Ancient Microbiology (14 photos)
In ancient times in Japan, it was believed that diseases are caused by harmful tiny creatures living in the human body. "Harikikigaki" medical treatise written in 1568 unknown to us, a resident of Osaka, describes 63 such malicious bug ("mushi") and results in ways to deal with them with the help of acupuncture and herbs. Experts Kyushu National Museum, which houses the original "Harikikigaki 'claim that the treaty has played an important role in the dissemination of Japan's traditional Chinese medicine. Here are some of the making of this book.
Kansyaku, evil bug species, living in the liver, harms man, breaking up the chest. Infected prone to violent abuse or vigorous activity to thwart anger; In addition, they eat a lot of acidic and avoid fatty foods. Kansyaku acupuncture can be stopped.
Hiji-but kessyaku, Kanmusi
Hiji-kessyaku but causes problems of the spleen for the treatment of which should be taken syadzendzi (psyllium seed).
Kanmusi - malicious parasite that attacks the spine, which is a result of the bent back. In addition, infected different love for spicy food. To combat kanmusi effective plant mocha (Saussureae radix, the root of Saussure) and byakudzutsu (Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz, Atractylodis krupnokorzinkovaya).
Gёtyu, Haymusi
Gёtyu - deadly creature that causes leprosy, - acts messenger underworld. Night-Koshin no hi (an important date, a once in 60 days on the Chinese calendar) gёtyu leaves the human body to tell his sins Emma Dayo (lord of the underworld). It is believed that Emma Dayo punishes people for misdemeanors, reducing the time of their life on earth.
Haymusi, rice lover, causes lung disease. If haymusi leaves the lungs and can not come back, it turns into a burning flame hitodama wandering, and the patient dies. To expel haymusi efficient plant byakudzitsu.
Male and female species appear kagemusi through sexual contact. When the two insects are found, their thin legs intertwined kagemusi-female spits out a red liquid, and the male - white.
Hiji-but kasamusi, Akuti
The worm Hiji-kasamusi but lives in the spleen; because a person gains or loses weight, depending on the amount of food eaten. Cope with Hiji-but kasamusi plants can Steps (aka smolonositsa ferrule) and gadzitsu (purple ginger).
Akuti also dwells in the spleen, eat rice, which eats an infected person. Effective treatment is infusion of mocha.
Haysyaku, but Kakuran-Musi
Nose haysyakku dwelling in the upper lobes of the lungs, is he right in the chest. Infected people hate haysyaku pleasant and unpleasant odors, but very fond of strong odors, fish. Among the other symptoms - a deep sadness and love for spicy food. Effective treatment is a surface light acupuncture.
But Kakuran-Musi, the worm with a black head and red body, penetrates the stomach and cause vomiting and diarrhea. It is known for the habit to climb into the mouth of the patient and looks out. If you grab him, a high risk of suffocation, but he quietly released back into the stomach. To combat kakuran-Musi but useful plants gosyu (Euodia rutaecarpa, evodiya, she Tetradium ruticarpum), syadzensi and mocha.
Humacao, causing heart disease, affects people on the street, under the hot sun or near a fire. Effective treatment is acupuncture.
Kosё - snake-like creature with a scruffy white beard - wearing a hat that protects it from the effects of the drug. He likes to drink sweet sake and knows how to talk.
Kamesyaku eating rice and wears a hat, umbrella, which blocks the action of drugs. From it you can get rid eating wild beans.
Kosi-Musi but
Kosi-Musi but arrives in the human body and moves to the area of the pelvis, where causes diarrhea, sweating and chest pain. Successfully treated mocha and kanji (licorice root).
Tisyaku, Hiji-Musi but
Tisyaku (taybё-but kessyaku) appears in the stomach after a serious illness. To cope with it, you can use syukusya (wild siamese cardamom).
Hiji-Musi but lives in the spleen. It causes dizziness and fever, muscle man grabbing his long claws and fangs. It can be stopped by taking mocha and Dayo (rhubarb).
Kyukan and Kisyaku
Kyukan (Gyukan) lives in the chest, is active during the meal. By constructing an easy to get rid of, but acupuncture is effective.
Kisyaku - dark red creature, causing a person unhealthy love of fatty foods. It can be stopped by eating tiger stomach.
Dzinsyaku (Honton) reminds pig, which is worn on the body randomly. Infected dzinsyaku peculiar weak pulse, a dark complexion, a love of salty and unpleasant zapoh mouth. Effectively treated with acupuncture.
Hisyaku, Hinosyu
Hisyaku lives in the spleen, most often in women. Symptoms include excessive love of sweets, yellowish complexion and habit of humming. It is treated with acupuncture in the navel.
