The nameless heights
Today means a lot for the Kaluga region and the country as a whole. In honor of this, and it was held on this day the memory of which I managed to visit, and a little to tell your child that was many years ago. Veterans practically no longer exists, and our children are unlikely who will tell about those years in more detail than the veterans.
The writer out of me completely worthless because of the information taken from the Internet, and photos of the author.
It will be about 40-bit photos and video.
Here, on 13-14 September 1943 in a fierce battle with the invaders was a reconnaissance death of 18-year-war-communists 718 Regiment 139 Infantry Division.
Artamonov Alexander A.
Belokonov Emelyan Ivanovich
Vlasov Konstantin
Gabriel A. Vorobyov
Golenkin Nikolai
Danilenko Nikolay Fedorovich
Daniel A. Denisov
Zakomoldin Roman Emelyanovich
Kasabiev Tatari Nalykovich
Kigelia Boris Davidovich
Ivan Kulikov
Lapin Gerasim Ilyich
Lipovetser Elyusha Y.
Peter Ivanovich Panin
Romanov Pyotr Andreyevich
Shlyakhov Dmitry Ageevich
Yaruta Dmitry Ilyich
Poroshin Evgeny
In August 1943 the division arrived reinforcements - Siberians - volunteers, Novosibirsk workers. The combat group of Siberians, Communists, under the command of second lieutenant Eugene Poroshina had to make a bold step - to go on the night of September 14 to the rear of the enemy and seize the high ground anonymous. Radio call this group of brave men was the word "Moon».
"Luna," said Command that height is occupied. Further events were unfolding tragedy. The detected enemy Siberians were surrounded on all sides many times superior forces of the enemy. Eighteen took the fight against two hundred !!!
In the course of the Smolensk offensive operation of Soviet troops in the autumn of 1943, in the offensive zone the 139th Infantry Division (10th Army) Soviet soldiers the way to the river Desna and the city Roslavl blocked dominates the whole area heavily fortified height of 224 1. It has been strengthened three rows of trenches, thickly studded with machine-gun nests, two tanks, self-propelled "violinist". Surrounded by minefields, the height occupied an important strategic position, and seemed impregnable. Numerous attempts 718 Regiment Lieutenant Colonel EG Salov seize a stronghold of the enemy were unsuccessful. It was decided to create an assault group and assign it this task. Volunteers were many. We chose a second lieutenant platoon Urals EI Poroshina that in past battles have caused a stir.
On the night of September 14 assault, the band performed for the assignment. Crawls up to the fortifications, Siberians threw grenades at the first trench and there are Nazis drove them and rushed to the second row of fortifications. The suddenness of the attack, the rapidity of action allowed lightning to overcome 600 meters and a height of rush! However, follow them eighth infantry company of the third battalion was cut off by machine-gun fire and the assault team was surrounded by superior enemy forces.
Having taken a perimeter defense, daredevils were unequal bloody battle throughout the night. The first sergeant was killed Panin, then paused Yemelyan Belokonov, and then Lipovetser Shlyakhov. Destroying enemy grenades gun fell from enemy bullets group commander Poroshin. The survivors dug in and continued to hold back the onslaught of the enemy. Siberians repulsed several attacks of the Nazis.
In the morning the artillery began firing. The Germans shot at close range from our tanks, six-barreled guns and mortars. Dmitry Yarute broke the legs of mine, Boris tunic torn hand. They are bleeding, continued to fire at the enemy to the last breath. All the wounded, Nikolai Golenkin rose to his full height and, with his left hand holding the machine (right was slaughtered and hung like a whip), he rushed forward, firing at the enemy. Breaking into the ranks of the enemy, he fell to the Nazis machines. So the cost of his life, Golenkin has allowed his comrades reload, bandage wounds, gather strength and continue to mortal combat.
