Walking through the night Sevastopol.
While in the capitals of raging passions, in other cities of peace and comfort. I invite you to walk through the night Sevastopol.
Night Sevastopol bears no resemblance to the one that is familiar to us during the day. Darkness embraces everything that is not snatched light. Reclaimed their boundaries do form a clear and voluminous.
Mostly taken from here.
I will add some comments and some photo captions.
Will be 38 pictures.
The bare trees, have paid tribute to the nature of gold coins foliage, fantastic night covered buds - colorful lights illuminations. And sometimes it seems that it's just a lot of fabulous fireflies sat on the branches for the night.
Everywhere lots of lights, large and small, and not very bright, and those that are lit along the bay, go away on the water surface of the sea colored paths, sometimes forming a light bridges.
Full moon over the city pours his mysterious light marble,
and standing along the street lights as if giant mock it by their glowing round heads.
Illuminated facades of houses look quite different than during the day.
Geometry of architectural forms underlines game chiaroscuro.
Columns buildings that were equalized daylight, at night though make another step forward, away from the wall.
Straight sections of the central streets of the city like a long tunnel with a white and red lights thinning flow machines.
Only some parts of the road are added to this monotony of their unchanging color red, yellow and green traffic lights.
Occasionally rides urban transport and delivers the last passengers.
The city does not sleep, but vanity daily worries waning.
That here and there still are seen silhouettes of people hurrying home,
and in the houses one after the other lights in the windows of light
That this is probably reap family, warmed by hot tea and a homey feel.
Admiring the night illuminated city, unwittingly come to the conclusion that there is an entirely different light, which comes from within a person.
The eye can not see it, but only gets a light from his heart and joy. It is the light of human kindness, which faces no blackouts. How do you want that all the windows and the light was, regardless of time of day, or rather, in the people who have them live or work.
So it's time to rest - night. But while most of the residents of the city sleeps, there are people who are working to continue normal life.
- Yeah, tell someone - know-know - fire, police, ambulance ... And that's all - windows, windows ...
But here's another one, which was just a miracle happened - was born a new man.
It is still to innocent pipsqueak, but tomorrow with the blue screen of his birth will be known to many citizens, when the announcer at the end of the news tells us all familiar phrase: "Over the past day in Sevastopol appeared six children - five girls and one boy." < br />
We wish all of them, who came into this world, the world of health and of kindness, through which still turning blue planet Earth, which has a small, but our favorite heroic city of Sevastopol.
Quiet night bay city. South Bay.
South Bay is perhaps the most calm.
Empty at night and Sinope descent.
... And Primorsky Boulevard
Is that operate restaurants
and hotels
Peace and quiet.
Quiet and near the building of the SBU on Lenin Street
Proudly flies the flag on the building of the Black Sea Fleet Sailor's Club.
Sleeping on the central hill of the city of the ancient cathedral of Peter and Paul. Dream he probably heroes defending the city in the Crimean and Great Patriotic War.
Well, probably not sleep in the House of Moscow, in the central square of the city, the square named after Admiral Nakhimov.
City Hall.
Bolshaya Morskaya. The oldest street in the city.
End of November-December, and the leaves on the trees not all fallen down.
Another view of the Great Sea.
Alley hero cities and city hall
Primorsky Boulevard with its ancient cedars of Lebanon.
Summer seaside boulevard is always crowded. And day and night. Want to see it deserted? This can be done only in the winter.
Night city from the sea.
That's all. Thank you for reporting Elena Ozarenko and separately for D. Osipenko photos that I shamelessly took their story.
Night Sevastopol bears no resemblance to the one that is familiar to us during the day. Darkness embraces everything that is not snatched light. Reclaimed their boundaries do form a clear and voluminous.
Mostly taken from here.
I will add some comments and some photo captions.
Will be 38 pictures.

The bare trees, have paid tribute to the nature of gold coins foliage, fantastic night covered buds - colorful lights illuminations. And sometimes it seems that it's just a lot of fabulous fireflies sat on the branches for the night.

Everywhere lots of lights, large and small, and not very bright, and those that are lit along the bay, go away on the water surface of the sea colored paths, sometimes forming a light bridges.

Full moon over the city pours his mysterious light marble,

and standing along the street lights as if giant mock it by their glowing round heads.

Illuminated facades of houses look quite different than during the day.

Geometry of architectural forms underlines game chiaroscuro.

Columns buildings that were equalized daylight, at night though make another step forward, away from the wall.

Straight sections of the central streets of the city like a long tunnel with a white and red lights thinning flow machines.

Only some parts of the road are added to this monotony of their unchanging color red, yellow and green traffic lights.

Occasionally rides urban transport and delivers the last passengers.
The city does not sleep, but vanity daily worries waning.

That here and there still are seen silhouettes of people hurrying home,

and in the houses one after the other lights in the windows of light

That this is probably reap family, warmed by hot tea and a homey feel.

Admiring the night illuminated city, unwittingly come to the conclusion that there is an entirely different light, which comes from within a person.

The eye can not see it, but only gets a light from his heart and joy. It is the light of human kindness, which faces no blackouts. How do you want that all the windows and the light was, regardless of time of day, or rather, in the people who have them live or work.
So it's time to rest - night. But while most of the residents of the city sleeps, there are people who are working to continue normal life.

- Yeah, tell someone - know-know - fire, police, ambulance ... And that's all - windows, windows ...
But here's another one, which was just a miracle happened - was born a new man.

It is still to innocent pipsqueak, but tomorrow with the blue screen of his birth will be known to many citizens, when the announcer at the end of the news tells us all familiar phrase: "Over the past day in Sevastopol appeared six children - five girls and one boy." < br />
We wish all of them, who came into this world, the world of health and of kindness, through which still turning blue planet Earth, which has a small, but our favorite heroic city of Sevastopol.

Quiet night bay city. South Bay.

South Bay is perhaps the most calm.

Empty at night and Sinope descent.

... And Primorsky Boulevard

Is that operate restaurants

and hotels

Peace and quiet.

Quiet and near the building of the SBU on Lenin Street

Proudly flies the flag on the building of the Black Sea Fleet Sailor's Club.

Sleeping on the central hill of the city of the ancient cathedral of Peter and Paul. Dream he probably heroes defending the city in the Crimean and Great Patriotic War.

Well, probably not sleep in the House of Moscow, in the central square of the city, the square named after Admiral Nakhimov.

City Hall.

Bolshaya Morskaya. The oldest street in the city.

End of November-December, and the leaves on the trees not all fallen down.

Another view of the Great Sea.

Alley hero cities and city hall

Primorsky Boulevard with its ancient cedars of Lebanon.

Summer seaside boulevard is always crowded. And day and night. Want to see it deserted? This can be done only in the winter.

Night city from the sea.
That's all. Thank you for reporting Elena Ozarenko and separately for D. Osipenko photos that I shamelessly took their story.