Hinosyu, also lives in the spleen, looks like a stone, and sleeping inside the body until the person is in a crowd near a popular tourist site, and then hinosyu starts rushing in different directions, creating a feeling of beating each other with stones, and causes dizziness. Effectively treated with acupuncture.
Kansyaku, evil bug species, living in the liver, harms man, breaking up the chest. Infected prone to violent abuse or vigorous activity to thwart anger; In addition, they eat a lot of acidic and avoid fatty foods. Kansyaku acupuncture can be stopped.
Hiji-but kessyaku, Kanmusi
Hiji-kessyaku but causes problems of the spleen for the treatment of which should be taken syadzendzi (psyllium seed).
Kanmusi - malicious parasite that attacks the spine, which is a result of the bent back. In addition, infected different love for spicy food. To combat kanmusi effective plant mocha (Saussureae radix, the root of Saussure) and byakudzutsu (Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz, Atractylodis krupnokorzinkovaya).
Gёtyu, Haymusi
Gёtyu - deadly creature that causes leprosy, - acts messenger underworld. Night-Koshin no hi (an important date, a once in 60 days on the Chinese calendar) gёtyu leaves the human body to tell his sins Emma Dayo (lord of the underworld). It is believed that Emma Dayo punishes people for misdemeanors, reducing the time of their life on earth.
Haymusi, rice lover, causes lung disease. If haymusi leaves the lungs and can not come back, it turns into a burning flame hitodama wandering, and the patient dies. To expel haymusi efficient plant byakudzitsu.
Male and female species appear kagemusi through sexual contact. When the two insects are found, their thin legs intertwined kagemusi-female spits out a red liquid, and the male - white.
Hiji-but kasamusi, Akuti
The worm Hiji-kasamusi but lives in the spleen; because a person gains or loses weight, depending on the amount of food eaten. Cope with Hiji-but kasamusi plants can Steps (aka smolonositsa ferrule) and gadzitsu (purple ginger).
Akuti also dwells in the spleen, eat rice, which eats an infected person. Effective treatment is infusion of mocha.
Haysyaku, but Kakuran-Musi
Nose haysyakku dwelling in the upper lobes of the lungs, is he right in the chest. Infected people hate haysyaku pleasant and unpleasant odors, but very fond of strong odors, fish. Among the other symptoms - a deep sadness and love for spicy food. Effective treatment is a surface light acupuncture.
But Kakuran-Musi, the worm with a black head and red body, penetrates the stomach and cause vomiting and diarrhea. It is known for the habit to climb into the mouth of the patient and looks out. If you grab him, a high risk of suffocation, but he quietly released back into the stomach. To combat kakuran-Musi but useful plants gosyu (Euodia rutaecarpa, evodiya, she Tetradium ruticarpum), syadzensi and mocha.
Humacao, causing heart disease, affects people on the street, under the hot sun or near a fire. Effective treatment is acupuncture.
Kosё - snake-like creature with a scruffy white beard - wearing a hat that protects it from the effects of the drug. He likes to drink sweet sake and knows how to talk.
Kamesyaku eating rice and wears a hat, umbrella, which blocks the action of drugs. From it you can get rid eating wild beans.
Kosi-Musi but
Kosi-Musi but arrives in the human body and moves to the area of the pelvis, where causes diarrhea, sweating and chest pain. Successfully treated mocha and kanji (licorice root).
Tisyaku, Hiji-Musi but
Tisyaku (taybё-but kessyaku) appears in the stomach after a serious illness. To cope with it, you can use syukusya (wild siamese cardamom).
Hiji-Musi but lives in the spleen. It causes dizziness and fever, muscle man grabbing his long claws and fangs. It can be stopped by taking mocha and Dayo (rhubarb).
Kyukan and Kisyaku
Kyukan (Gyukan) lives in the chest, is active during the meal. By constructing an easy to get rid of, but acupuncture is effective.
Kisyaku - dark red creature, causing a person unhealthy love of fatty foods. It can be stopped by eating tiger stomach.
Dzinsyaku (Honton) reminds pig, which is worn on the body randomly. Infected dzinsyaku peculiar weak pulse, a dark complexion, a love of salty and unpleasant zapoh mouth. Effectively treated with acupuncture.
Hisyaku, Hinosyu
Hisyaku lives in the spleen, most often in women. Symptoms include excessive love of sweets, yellowish complexion and habit of humming. It is treated with acupuncture in the navel.
Hinosyu, also lives in the spleen, looks like a stone, and sleeping inside the body until the person is in a crowd near a popular tourist site, and then hinosyu starts rushing in different directions, creating a feeling of beating each other with stones, and causes dizziness. Effectively treated with acupuncture.