Writes blogger AL-31F:
So, finally, today we find ourselves in the destination. After a few hours we will be swimming in a natural pool filled with water, which is almost a kilometer-high resets the world's highest waterfall Kerepakupai-measure.
The sun rises in this region at 6 am with the sun wakes up and our talkative friend Roberto, who, moving from tree to tree, in different languages wants more tourists sleeping good morning. Tourists hate it with all my heart, but after 7 start to crawl out of their houses and, as if nothing had happened, lining all happily communicate with Roberto.
Soon after breakfast, after which you need to leave your room. It is necessary to take all the most valuable documents and money and folded into a backpack and leave the camp.
Around 9:00 our group went up the river just above the falls, loaded into a boat and rushed to the goal.
Half an hour boat slowly walked down the wide quiet river, passengers photographed the surrounding serene landscapes and waited and waited, and when we are sailing.
Sailed. Boat moored to the shore, on which stood a hut. Inside the cabin the market with all sorts of useless and beads. As I said, money and documents, we prudently left in the camp, so you can walk and admire the savanna, until the Germans zatarivatsya junk)
Around the course, there were no waterfalls, especially the highest in the world. But why should we parked here? Yes, of course, to visit the minimarket. But this market is here, on the contrary, arose because in this place planted tourists. The point is just upstream on the river impassable rapids that, if you try, no passengers can be overcome, but the boat loaded them just will not work.
In general, the road ahead of us.
Forty minutes of easy tracking, during which it is necessary to take off your shoes and enjoy the gentle hot sand.
Ahead through the clouds occasionally show a huge Tepuys. Apparently, somewhere around the corner hiding Angel.
Walking over, we again approached the bank of the river. A few minutes later we drove a limousine. Sail on.
Motor boats are on the river very quickly, throwing on the side of millions of spray, which in turn picks up and the wind pushes the boat, directly to the passengers. Ideal location - on the nose, but sitting there, "looking", pointing the way and a little taxiing at the right time. Another good place - food, but there sits a steering driver. In general, anyway, the road will be all wet. Not knowing what lies ahead, except for the month of travel, just in case I put the camera in germomeshok and decided to just enjoy the ride.
Less than ten minutes later, in front of us any thresholds. The boat accelerated to maximum speed, burst into a raging torrent and braked. At this point, we launched a little and huge (really not a huge, forty centimeters above the board) wave covered us.
Feeling the fairway, the captain stepped on the gas, and we are confident slipped rough water.
I was glad that he hid the camera, but also a great joy it gives me a few sad faces. The greater part of our travel happy adventure.
About three and a half hours we were going upstream, gradually gave way to savannah jungle, and on the sides of steep walls towered tepuёv.
I've said a thousand times that the Angel - the goal, but the path to the goal sometimes is more important and more interesting. If you ever are thinking to go to the Angel, in any case, do not worry on the way from the heat or cold, rain or sun. Bring sunscreen, in case of clear weather, and a raincoat in case the cold - is wrong with him blows. Well, turning his head from side to side.
Periodically over the water flew azure butterflies the size of our pigeon, and the boat slow down.
- This is not to wake Cocodrilo - I calmed Englishwoman Izzy, which we zadruzhilis "against" "the German camp" (most members of our "expedition" were from Germany).
The river was narrow. The stones on the bottom, rocks on the shore, the sun gave way to rain - everything pointed to the fact that we have goals.
- Do you speak English?
- Yes!
- Well, then, turning, b .... !!!
Once out on the calm water, we went to the beach to take a breath and have lunch. Above the clouds circling the tepuis, behind which was already affected by noise. If the noise measuring device, then perhaps it can be compared with the sound of Moscow, but the ear can not be fooled. We're here!
After lunch, swam another five minutes and got the arrow confluence of two rivers - great, according to which we here rose nearly 5 hours and small, which seems ... Here it is !!!
Continue on foot. In the jungle. Stuffy, in a greenhouse, scary, because among other things the jungle - it's crocodiles, lions and gorillas, as well as snakes, spiders and other dangerous beasts unseen.
Overhead branches thicken.
And under his feet intertwined in knots stones, roots and poisonous snakes.
Come on, sweat, and what to do? )
It came to be admired. But our human imagination can not imagine all the greatness of this miracle of nature, even when you look at it live.
Well, waterfall, well, almost a kilometer ...
