Roman comic (20 photos)
dorinem wrote: ak I said, citizens and comrades, I live on the third floor. And the place we have here, quite frankly, in terms of all sorts of fish, fowl. Of all types of exotic wild boar I have here already reported back. But at the same time we've got dofiga cats and dogs. I understand that photos of cats nonche no surprise. That is, if the cat just hodyut, myavkayut and screaming heart-rending voice. But if these same cats play a novel - it is worthy of viewing.
Thus, a novel-comic in Pictures "Lolita and Humbert Humbert." All the roles are performed cats. And cats, clear the stump.
I wake up one morning, and under the window of my bedroom distinct rustling. Posto under my window there is a pristupochka on which all sorts of cats usually bask in the sun.
I got out to see who it was rustling and saw the following scene:
Hefty kotyara imperatively put his paw on a kitten. Kitten was familiar to me, quite childhood and zhenskago floor.
Taken by surprise, they looked at me
And then kotyara unslung girls kompromentiruyuschuyu his paw.
We Th ?! We Nitsche!
The girl immediately made innocent appearance.
But then she was tired, and she tried to look to me to understand that I disturb them.
Note Ofigevshy snout cat - he obviously does not know how to react.
He said: "Well, Che nada ?!»
She: "Papic, quietly, she saw nothing.»
"You see ?! We're just past each other were ... »
"Well, how much can you stare!»
She: "In general, I'm here ... I wash Mrrr ... ...»
He said: "Well, you do not come on time, you know?»
"La-la-la ...»
"In general, we have nothing ever happens ...»
She: "Papic, hold face, quietly!»
But then the nerves of the cat did not survive:
"Where are you going? !!»
"And, uh, gone ...»
"Bley-and-and-in, in the cowardly men went ...»
"Che, happy, Zenko hatched? ..»
Sed End.
PS the middle and it was more:
But I hesitate to comment on ...
Thus, a novel-comic in Pictures "Lolita and Humbert Humbert." All the roles are performed cats. And cats, clear the stump.
I wake up one morning, and under the window of my bedroom distinct rustling. Posto under my window there is a pristupochka on which all sorts of cats usually bask in the sun.
I got out to see who it was rustling and saw the following scene:
Hefty kotyara imperatively put his paw on a kitten. Kitten was familiar to me, quite childhood and zhenskago floor.
Taken by surprise, they looked at me
And then kotyara unslung girls kompromentiruyuschuyu his paw.
We Th ?! We Nitsche!
The girl immediately made innocent appearance.
But then she was tired, and she tried to look to me to understand that I disturb them.
Note Ofigevshy snout cat - he obviously does not know how to react.
He said: "Well, Che nada ?!»
She: "Papic, quietly, she saw nothing.»
"You see ?! We're just past each other were ... »
"Well, how much can you stare!»
She: "In general, I'm here ... I wash Mrrr ... ...»
He said: "Well, you do not come on time, you know?»
"La-la-la ...»
"In general, we have nothing ever happens ...»
She: "Papic, hold face, quietly!»
But then the nerves of the cat did not survive:
"Where are you going? !!»
"And, uh, gone ...»
"Bley-and-and-in, in the cowardly men went ...»
"Che, happy, Zenko hatched? ..»
Sed End.
PS the middle and it was more:
But I hesitate to comment on ...