The NAS package from the old oscilloscope
21 photo.
Good morning everyone! I'm tired of running around with a portable hard drive from the computer to the duryaschiku and back. I decided to make a server where it will lie every kinoshka porn and other important infa. At the same time get rid of the stack of hard drives in a computer. Based on the opinion of Jaap aftoritetnomu without blue tape I was not oboytis.Snachala I gathered that.
But nizarabotalo !! 11adinadin. Can not the system of electrical tape or a driver disk is not established, I xs. Or maybe inaccurately collected. Only then I thought about it and decided to remake beautifully.
A long time ago I was in an old playful little hands oscilloscope PNT-3M already born in 1958! And he was lying in the bins for rubbish throw a relic of the hand does not rise. There is something in the old technology, some charm. Like she told me. And can be used as a chair and beat the enemy, and at the center of an atomic explosion, it will survive because of high quality cast iron.
Here he is handsome! (Photos "to" not mine, stole from a friend Robiton site offtop.ru, sorry, friend. Sam did not think to take a picture in advance)
Side view:
But it is not just the housing
Getting to dissect. The process itself is a cruel and long, did not shoot, you know - blood, guts, raspidorasilo screwdriver, hammer, file and three-story mats. After razderbanivaniya stayed skinny skeletons and tueva hucha cogs gaechek, corners and other pezdelushek.
Here's what's left.
Pretends drives.
We place the rest offal.
Dzhigurda Tear me, but I did not recognized industrial designer!
Luminos of pure and bungled piece of PCB panel for fixing railway.
So somehow like this railway will go in and out. Great part. And it turns out. ©
All this is necessary to elevate a little, ie paint. Painted in radical choorny remarkable color, not even afraid of the word - fucking paint. The name of the paint really long - "Spizdilunachalnika." Therefore, I am the shield, the paint is excellent!
Colored body paint of the same company, only with blue metallic. And so glistening varnish.
We begin to gather. The fan on the power supply and expand the grease to the intake air from the railway and drove it to the side of the radiator proca.
Putting it on.
Put the correct low-speed fan blowing out. Screwed knobs, put the power button and reset. Incandescent light bulb that has been in the indicator LED on the power change.
I found a sign with nipanyatnym and mysterious word. What does it mean I do not know, but it inspires. Prilep almost exactly.
What eventually happened.
HDD activity indicator - blue LED on the side of the fan.
About installation and configuration of the system will not write, everything is explained by sensible people.
-And Where is the blue electrical tape? - Ask the attentive ftykatel.
Here it is. On the handle, all of Feng Shui.
All! I finished!

Good morning everyone! I'm tired of running around with a portable hard drive from the computer to the duryaschiku and back. I decided to make a server where it will lie every kinoshka porn and other important infa. At the same time get rid of the stack of hard drives in a computer. Based on the opinion of Jaap aftoritetnomu without blue tape I was not oboytis.Snachala I gathered that.

But nizarabotalo !! 11adinadin. Can not the system of electrical tape or a driver disk is not established, I xs. Or maybe inaccurately collected. Only then I thought about it and decided to remake beautifully.
A long time ago I was in an old playful little hands oscilloscope PNT-3M already born in 1958! And he was lying in the bins for rubbish throw a relic of the hand does not rise. There is something in the old technology, some charm. Like she told me. And can be used as a chair and beat the enemy, and at the center of an atomic explosion, it will survive because of high quality cast iron.
Here he is handsome! (Photos "to" not mine, stole from a friend Robiton site offtop.ru, sorry, friend. Sam did not think to take a picture in advance)

Side view:

But it is not just the housing


Getting to dissect. The process itself is a cruel and long, did not shoot, you know - blood, guts, raspidorasilo screwdriver, hammer, file and three-story mats. After razderbanivaniya stayed skinny skeletons and tueva hucha cogs gaechek, corners and other pezdelushek.
Here's what's left.

Pretends drives.

We place the rest offal.
Dzhigurda Tear me, but I did not recognized industrial designer!

Luminos of pure and bungled piece of PCB panel for fixing railway.

So somehow like this railway will go in and out. Great part. And it turns out. ©

All this is necessary to elevate a little, ie paint. Painted in radical choorny remarkable color, not even afraid of the word - fucking paint. The name of the paint really long - "Spizdilunachalnika." Therefore, I am the shield, the paint is excellent!

Colored body paint of the same company, only with blue metallic. And so glistening varnish.

We begin to gather. The fan on the power supply and expand the grease to the intake air from the railway and drove it to the side of the radiator proca.

Putting it on.

Put the correct low-speed fan blowing out. Screwed knobs, put the power button and reset. Incandescent light bulb that has been in the indicator LED on the power change.

I found a sign with nipanyatnym and mysterious word. What does it mean I do not know, but it inspires. Prilep almost exactly.

What eventually happened.

HDD activity indicator - blue LED on the side of the fan.

About installation and configuration of the system will not write, everything is explained by sensible people.
-And Where is the blue electrical tape? - Ask the attentive ftykatel.
Here it is. On the handle, all of Feng Shui.

All! I finished!
