Slave Market in Moscow.
The inaction of law enforcement, "protection" of slavery and slave-owners, the absence of any moral qualities and humanity from law enforcement officials, who sell people into slavery at brick factories, the head of the organization "Alternative" dedicated to freeing people from slavery, Oleg Melnikov, he decided to become a "bait "for the slave-owners.
Within a week he had to play the role of the Kazan station homeless in order to attract recruiters and he "swallowed". Some time later he was approached by a man of Caucasian appearance, who introduced Musa, he said that he has a good job in Dagestan, with a high salary. Also he explained that doing this completely "disinterested." After talking, Musa, together with Oleg went to the metro station "Teply Stan", where they were approached by another "recruiter" who introduced Ramazan.
"They have for some time away from me about something I said and saw Ramadan Musa gave the money, what kind of sum, I do not know" - said Melnikov, - then on a warm mill with Ramazan we got to st.Mamyri. From buses to Dagestan. & Quot;
Before boarding the bus Oleg said Ramazan that he changed his mind to go to Dagestan, but Ramadan said that for him already paid the money and run he did not succeed. & quot; You have to go. Do not go can not be & quot; - Ramadan said.
After that Oleg was offered a drink and "discuss this issue." Next to the bus was a kiosk where a woman of Slavic appearance, realizing his "problem", he poured some alcohol-containing beverage. Oleg tasted quite a bit, rest quietly poured on the ground. He was taken to the bus, planted under the bed (in some Dagestani buses have a bed) and told not to go there.
Oleg felt he feels bad, despite the fact that he drank quite a bit, Oleg quickly wrote sms reporters that soon cuts. Reporters called opera group, an ambulance and 33 km. Ring bus was stopped by traffic police. It rode 40 people of Caucasian appearance, hardly found Oleg, who was under the bed and was actually unconscious, in a deranged state.
Oleg was dragged off the bus and received medical treatment. As vysnilos later, he was poisoned by barbiturates (anesthesia causes, has an overwhelming effect on the nervous system). Oleg was taken to the SRI Sklifasovskogo where will stay for some time.
Also, according to Oleg, one of the recruiters, Ramadan, interrogated, even the Interior Ministry yesterday held an emergency meeting on this fact, however, despite the abundance of facts sales people and the backing of the law enforcement agencies of the "black" business is not initiated and brought to the end of a single criminal case. In fact, Oleg Melnikov because of the inaction of law enforcement, corrupt bureaucrats, just seeing the suffering of the relatives of missing people, put at risk their own lives, health, and wasting time.
Just the other day the coordinators of the movement "Alterantiva" in Dagestan, under the guidance of Zakir Ismailov (which has repeatedly threatened by the way) released a citizen of Mordovia, which is sold on the "slave market" in Mamyr. So, my friends, if we had heard about the slave market in Urus-Martan, now the "slave market" gradually moved to the Russian capital. The most horrific in this situation that the authorities are silent, and consulted only when it receives a lot of publicity, but recruiters are not afraid at all, since we believe that for them it will be nothing.
I would also like to say about Oleg Melnikov, who pass put their lives and well-being, it is a real Russian brave man who decided, sacrificing himself, to show that slavery exists in Russia, and this problem should be solved. Thank you so, Oleg respect and get well soon. All who care can help Oleg and organization of material, skinuvshis little on the details, because, again, that the organization is non-profit and all tickets for freed slaves, we buy ourselves:
Within a week he had to play the role of the Kazan station homeless in order to attract recruiters and he "swallowed". Some time later he was approached by a man of Caucasian appearance, who introduced Musa, he said that he has a good job in Dagestan, with a high salary. Also he explained that doing this completely "disinterested." After talking, Musa, together with Oleg went to the metro station "Teply Stan", where they were approached by another "recruiter" who introduced Ramazan.

"They have for some time away from me about something I said and saw Ramadan Musa gave the money, what kind of sum, I do not know" - said Melnikov, - then on a warm mill with Ramazan we got to st.Mamyri. From buses to Dagestan. & Quot;
Before boarding the bus Oleg said Ramazan that he changed his mind to go to Dagestan, but Ramadan said that for him already paid the money and run he did not succeed. & quot; You have to go. Do not go can not be & quot; - Ramadan said.
After that Oleg was offered a drink and "discuss this issue." Next to the bus was a kiosk where a woman of Slavic appearance, realizing his "problem", he poured some alcohol-containing beverage. Oleg tasted quite a bit, rest quietly poured on the ground. He was taken to the bus, planted under the bed (in some Dagestani buses have a bed) and told not to go there.
Oleg felt he feels bad, despite the fact that he drank quite a bit, Oleg quickly wrote sms reporters that soon cuts. Reporters called opera group, an ambulance and 33 km. Ring bus was stopped by traffic police. It rode 40 people of Caucasian appearance, hardly found Oleg, who was under the bed and was actually unconscious, in a deranged state.
Oleg was dragged off the bus and received medical treatment. As vysnilos later, he was poisoned by barbiturates (anesthesia causes, has an overwhelming effect on the nervous system). Oleg was taken to the SRI Sklifasovskogo where will stay for some time.
Also, according to Oleg, one of the recruiters, Ramadan, interrogated, even the Interior Ministry yesterday held an emergency meeting on this fact, however, despite the abundance of facts sales people and the backing of the law enforcement agencies of the "black" business is not initiated and brought to the end of a single criminal case. In fact, Oleg Melnikov because of the inaction of law enforcement, corrupt bureaucrats, just seeing the suffering of the relatives of missing people, put at risk their own lives, health, and wasting time.
Just the other day the coordinators of the movement "Alterantiva" in Dagestan, under the guidance of Zakir Ismailov (which has repeatedly threatened by the way) released a citizen of Mordovia, which is sold on the "slave market" in Mamyr. So, my friends, if we had heard about the slave market in Urus-Martan, now the "slave market" gradually moved to the Russian capital. The most horrific in this situation that the authorities are silent, and consulted only when it receives a lot of publicity, but recruiters are not afraid at all, since we believe that for them it will be nothing.
I would also like to say about Oleg Melnikov, who pass put their lives and well-being, it is a real Russian brave man who decided, sacrificing himself, to show that slavery exists in Russia, and this problem should be solved. Thank you so, Oleg respect and get well soon. All who care can help Oleg and organization of material, skinuvshis little on the details, because, again, that the organization is non-profit and all tickets for freed slaves, we buy ourselves: