Glamorous ...
Pictures: Gotichnenko and Glamurnenko
Slang of bastards
Padonkovsky Slang in the adapted translation for lawyers :)
Comments contemporaries of Pushkin's poem "Eugene Onegin."
Laugh over each other
10 British series with the same special British humor
African Make Up
Make-up power
Best Tuning Fest NSK 02.06.12
Learn to physicians
Images obtained with the telescope.
Britney and her hats
Padonsky Slang - now and for the doctors! =)
Modnyavye punching Justin Bieber
The inhabitants of the underground, who are they?
Life Stories)
Glamorous. Bald model
So what is it that was the mouse? ...
Custom tactics to disperse the demonstration
What doctors joke about in offices while we're quietly afraid in queues
Humor is the way that evolution tells us about the architecture of the brain
Why Laughter Prolongs Life and How to Learn to Laugh More
Pictures: Gotichnenko and Glamurnenko
Slang of bastards
Padonkovsky Slang in the adapted translation for lawyers :)
Comments contemporaries of Pushkin's poem "Eugene Onegin."
Laugh over each other
10 British series with the same special British humor
African Make Up
Make-up power
Best Tuning Fest NSK 02.06.12
Learn to physicians
Images obtained with the telescope.
Britney and her hats
Padonsky Slang - now and for the doctors! =)
Modnyavye punching Justin Bieber
The inhabitants of the underground, who are they?
Life Stories)
Glamorous. Bald model
So what is it that was the mouse? ...
Custom tactics to disperse the demonstration
What doctors joke about in offices while we're quietly afraid in queues
Humor is the way that evolution tells us about the architecture of the brain
Why Laughter Prolongs Life and How to Learn to Laugh More
Bullies in the subway (4 photos)
Entertainment on drunk (13 photos)