At this time in another universe
Did you know that many of the usual for us the things other places do quite differently.
A few examples:
Yuki Indians believed no fingers (fives), and the spaces between the fingers (fours).
Lined with cells on the board for the game of stones put not in the middle cells, and in the "crosshairs" lines.
In Central America, the sky is not isolated in the constellation of the Milky Way, and the gaps between black clouds of light - but also called them by the names of animals. Zodiac is black - it is complementary to the constellations.
Bulgarian nod means' no ».
In America, think on your toes, bending back on their fists, and without bending them, as we are. A Japanese although folded, but as we are starting with the little finger and on the thumb.
Unlike us, the politically correct African-Americans believe the zebra black animal with white stripes.
The color of mourning - black in Russia and Europe, white in Japan.
In Japan and the English-speaking countries in the rainbow allocate at 7 and 6 colors.
Hell from cold northern peoples, the southern - hot.
Natives of Africa say the Bushmen inspiratory and expiratory not we.
In China, there are doctors who believe that their job is that patients were healthy. They are paid only when their clients do not get sick - it means that they do well with their work. Once a person becomes ill, he stops paying your doctor.
Japan believes that it is wrong to give the names of the streets. Streets - it's just an empty space between the houses. The Japanese have a name quarters. At home, get their numbers in the order in which they were built.
Habitual for us "location" of the past and the future: what has passed - behind, the future - ahead. But some Amazonian tribes perceive the future as something that is behind him (because we do not yet know what it is), but the past, in their opinion, is the face: we have seen it, and we know we can imagine.
The mailing address in Russia written in the following order: country, city, street, house, apartment, man. In Europe and America the opposite: people, apartment, house, street, city, country.
We think of death as the grim reaper, and the Mexicans as a gay skeleton that smiling and strumming bones.
Maps of the world, printed in the Southern hemisphere, such as Australia, for us to be regarded as turned upside down.
A few examples:

Yuki Indians believed no fingers (fives), and the spaces between the fingers (fours).
Lined with cells on the board for the game of stones put not in the middle cells, and in the "crosshairs" lines.
In Central America, the sky is not isolated in the constellation of the Milky Way, and the gaps between black clouds of light - but also called them by the names of animals. Zodiac is black - it is complementary to the constellations.
Bulgarian nod means' no ».
In America, think on your toes, bending back on their fists, and without bending them, as we are. A Japanese although folded, but as we are starting with the little finger and on the thumb.
Unlike us, the politically correct African-Americans believe the zebra black animal with white stripes.
The color of mourning - black in Russia and Europe, white in Japan.
In Japan and the English-speaking countries in the rainbow allocate at 7 and 6 colors.
Hell from cold northern peoples, the southern - hot.
Natives of Africa say the Bushmen inspiratory and expiratory not we.
In China, there are doctors who believe that their job is that patients were healthy. They are paid only when their clients do not get sick - it means that they do well with their work. Once a person becomes ill, he stops paying your doctor.
Japan believes that it is wrong to give the names of the streets. Streets - it's just an empty space between the houses. The Japanese have a name quarters. At home, get their numbers in the order in which they were built.
Habitual for us "location" of the past and the future: what has passed - behind, the future - ahead. But some Amazonian tribes perceive the future as something that is behind him (because we do not yet know what it is), but the past, in their opinion, is the face: we have seen it, and we know we can imagine.
The mailing address in Russia written in the following order: country, city, street, house, apartment, man. In Europe and America the opposite: people, apartment, house, street, city, country.
We think of death as the grim reaper, and the Mexicans as a gay skeleton that smiling and strumming bones.
Maps of the world, printed in the Southern hemisphere, such as Australia, for us to be regarded as turned upside down.