With the dawn of forces Siberians exhausted. At first, all was quiet on the right flank, where the group fought Denisov. Then fell Artamonov, who fought next to Vlasov.
Leading this mortal combat, the group pinned down considerable enemy forces, which enabled the main forces of 718 Regiment strike a severe blow to the enemy flank and throw it across the river Desna. The road was opened on Roslavl. On the morning of September 14, 1943, when 718 soldiers Infantry Regiment broke through to the height, in front of them appeared a picture of cruel bloody carnage. In addition to the sixteen fatalities of our soldiers, there were more than a hundred corpses of German soldiers and officers of the units 317 th Grenadier and 365th infantry regiment of the German army. And in one of the craters, covered with earth, our soldiers saw shoes sticking out, and when they began to dig, they found his brother-Gerasimos Lapin, who has struggled for a pulse. Mine blast his shell-shocked and thrown into the hopper, and then sprinkled.
In the medical battalion soldier he treated her, and then he continued to fight as part of the same regiment, was wounded twice, but both times after treatment returned to his unit. Then he was sent to study and moved to another part, with which reached Berlin. After the war Lapin returned to his native Donetsk.
Otherwise the fate of another survivor hero nameless heights of sergeant Konstantin Vlasov. When he has run out of bullets, three grenades, he made a bundle, and the fourth left as a last resort. When four Fritz began to approach him, he threw a bunch of grenades and put them in place. Then appeared another seven. Vlasov decided to allow to approach them closer together and to undermine the latter with a grenade, but a grenade exploded and wounded, he was taken prisoner.
Day spent Sergeant Vlasov Roslavl in jail, 49 days in Bobruisk POW camp. November 4, 1943 the prisoners were loaded on a train and taken to the West, to Germany. Before the sending Kostya hid under the shoe insole another primitive folding knife with flat handle. Already on the road, under the sound of the wheels, Vlasov, along with other prisoners in turn notched this knife board against the outer door latch, giving the pre-cut board, untwisted the wire on the latch and kickbacks carload heavy door at full speed and jumped out of the car. In the dark of night, they fled to the surrounding bushes. A few minutes later they called out to the guerrillas. Together with other fighters who escaped from German slavery, Vlasov was enlisted in the Belarusian partisan group "The Avengers", participated in many guerrilla operations ruthlessly avenged their fallen comrades. After the war he worked in Novosibirsk in the native plant. He died in 1978.
At the moment, the memorial has experienced a small renovation and looks like this:
There were a lot of people, honor the memory of heroes, I did not expect to see so many.
Almost ceremony with his presence, and the governor of the Kaluga region.
The governor, surrounded by military
It is in the dugout.
The only thing I can not forgive myself, I forgot to buy flowers for veterans (((
Heroes of
But these men will continue to show their fighting techniques. I will try to put the video with them.
Sam Memorial.
Sometimes it seemed that the next festival in honor Airborne
There were demonstrations of parachutists and aircraft.
Prepare for the solemn procession
And the tools to speak fighters Airborne
Soldiers, will give a salute
Laying flowers
The governor and "Shaman»
I suppose that to explain who the "Shaman" is not worth it?
Biker you recognize?
Night Wolves
Again, the governor and the "Shaman". But the near-General not know (
Little paratroopers
The writer out of me completely worthless because of the information taken from the Internet, and photos of the author.
It will be about 40-bit photos and video.

