How Using Emoticons Makes Us Less Emotional
The brain of modern man reacts to smile now as a smiling face
Like your favorite emoticons look on smartphones from other brands
Small place small man (text + photos)
Enough is enough!
How to change your life
Scoring emoticons!
Smileys. 27 photo
Emoticons in Japanese (5 photos)
Music can change the perception of the world
Pearl on the rocks
As I did shower at the cottage
Smilies around us
From dull packaging not drink
The trip to Portugal
Belgorod bridge smilies
Discharge album 1978
Kids Games for the development of speech and vocabulary baby.
Is it OK not to post anything on social networks or add photos?
Alice in Wonderland - Kiberhorror in pictures :)
145 ways to make fun of the girls
Keyboard, sharpened by Icq
All about I (39 photos, 19 gif)
How Using Emoticons Makes Us Less Emotional
The brain of modern man reacts to smile now as a smiling face
Like your favorite emoticons look on smartphones from other brands
Small place small man (text + photos)
Enough is enough!
How to change your life
Scoring emoticons!
Smileys. 27 photo
Emoticons in Japanese (5 photos)
Music can change the perception of the world
Pearl on the rocks
As I did shower at the cottage
Smilies around us
From dull packaging not drink
The trip to Portugal
Belgorod bridge smilies
Discharge album 1978
Kids Games for the development of speech and vocabulary baby.
Is it OK not to post anything on social networks or add photos?
Alice in Wonderland - Kiberhorror in pictures :)
145 ways to make fun of the girls
Keyboard, sharpened by Icq
All about I (39 photos, 19 gif)
Knife with 85 tools
A giant chocolate bar