Firefighters last
The site of the New York Public Library (NYPL) came across many historical pictures showing the activities of the city fire department. In general, a lot of sites in the network Fire subjects, including pictorial, but here it is interesting that all of the material - the life of one particular city.
1. Fire on 5th Avenue, New York, 1899.
2. Fire Fighting, 1733. People chain transfer full buckets and poured water into the pump hopper wagons. On a cart, one after another, strong men tirelessly swing pump. Attached to the pump turning "vodolivnaya pipe" with a narrowed end of the discharged water jet at 5-7 meters. High-rise buildings did not exist, so the range of a more or less enough.
3. Check the fire brigade, 1887. Wagon so long not because of a whim, but because her stacked composite ladder and multimeter hooks with hooks.
4. Firefighters rush on Broadway in 1774. Smoking chimneys "samovar", which they drag - this fire steam pump, effectively replaces manual kachalschikov water. At first, it had to carry horse-drawn, although it would seem, make him drive to the wheels carts - that's ready paromobil able to do without horses. But the problem was that such paromobil could not start moving earlier than 15-20 minutes after kindling the boiler. Riding to the fire managed to get faster. While horses raced boiler have time to go to warm up, and upon arrival to the place he was quite ready to pump water.
5. Parade of New York firefighters, 1852.
6. And this - the funeral procession. Firefighters eventually pass their fallen colleagues in 1852.
7. Ancient helmet of the New York firefighters.
8. The manual fire pump with the binding name "Niagara", 1856.
9. On the building of "Harper and Brothers," in 1853.
10. Fire and Panic at the Brooklyn Theatre, 1876.
11. On the building of the Academy of Music, 1866.
12. New York, fire-fighting, in 1899.
1. Fire on 5th Avenue, New York, 1899.

2. Fire Fighting, 1733. People chain transfer full buckets and poured water into the pump hopper wagons. On a cart, one after another, strong men tirelessly swing pump. Attached to the pump turning "vodolivnaya pipe" with a narrowed end of the discharged water jet at 5-7 meters. High-rise buildings did not exist, so the range of a more or less enough.

3. Check the fire brigade, 1887. Wagon so long not because of a whim, but because her stacked composite ladder and multimeter hooks with hooks.

4. Firefighters rush on Broadway in 1774. Smoking chimneys "samovar", which they drag - this fire steam pump, effectively replaces manual kachalschikov water. At first, it had to carry horse-drawn, although it would seem, make him drive to the wheels carts - that's ready paromobil able to do without horses. But the problem was that such paromobil could not start moving earlier than 15-20 minutes after kindling the boiler. Riding to the fire managed to get faster. While horses raced boiler have time to go to warm up, and upon arrival to the place he was quite ready to pump water.

5. Parade of New York firefighters, 1852.

6. And this - the funeral procession. Firefighters eventually pass their fallen colleagues in 1852.

7. Ancient helmet of the New York firefighters.

8. The manual fire pump with the binding name "Niagara", 1856.

9. On the building of "Harper and Brothers," in 1853.

10. Fire and Panic at the Brooklyn Theatre, 1876.

11. On the building of the Academy of Music, 1866.

12. New York, fire-fighting, in 1899.