fashioned Christiansen suddenly became in demand. Shortly carpenter founded the production designers Lego. Yes, initially the famous toy was made of wood - a carpenter just wanted to sell the remnants of wood, more than he did and it was not! A plastic Lego began only in 1947.
13. Teflon
An ambitious young chemist Roy Plunkett long struggled with obtaining varieties of Freon. One evening, he sent in a freezer container with tetrafluoroethylene and the next morning was a substance that does not collapse under the influence of water, fats, acids and alkalis, and also has a high heat and frost. First, it is estimated the opening of the military, and then became a new substance used in everyday life. It is called Teflon.
14. Chips
Moody customer complained about a hotel restaurant: "Waiter, and what it is you have such potatoes sliced slices?" Chef George Crum said with dignity: sliced potatoes as thin as possible. How would now say, trolling guest did not understand even the opposite - come to the indescribable delight of fried slices tonyusenkoy. A restaurant business quickly went up the hill. Due to the firm dish called chips. This was in 1853.
15. Port
In 1678, the British Government to stop trading with France, the English wine merchants were on the verge of bankruptcy. However, there was an option to transport alcohol from Portugal. But the road was long, the wine quickly deteriorates. Try adding brandy in barrels. It turned fortified wine, which is called port wine - the name of the city of Porto, where the product was purchased.
16. Madera
Another story about Portuguese wine and a long road. To India. Once a ship full of wine, stuck at the equator - calm, you know, the wind silent ... Wine hopelessly spoiled, the client refused to receive the goods. Sailors - strong guys and a drink! - Not disdained. Uncork the first barrel and - oh, miracle! Thank almighty Dionysus! Well it's - Madeira! Well, I mean, at this point it Madeira, and invented.
17. heels on Kie
Almost revolutionary discovery for billiards - nakleechka at the end of the cue - was made by accident. An avid billiards player and theorist Francois Mengo broke his leg. Play was inconvenient ... more precisely, nespodnozhno, but at home he could not stay, so come and just watched others play. Once jokingly hit the ball with his crutch, and ... If you do not know - spinning in place, roll back, change the angle and speed of the ball can only thanks to this very heels at Kie.
18. Sticker
The employees of the American company for the production of office supplies for a long time and tried unsuccessfully to improve acrylic adhesive. New glue perfectly stuck, but absolutely does not hold together. Here it was important to remember the purpose of the experiment. Spencer Silver and Arthur Fry stop there, as a result, the company has quickly become a transnational corporation with an annual turnover of 20 billion dollars! And all thanks to the invention of a couple of stickers.
19. Elvis Presley
One ten-year boy dreamed of a bicycle. But his family was poor. Father of all unemployed, and before that a couple of years spent behind bars. But as the favorite child without a gift on birthday leave! We decided to give the guitar - it was cheaper. So a child engaged in music. It turns out that quite by accident. He mastered the instrument, and then began to sing. He began to make progress and to give high hopes. Young talent called Elvis Presley.
20. LSD
Dr. Albert Hofmann worked to develop a drug that would alleviate the pain of childbirth. Among other things, he created what later became known as LSD. On that fateful day, Hofmann worked without gloves and something, of course, got into the body. April 19, 1943 has since called Happy Bike - the doctor was going home on a bike and feel all the charm of a psychedelic substance invented by him - saw sounds heard paintings ... Well, you can, and he know all this.
Classic "random inventions" - penicillin. Alexander Fleming loved to put all sorts of experiments. Literally, he lived in his lab. Even eating right at your desk. And to get out there was neither the time nor the desire - the whole science was. So during the study Staphylococcus bacteria and it was the greatest discovery - one of the samples was killed by mold spores, which the professor was full everywhere - even on the ceiling. In 1945, Fleming for penicillin even given a Nobel Prize!

2. Nobel Prize
By the way, the "Nobel Prize"! The idea is that the prize should be talking about thin and vulnerable soul of Alfred Nobel, impersonate altruism and selfless devotion to science and the arts. Nothing like this! It was just the opposite. Journalists with repolarization that got it wrong, and published an obituary on the death of a millionaire early. This is where the Nobel and learned the truth about myself, "Merchant of Death", "millionaire blood" and stuff like that. Not wanting to remain in the memory of man villain, he bequeathed his entire fortune to the establishment of the Fund and the Prize itself.

3. Microwave
American Percy Spencer perfected a device generating microwave signals used in the first radar. One day, standing at the working of the magnetron (the so-called device), the engineer reached into his pocket for the "Snickers" and run into the melted chocolate. When finished all the swear words, enlightenment came: "Well I invented the microwave!»

4. Reinforced
French gardener Joseph Monier was nearly ruined by selling palm trees - on the road beat clay pots, and the plant dies. An idea to make a tub of cement, and for strength - even the frame of iron rods. Thus it was invented reinforced concrete. There is no place palms became. Ten years later, Monier patented concrete sleepers, and later - from concrete, beams, bridges and much more.

5. Chocolate paste
Pietro Ferrero made candies and sold them at a local fair. One day he was going to work for a long time, because of the heat sweetness turned into a shapeless pile of chocolate. To sell anything, Pietro resulting mass smeared on bread and ... became the inventor of chocolate paste «Nutella». Today the company is called by the name of its founder - one of the most profitable in the world. And before particularly critical cases or negotiations Pietro always prayed: "God help us Holy Nutella!»

6. The Kiev cake
More on sweets. "Kiev cake" also appeared accidental. Biscuit shop workers simply forgot to clean the refrigerator beaten egg white. In the morning the foreman surnamed Petrenko at your own risk and excitement has decided to make the cake of what is. So there's a new ingredient - the famous crispy cakes. This cake is not ashamed to present myself to Brezhnev on one of his many anniversaries!

