406-mm and 305-mm gun mount on the Rzhev landfill
This gun caliber 406 mm is the largest in the Soviet Union and Russia. Originally it was designed for equipment designed in the late 30s of the last century battleships Soviet Union: the battleship was supposed to establish such guns in three-gun (!) Towers. The case did not go beyond the development of the prototype, which was manufactured in 1939 and tested in 1940 during the fighting in 1941 - 1944, this gun was actively involved in the fighting, maintaining Soviet troops on the Leningrad and Volokhovskii fronts.
Now a huge gun located in a protected area Rzhev landfill, so it is not yet migrated to the nearest collection point for metals. Inside much Peripherals pillaged, but the main part of the tools in place. Climb inside the armored covers - either through the top of the stairs, to the left or from the bottom (in the input tray for shells).
Nearby, a few hundred meters, is the pre-revolutionary 305-mm gun in 1914. It is also a tool, ships, exactly the same set on the train at the Warsaw station on Fort Krasnaya Gorka. It is the most powerful tool of mass-installed aboard the Soviet Union and Russia.
Also, close to the command post of the interesting architecture of the early 20th century.
From the highway to get close Ryabovsky unrealistic: PPC, thorn, military, and so on. D. But from the wood, except for the feeble barrier, no obstacle. Then the guns themselves deep into the military unit is better not to go - guaranteed to meet with the military.
Source: urban3p.ru

Now a huge gun located in a protected area Rzhev landfill, so it is not yet migrated to the nearest collection point for metals. Inside much Peripherals pillaged, but the main part of the tools in place. Climb inside the armored covers - either through the top of the stairs, to the left or from the bottom (in the input tray for shells).

Nearby, a few hundred meters, is the pre-revolutionary 305-mm gun in 1914. It is also a tool, ships, exactly the same set on the train at the Warsaw station on Fort Krasnaya Gorka. It is the most powerful tool of mass-installed aboard the Soviet Union and Russia.

Also, close to the command post of the interesting architecture of the early 20th century.

From the highway to get close Ryabovsky unrealistic: PPC, thorn, military, and so on. D. But from the wood, except for the feeble barrier, no obstacle. Then the guns themselves deep into the military unit is better not to go - guaranteed to meet with the military.

Source: urban3p.ru