Radio waves (5 photos)
Brought to me by a friend of 3 cotton station. And we started to have fun with it. One of the entertainment was in the hands of zazhizanie fluorescent lamps. First I pulled lyuminestsentku of a table lamp, portable radio is placed in the transmit mode, the impact of the antenna on the glass and the lamp is lit:
But we went on, coming in entrance, so we decided to light makarom conventional fluorescent tube. It was night and we had to turn off the lamp barbaric, having turned it into a cartridge. After that, I picked up the radio, put on the transfer lightly flicked antenkoy glass lamps, to detonate gas and lit the lamp. Though not all, the batteries were already addicted.
And this is how light the lamp under power lines

But we went on, coming in entrance, so we decided to light makarom conventional fluorescent tube. It was night and we had to turn off the lamp barbaric, having turned it into a cartridge. After that, I picked up the radio, put on the transfer lightly flicked antenkoy glass lamps, to detonate gas and lit the lamp. Though not all, the batteries were already addicted.
And this is how light the lamp under power lines