7. Salad "Caesar»
One of the most famous salads - "Caesar", was first prepared by accident. It was July 4, 1924. On the occasion of the Independence Day of the US, restaurant Caesar Cardini raided by so many people that snack was not enough. And on the occasion of shops were closed. Helped whether ingenuity, or desperation: Caesar decided to mix all that was left in the kitchen - cheese, eggs, lettuce, garlic, and even bread. The holiday was a success. Life restaurateur - too.

8. Dance Sirtaki
Incidentally, you can invent even dance! Shortly before filming the final scene of the film "Zorba the Greek" Anthony Quinn broke his leg, and the scenario out there - dance with jumps. I had to think of something else. That something is called "Sirtaki" and became a symbol of Greece. By the way, the music and dance no relation to Greece has not - she, too, was written specifically for the film. Although still like to think that this is what the ancient Greeks danced!

9. Superglue
In 1942 the company «Kodak» looking for clear plastic gun sights. One of the employees of the company, Harry Coover got some substance that is glued to the entire row and spoil any materials. 15 years later, Coover remembered the bad experience and patented superglue. The one that is now on sale at any kiosk. Moreover, the first adhesive produced all the same «Kodak».

10. Safety Glass
Often laziness - the engine of progress! And the wheel was invented, and the crane, and even triplex safety glass. But not because the French chemist Edouard Benedictus was too lazy to change the broken (for example, a slingshot) window. He was too lazy to wash test tubes and flasks. One such vessel once fell and broke ... do not! It was found in the flask was dissolved long ethyl ether, ethanol, and nitrates. The liquid evaporated and was left on the walls of a thin layer of solution. By the way, Volvo has adopted the invention Benedictus in 1944.

11. Crossword
The title of the inventor crossword claimed several people. For example, a Victor Orville. Invented by accident. Idleness and despair. In prison. He folded the letter in the word on the square floor tiles of his cell. It is a beautiful and unusual. Which prompted prisoners to highly intellectual thoughts. Orville came up with simple rules and sent the crossword in the local newspaper. On freedom came with a clear conscience and a large sum in the bank.

12. Lego
Due to the financial crisis of 30-ies of the last century, a Danish carpenter Ole Christiansen almost went around the world. The people were not up to ladders on which it once stood in every sense. But the designer for the children, who fashioned Christiansen suddenly became in demand. Shortly carpenter founded the production designers Lego. Yes, initially the famous toy was made of wood - a carpenter just wanted to sell the remnants of wood, more than he did and it was not! A plastic Lego began only in 1947.

13. Teflon
An ambitious young chemist Roy Plunkett long struggled with obtaining varieties of Freon. One evening, he sent in a freezer container with tetrafluoroethylene and the next morning was a substance that does not collapse under the influence of water, fats, acids and alkalis, and also has a high heat and frost. First, it is estimated the opening of the military, and then became a new substance used in everyday life. It is called Teflon.

14. Chips
Moody customer complained about a hotel restaurant: "Waiter, and what it is you have such potatoes sliced slices?" Chef George Crum said with dignity: sliced potatoes as thin as possible. How would now say, trolling guest did not understand even the opposite - come to the indescribable delight of fried slices tonyusenkoy. A restaurant business quickly went up the hill. Due to the firm dish called chips. This was in 1853.

15. Port
In 1678, the British Government to stop trading with France, the English wine merchants were on the verge of bankruptcy. However, there was an option to transport alcohol from Portugal. But the road was long, the wine quickly deteriorates. Try adding brandy in barrels. It turned fortified wine, which is called port wine - the name of the city of Porto, where the product was purchased.

16. Madera
Another story about Portuguese wine and a long road. To India. Once a ship full of wine, stuck at the equator - calm, you know, the wind silent ... Wine hopelessly spoiled, the client refused to receive the goods. Sailors - strong guys and a drink! - Not disdained. Uncork the first barrel and - oh, miracle! Thank almighty Dionysus! Well it's - Madeira! Well, I mean, at this point it Madeira, and invented.

17. heels on Kie
Almost revolutionary discovery for billiards - nakleechka at the end of the cue - was made by accident. An avid billiards player and theorist Francois Mengo broke his leg. Play was inconvenient ... more precisely, nespodnozhno, but at home he could not stay, so come and just watched others play. Once jokingly hit the ball with his crutch, and ... If you do not know - spinning in place, roll back, change the angle and speed of the ball can only thanks to this very heels at Kie.

18. Sticker
The employees of the American company for the production of office supplies for a long time and tried unsuccessfully to improve acrylic adhesive. New glue perfectly stuck, but absolutely does not hold together. Here it was important to remember the purpose of the experiment. Spencer Silver and Arthur Fry stop there, as a result, the company has quickly become a transnational corporation with an annual turnover of 20 billion dollars! And all thanks to the invention of a couple of stickers.

19. Elvis Presley
One ten-year boy dreamed of a bicycle. But his family was poor. Father of all unemployed, and before that a couple of years spent behind bars. But as the favorite child without a gift on birthday leave! We decided to give the guitar - it was cheaper. So a child engaged in music. It turns out that quite by accident. He mastered the instrument, and then began to sing. He began to make progress and to give high hopes. Young talent called Elvis Presley.

20. LSD
Dr. Albert Hofmann worked to develop a drug that would alleviate the pain of childbirth. Among other things, he created what later became known as LSD. On that fateful day, Hofmann worked without gloves and something, of course, got into the body. April 19, 1943 has since called Happy Bike - the doctor was going home on a bike and feel all the charm of a psychedelic substance invented by him - saw sounds heard paintings ... Well, you can, and he know all this.