Fellow climbers should better imagine Angel difference - nearly 20 pitches sheer wall.
While the people figachit bows, and we recorded the New Year's greetings, the top of tepui became gradually disappearing in the clouds.
And by the time the decided to take a picture I do, and did it started pouring rain.
Feed Angel slowly as snow in calm weather, settled on the land, and we lost the observation deck next group, and went swimming in the pool, which is located under the bottom step of the waterfall - in the photo above this level can be seen with me.
Slippery stones, fast flow and cut off from the flow of drops mixed with rain. Cool, fun, but I was cold.
Then he slowly went down. Rain pounding on the roof of the jungle, under which everything was as stuffy, but even more damp.
At five in the evening the boat ferry us to the other side of the river where there was dinner and shelter from the rain. Hammocks strung under a canopy. This is our house until the morning.
It gets dark in the jungle even faster than in the city. From entertainment - only a dream in a hammock. Before going to bed I decided to go to the toilet. Carefully she came to detached houses, which were surprisingly Watery closets, turned on a flashlight, and almost "fly", without reaching half a meter. On the door frame sitting frog. All anything, but try to imagine (or go to the nearest door and touch) the door frame and the size of a frog. The same displeasure looked at me in the door.
These monsters there are thousands and they sang songs all night. Only occasionally drowned out their heavy downpour.
Again because of the dampness of the night I was not at all hot.
Canaima two standard tour to Angel. One, the most common, a day in the lagoon of Canaima, one road to Angel, and in the morning return to the camp, lunch plane home. The second option - the day in Canaima, the road to Angel, and another full day on the contemplation of the waterfall.
For those who are not in a hurry, love nature, for example, pictures of her like this option, but those who crave adventure and movement are likely to get bored.
We had little time and money, we would dvizhuhi, so Thomas, from whom we bought the tour for us everything is fine and decided to chose the first option. After breakfast, we began to descend to the house.
Kerepakupai-measure was completely covered with clouds, and rain poured from the sky. Some of those who stayed for another day, a little bit jealous of us, and two at all at the last moment jumped into the boat sails.
On the way home from the clouds it was even better than on the way here. Only one little flaw spoiled my mood - a lack of fat in me, why I was very freezing in the wind. However, the lower we went down the river, the warmer it became.
After the rain on the walls of the mountains there are dozens, hundreds of new waterfalls.
It is only at first glance, it seems that around the silence and serenity.
In fact, we rush through time and space. The roar of the engine and spray in all directions.
100 001-th time saying that while moving from point A to point B, you need to turn his head from side to side and not to be soared because of the fact that the cold and wet.
The road back takes much less time. After a couple of hours we stopped at a waterfall, where a few wishes went swimming (most already all tired, and I was cold).
For example, our guide Churun washing in a waterfall. As it should be - with soap and shampoo. Agree, because in the camp in the shower is not what)
But, in fact, the waterfall itself.
Just a little bit, and then disembark on the beach to get around dangerous rapids.
And this is the beginning of the waterfalls, under which we walked in the last part of the story. Here we said goodbye to the boatman, and went to the camp.
So, finally, today we find ourselves in the destination. After a few hours we will be swimming in a natural pool filled with water, which is almost a kilometer-high resets the world's highest waterfall Kerepakupai-measure.
The sun rises in this region at 6 am with the sun wakes up and our talkative friend Roberto, who, moving from tree to tree, in different languages wants more tourists sleeping good morning. Tourists hate it with all my heart, but after 7 start to crawl out of their houses and, as if nothing had happened, lining all happily communicate with Roberto.
Soon after breakfast, after which you need to leave your room. It is necessary to take all the most valuable documents and money and folded into a backpack and leave the camp.
Around 9:00 our group went up the river just above the falls, loaded into a boat and rushed to the goal.
Half an hour boat slowly walked down the wide quiet river, passengers photographed the surrounding serene landscapes and waited and waited, and when we are sailing.
Sailed. Boat moored to the shore, on which stood a hut. Inside the cabin the market with all sorts of useless and beads. As I said, money and documents, we prudently left in the camp, so you can walk and admire the savanna, until the Germans zatarivatsya junk)