Here, on 13-14 September 1943 in a fierce battle with the invaders was a reconnaissance death of 18-year-war-communists 718 Regiment 139 Infantry Division.
Artamonov Alexander A.
Belokonov Emelyan Ivanovich
Vlasov Konstantin
Gabriel A. Vorobyov
Golenkin Nikolai
Danilenko Nikolay Fedorovich
Daniel A. Denisov
Zakomoldin Roman Emelyanovich
Kasabiev Tatari Nalykovich
Kigelia Boris Davidovich
Ivan Kulikov
Lapin Gerasim Ilyich
Lipovetser Elyusha Y.
Peter Ivanovich Panin
Romanov Pyotr Andreyevich
Shlyakhov Dmitry Ageevich
Yaruta Dmitry Ilyich
Poroshin Evgeny
In August 1943 the division arrived reinforcements - Siberians - volunteers, Novosibirsk workers. The combat group of Siberians, Communists, under the command of second lieutenant Eugene Poroshina had to make a bold step - to go on the night of September 14 to the rear of the enemy and seize the high ground anonymous. Radio call this group of brave men was the word "Moon».
"Luna," said Command that height is occupied. Further events were unfolding tragedy. The detected enemy Siberians were surrounded on all sides many times superior forces of the enemy. Eighteen took the fight against two hundred !!!
In the course of the Smolensk offensive operation of Soviet troops in the autumn of 1943, in the offensive zone the 139th Infantry Division (10th Army) Soviet soldiers the way to the river Desna and the city Roslavl blocked dominates the whole area heavily fortified height of 224 1. It has been strengthened three rows of trenches, thickly studded with machine-gun nests, two tanks, self-propelled "violinist". Surrounded by minefields, the height occupied an important strategic position, and seemed impregnable. Numerous attempts 718 Regiment Lieutenant Colonel EG Salov seize a stronghold of the enemy were unsuccessful. It was decided to create an assault group and assign it this task. Volunteers were many. We chose a second lieutenant platoon Urals EI Poroshina that in past battles have caused a stir.
On the night of September 14 assault, the band performed for the assignment. Crawls up to the fortifications, Siberians threw grenades at the first trench and there are Nazis drove them and rushed to the second row of fortifications. The suddenness of the attack, the rapidity of action allowed lightning to overcome 600 meters and a height of rush! However, follow them eighth infantry company of the third battalion was cut off by machine-gun fire and the assault team was surrounded by superior enemy forces.
Having taken a perimeter defense, daredevils were unequal bloody battle throughout the night. The first sergeant was killed Panin, then paused Yemelyan Belokonov, and then Lipovetser Shlyakhov. Destroying enemy grenades gun fell from enemy bullets group commander Poroshin. The survivors dug in and continued to hold back the onslaught of the enemy. Siberians repulsed several attacks of the Nazis.
In the morning the artillery began firing. The Germans shot at close range from our tanks, six-barreled guns and mortars. Dmitry Yarute broke the legs of mine, Boris tunic torn hand. They are bleeding, continued to fire at the enemy to the last breath. All the wounded, Nikolai Golenkin rose to his full height and, with his left hand holding the machine (right was slaughtered and hung like a whip), he rushed forward, firing at the enemy. Breaking into the ranks of the enemy, he fell to the Nazis machines. So the cost of his life, Golenkin has allowed his comrades reload, bandage wounds, gather strength and continue to mortal combat.
With the dawn of forces Siberians exhausted. At first, all was quiet on the right flank, where the group fought Denisov. Then fell Artamonov, who fought next to Vlasov.
Leading this mortal combat, the group pinned down considerable enemy forces, which enabled the main forces of 718 Regiment strike a severe blow to the enemy flank and throw it across the river Desna. The road was opened on Roslavl. On the morning of September 14, 1943, when 718 soldiers Infantry Regiment broke through to the height, in front of them appeared a picture of cruel bloody carnage. In addition to the sixteen fatalities of our soldiers, there were more than a hundred corpses of German soldiers and officers of the units 317 th Grenadier and 365th infantry regiment of the German army. And in one of the craters, covered with earth, our soldiers saw shoes sticking out, and when they began to dig, they found his brother-Gerasimos Lapin, who has struggled for a pulse. Mine blast his shell-shocked and thrown into the hopper, and then sprinkled.
In the medical battalion soldier he treated her, and then he continued to fight as part of the same regiment, was wounded twice, but both times after treatment returned to his unit. Then he was sent to study and moved to another part, with which reached Berlin. After the war Lapin returned to his native Donetsk.
Otherwise the fate of another survivor hero nameless heights of sergeant Konstantin Vlasov. When he has run out of bullets, three grenades, he made a bundle, and the fourth left as a last resort. When four Fritz began to approach him, he threw a bunch of grenades and put them in place. Then appeared another seven. Vlasov decided to allow to approach them closer together and to undermine the latter with a grenade, but a grenade exploded and wounded, he was taken prisoner.
Day spent Sergeant Vlasov Roslavl in jail, 49 days in Bobruisk POW camp. November 4, 1943 the prisoners were loaded on a train and taken to the West, to Germany. Before the sending Kostya hid under the shoe insole another primitive folding knife with flat handle. Already on the road, under the sound of the wheels, Vlasov, along with other prisoners in turn notched this knife board against the outer door latch, giving the pre-cut board, untwisted the wire on the latch and kickbacks carload heavy door at full speed and jumped out of the car. In the dark of night, they fled to the surrounding bushes. A few minutes later they called out to the guerrillas. Together with other fighters who escaped from German slavery, Vlasov was enlisted in the Belarusian partisan group "The Avengers", participated in many guerrilla operations ruthlessly avenged their fallen comrades. After the war he worked in Novosibirsk in the native plant. He died in 1978.

At the moment, the memorial has experienced a small renovation and looks like this:

There were a lot of people, honor the memory of heroes, I did not expect to see so many.

Almost ceremony with his presence, and the governor of the Kaluga region.

The governor, surrounded by military

It is in the dugout.


The only thing I can not forgive myself, I forgot to buy flowers for veterans (((



Heroes of


But these men will continue to show their fighting techniques. I will try to put the video with them.

Sam Memorial.


Sometimes it seemed that the next festival in honor Airborne


There were demonstrations of parachutists and aircraft.

Prepare for the solemn procession


And the tools to speak fighters Airborne

Soldiers, will give a salute

Laying flowers

The governor and "Shaman»
I suppose that to explain who the "Shaman" is not worth it?


Biker you recognize?

Night Wolves

Again, the governor and the "Shaman". But the near-General not know (

Little paratroopers


