Whimsical invention

They say that soon will be thrown in the trash car because invent flying scooters. And they say that soon will learn to make real meat of the mushroom. Today - wacky inventions, which shall be granted patents.
10th place: Imagine that you go fishing: a warm evening, fire, and, of course, drag the bait out of the water when swallowed - do not want. This has already been thought, in 1972 craftsman from America invented a special balloon on a string that pulls himself out of the water hook. The only thing you need to do - is to click on the button, and the fish itself to you arrive.
9th place: Car Bag for flooding. This is a huge bubble stickers, which can be fully packed car and it thus can go. However, it is unclear what to do if, before the road - two meters in depth.
8th place: Who does not like to drive in the heat with exposed outward elbow. So that you feel is not very cold, and to keep the arm from falling pebbles in Germany have come up with a very long glove that covers the entire arm from fingers to the neck. Mitten attached straps and palms remain free. The only trouble - according to the rules of the road in Germany, to go out the window with a protruding elbow is strictly prohibited.
7th place: But you can enjoy plenty of cap with binoculars: it is fixed under the visor, so that it is not necessary each time to raise his hands to his eyes. However, otkovyryat it from the visor can not, therefore, if you want to look at what's going on nearby, have to remove the cap.
6th place: Goose head. You can not imagine how difficult it is to make a qualitative carnival costume goose! Mechanism that keeps the goose neck, was patented in 1962.
5th place: There have also been officially patented wrist watch for the Bulldogs.
4th place: Tubes, which can be folded ears of dogs, so they are not hanging. Into a tube ears stick out in different directions as the antenna.
3rd place: stencil to write on the forehead logo favorite football team - he patented in 1986.
2nd place: It is a good thing, a shock to the brain. This thing looks like an electric toothbrush, but the current was not insulated. Therefore, when you insert a tube in his mouth, you immediately pulls shock. They say it's very invigorating.
Rank 1: This fork with alarm that you eat too fast. Of course, all taught as children that need to chew thoroughly and slowly, but, of course, no one does. And with a fork, you can finally eat properly. By the way, some do because of this lose of appetite: Forklift alarm turns on unexpectedly and immediately the insane volume.