Dangerous insects
The Australian bee sting more than usual. Cold sweat on the site of the tumor ukusa.
Bug. In the form of a spider, but not a spider. Bites hurt. Yadovit.
Intestinal worms. Lives in tropical countries trudnovyvodimyy.
Tropical sorokonozhka
Orange fireflies, never ruki.
Yellow termites, do not bite, but wash your hands after playing with a cockroach neobhodimo.
South American tarantula, toxic, dangerous, agressiven.
African tarantula, suitable even to an empty web fatally opasno.
Black widow spider dangerous. If you notice at least one such spider, you should know: 1 gram is enough to poison his death 10 adults muzhchin.
The most poisonous creatures - Frog Phyllobates awful. A total of 1 g of substance released a skin of this frog is able to kill several thousand chelovek

Bug. In the form of a spider, but not a spider. Bites hurt. Yadovit.

Intestinal worms. Lives in tropical countries trudnovyvodimyy.

Tropical sorokonozhka

Orange fireflies, never ruki.

Yellow termites, do not bite, but wash your hands after playing with a cockroach neobhodimo.

South American tarantula, toxic, dangerous, agressiven.

African tarantula, suitable even to an empty web fatally opasno.

Black widow spider dangerous. If you notice at least one such spider, you should know: 1 gram is enough to poison his death 10 adults muzhchin.

The most poisonous creatures - Frog Phyllobates awful. A total of 1 g of substance released a skin of this frog is able to kill several thousand chelovek