Of Finnish Army psychological test (2 pics + text)
The idea of the test is very simple. Newbie looking at the sheet and the number of calls placed within circles. If the recruit sees numbers in all six circles - he is healthy. If the future does not see the number of soldiers in several circles, it should be checked for color blindness - blindness. And if the rookie does not see the numbers in only one circle, then it possibly can develop problems. And what - to continue to learn.
not visible range 1. Increased aggression and conflict. It is recommended to pay much attention to contrasting capita and exercise.
Do not see the circle 2. Reduced mental capacity. When the service in general combat arms additional measures are required.
Do not see the circle 3. Gasterimargiya (gluttony). Reinforced ration, more exercise, sedentary work is contraindicated and the work in the kitchen.
Do not see the circle 4. Sadism. For mild form recommended the appointment of the teaching staff, in severe - to the disciplinary department.
Do not see the circle 5. The latent (hidden, suppressed) homosexuality. Possible attacks slabokontroliruemogo attraction to persons of the same sex. No action is required.
Do not see the circle 6. Schizophrenia. It is recommended that a full scan of a psychiatrist.
The correct answer

not visible range 1. Increased aggression and conflict. It is recommended to pay much attention to contrasting capita and exercise.
Do not see the circle 2. Reduced mental capacity. When the service in general combat arms additional measures are required.
Do not see the circle 3. Gasterimargiya (gluttony). Reinforced ration, more exercise, sedentary work is contraindicated and the work in the kitchen.
Do not see the circle 4. Sadism. For mild form recommended the appointment of the teaching staff, in severe - to the disciplinary department.
Do not see the circle 5. The latent (hidden, suppressed) homosexuality. Possible attacks slabokontroliruemogo attraction to persons of the same sex. No action is required.
Do not see the circle 6. Schizophrenia. It is recommended that a full scan of a psychiatrist.
The correct answer