Around the course, there were no waterfalls, especially the highest in the world. But why should we parked here? Yes, of course, to visit the minimarket. But this market is here, on the contrary, arose because in this place planted tourists. The point is just upstream on the river impassable rapids that, if you try, no passengers can be overcome, but the boat loaded them just will not work.
In general, the road ahead of us.

Forty minutes of easy tracking, during which it is necessary to take off your shoes and enjoy the gentle hot sand.

Ahead through the clouds occasionally show a huge Tepuys. Apparently, somewhere around the corner hiding Angel.

Walking over, we again approached the bank of the river. A few minutes later we drove a limousine. Sail on.

Motor boats are on the river very quickly, throwing on the side of millions of spray, which in turn picks up and the wind pushes the boat, directly to the passengers. Ideal location - on the nose, but sitting there, "looking", pointing the way and a little taxiing at the right time. Another good place - food, but there sits a steering driver. In general, anyway, the road will be all wet. Not knowing what lies ahead, except for the month of travel, just in case I put the camera in germomeshok and decided to just enjoy the ride.
Less than ten minutes later, in front of us any thresholds. The boat accelerated to maximum speed, burst into a raging torrent and braked. At this point, we launched a little and huge (really not a huge, forty centimeters above the board) wave covered us.
Feeling the fairway, the captain stepped on the gas, and we are confident slipped rough water.
I was glad that he hid the camera, but also a great joy it gives me a few sad faces. The greater part of our travel happy adventure.
About three and a half hours we were going upstream, gradually gave way to savannah jungle, and on the sides of steep walls towered tepuёv.
I've said a thousand times that the Angel - the goal, but the path to the goal sometimes is more important and more interesting. If you ever are thinking to go to the Angel, in any case, do not worry on the way from the heat or cold, rain or sun. Bring sunscreen, in case of clear weather, and a raincoat in case the cold - is wrong with him blows. Well, turning his head from side to side.
Periodically over the water flew azure butterflies the size of our pigeon, and the boat slow down.
- This is not to wake Cocodrilo - I calmed Englishwoman Izzy, which we zadruzhilis "against" "the German camp" (most members of our "expedition" were from Germany).
The river was narrow. The stones on the bottom, rocks on the shore, the sun gave way to rain - everything pointed to the fact that we have goals.
- Do you speak English?
- Yes!
- Well, then, turning, b .... !!!

Once out on the calm water, we went to the beach to take a breath and have lunch. Above the clouds circling the tepuis, behind which was already affected by noise. If the noise measuring device, then perhaps it can be compared with the sound of Moscow, but the ear can not be fooled. We're here!

After lunch, swam another five minutes and got the arrow confluence of two rivers - great, according to which we here rose nearly 5 hours and small, which seems ... Here it is !!!

Continue on foot. In the jungle. Stuffy, in a greenhouse, scary, because among other things the jungle - it's crocodiles, lions and gorillas, as well as snakes, spiders and other dangerous beasts unseen.
Overhead branches thicken.

And under his feet intertwined in knots stones, roots and poisonous snakes.

Come on, sweat, and what to do? )
It came to be admired. But our human imagination can not imagine all the greatness of this miracle of nature, even when you look at it live.
Well, waterfall, well, almost a kilometer ...

Fellow climbers should better imagine Angel difference - nearly 20 pitches sheer wall.

While the people figachit bows, and we recorded the New Year's greetings, the top of tepui became gradually disappearing in the clouds.
And by the time the decided to take a picture I do, and did it started pouring rain.

Feed Angel slowly as snow in calm weather, settled on the land, and we lost the observation deck next group, and went swimming in the pool, which is located under the bottom step of the waterfall - in the photo above this level can be seen with me.
Slippery stones, fast flow and cut off from the flow of drops mixed with rain. Cool, fun, but I was cold.
Then he slowly went down. Rain pounding on the roof of the jungle, under which everything was as stuffy, but even more damp.
At five in the evening the boat ferry us to the other side of the river where there was dinner and shelter from the rain. Hammocks strung under a canopy. This is our house until the morning.

It gets dark in the jungle even faster than in the city. From entertainment - only a dream in a hammock. Before going to bed I decided to go to the toilet. Carefully she came to detached houses, which were surprisingly Watery closets, turned on a flashlight, and almost "fly", without reaching half a meter. On the door frame sitting frog. All anything, but try to imagine (or go to the nearest door and touch) the door frame and the size of a frog. The same displeasure looked at me in the door.

These monsters there are thousands and they sang songs all night. Only occasionally drowned out their heavy downpour.
Again because of the dampness of the night I was not at all hot.
Canaima two standard tour to Angel. One, the most common, a day in the lagoon of Canaima, one road to Angel, and in the morning return to the camp, lunch plane home. The second option - the day in Canaima, the road to Angel, and another full day on the contemplation of the waterfall.
For those who are not in a hurry, love nature, for example, pictures of her like this option, but those who crave adventure and movement are likely to get bored.
We had little time and money, we would dvizhuhi, so Thomas, from whom we bought the tour for us everything is fine and decided to chose the first option. After breakfast, we began to descend to the house.
Kerepakupai-measure was completely covered with clouds, and rain poured from the sky. Some of those who stayed for another day, a little bit jealous of us, and two at all at the last moment jumped into the boat sails.

On the way home from the clouds it was even better than on the way here. Only one little flaw spoiled my mood - a lack of fat in me, why I was very freezing in the wind. However, the lower we went down the river, the warmer it became.

After the rain on the walls of the mountains there are dozens, hundreds of new waterfalls.

It is only at first glance, it seems that around the silence and serenity.

In fact, we rush through time and space. The roar of the engine and spray in all directions.

100 001-th time saying that while moving from point A to point B, you need to turn his head from side to side and not to be soared because of the fact that the cold and wet.

The road back takes much less time. After a couple of hours we stopped at a waterfall, where a few wishes went swimming (most already all tired, and I was cold).
For example, our guide Churun washing in a waterfall. As it should be - with soap and shampoo. Agree, because in the camp in the shower is not what)

But, in fact, the waterfall itself.

Just a little bit, and then disembark on the beach to get around dangerous rapids.

And this is the beginning of the waterfalls, under which we walked in the last part of the story. Here we said goodbye to the boatman, and went to the camp.
