Unexplained mysteries
New Scientist magazine has made a selection of facts to explain that scientists are not able to. Few of them have the "terrestrial origin" mainly relate to the same cosmic phenomena. The most interesting results in "Komsomolskaya Pravda".
The placebo effect
On the placebo effect, many have heard. This is when the person for several days watered necessary medication, and he feels as his health improves. However, if you then instead of a therapeutic agent to give him some absolutely harmless neutral solution, it will still be to convince everyone that continues to recover.
On such cases, doctors know all over the world. The main hypothesis of the explanation - the brain somehow can affect the condition of the body. But - it is unknown. By the way, this effect was observed in mice and monkeys, so that the placebo is not fiction hypochondriac people.
Life on Mars
Finding organics on Mars began in 1976 - there are American vehicles landed Viking. They had to carry out a number of experiments to confirm or refute the hypothesis about its habitability. Results were inconsistent, on the one hand, in the atmosphere of methane was detected - obviously biogenic origin, but has not been identified audio organic molecule.
Strange results of experiments blamed on the chemical composition of Martian soil, and decided that life on the red planet is still there. However, other studies suggest the possibility that the surface of Mars was once wet, which again speaks in favor of the existence of life. According to some, we can talk about the underground life forms.
Dark matter
All galaxies in our universe at high speed revolve around a single center. But when the researchers calculated the total mass of the galaxies, it turned out that they are too light. And according to the laws of physics all this roundabout would have long broken. However, it does not break.
To explain what is happening, scientists have come up with a hypothesis, though there are some in the universe of dark matter that can not be seen. But what it is and how it would feel, astronomers are not yet present. We only know that her weight is 90 percent of the mass of the universe. This means that we know that in the world we are surrounded by only one-tenth.
Anomaly probes Pioneer
US probes Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 were launched respectively in 1972 and 1983. By now they've had to fly out of the solar system. However, one and the second for unknown reasons, have begun to change the trajectory, as if some unseen force does not let them out of the system. Pioneer 10 has deviated in the four hundred thousand kilometers from the calculated trajectory. Pioneer 11 is exactly the same path of fellow.
There are many versions: the influence of the solar wind, a fuel leak, programming errors. But they are not very convincing, since both ships were launched at intervals of 11 s, behave similarly.
If you do not take account of the machinations of the aliens, or divine plan not to let people outside the solar system, then perhaps there is just an effect of the mysterious dark matter referred to above. There are many other hypotheses on the influence of the solar wind and magnetic fields to the uneven heating of the probes themselves.
The tenth planet in the solar system
Far, far beyond the dwarf planet Pluto has a mysterious asteroid Sedna - one of the largest in our system. Besides Sedna is considered the red object in our system - it is even redder than Mars. Why - it is unknown. But the main mystery in the other. A full revolution around the Sun it makes 10 thousand years. And appeals for a very elongated orbit. Whether this asteroid came to us from another star system, or from a circular orbit it knocked the gravitational pull of a larger object. What? For example, the mysterious planet Nibiru - the planet that supposedly exist on the very edge of the solar system, but astronomers detect it until it succeeds. (If I'm not mistaken that is associated with it the end of the world in 2012, when the Mayan calendar ends)
There is another fact in favor of the existence of the mysterious planet. Sedna is located in the Kuiper Belt - the region of space is extremely saturated small space bodies. From Pluto, the Kuiper belt increases the density, and then abruptly drops to zero. So it could be, if all the objects that are farther, were attracted by the gravitational field of the mysterious planet.
Perhaps the mystery will be resolved when NASA probe in 2015 will reach Pluto and from there try to "see" the elusive Nibiru.
The radio signal from the constellation of Sagittarius
In the 1970s the United States began a program to search for possible extraterrestrial radio signals. To do this, the radio telescope sent into different fate of the sky, and he scanned the broadcast at different frequencies, trying to detect a signal of artificial origin.
A few years astronomers boast at least some results could not. But August 15, 1977 while on duty astronomer Jerry Ehmana recorder which records everything that falls into the "ears" of radio telescopes recorded a signal or noise, which lasted 37 seconds. This phenomenon is called Wow! - On a sidenote, who brought red ink stunned Ehman.
"Signal" was at a frequency of 1420 megahertz. According to international agreements, no earthly transmitter does not work in this range. It came from the direction of the constellation Sagittarius, where the closest star located at a distance of 220 light years from Earth. Artificial he was - no answer so far. Subsequently, scientists have repeatedly ransacked this area of the sky. But to no avail.
The placebo effect
On the placebo effect, many have heard. This is when the person for several days watered necessary medication, and he feels as his health improves. However, if you then instead of a therapeutic agent to give him some absolutely harmless neutral solution, it will still be to convince everyone that continues to recover.
On such cases, doctors know all over the world. The main hypothesis of the explanation - the brain somehow can affect the condition of the body. But - it is unknown. By the way, this effect was observed in mice and monkeys, so that the placebo is not fiction hypochondriac people.
Life on Mars
Finding organics on Mars began in 1976 - there are American vehicles landed Viking. They had to carry out a number of experiments to confirm or refute the hypothesis about its habitability. Results were inconsistent, on the one hand, in the atmosphere of methane was detected - obviously biogenic origin, but has not been identified audio organic molecule.
Strange results of experiments blamed on the chemical composition of Martian soil, and decided that life on the red planet is still there. However, other studies suggest the possibility that the surface of Mars was once wet, which again speaks in favor of the existence of life. According to some, we can talk about the underground life forms.
Dark matter
All galaxies in our universe at high speed revolve around a single center. But when the researchers calculated the total mass of the galaxies, it turned out that they are too light. And according to the laws of physics all this roundabout would have long broken. However, it does not break.
To explain what is happening, scientists have come up with a hypothesis, though there are some in the universe of dark matter that can not be seen. But what it is and how it would feel, astronomers are not yet present. We only know that her weight is 90 percent of the mass of the universe. This means that we know that in the world we are surrounded by only one-tenth.
Anomaly probes Pioneer
US probes Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 were launched respectively in 1972 and 1983. By now they've had to fly out of the solar system. However, one and the second for unknown reasons, have begun to change the trajectory, as if some unseen force does not let them out of the system. Pioneer 10 has deviated in the four hundred thousand kilometers from the calculated trajectory. Pioneer 11 is exactly the same path of fellow.
There are many versions: the influence of the solar wind, a fuel leak, programming errors. But they are not very convincing, since both ships were launched at intervals of 11 s, behave similarly.
If you do not take account of the machinations of the aliens, or divine plan not to let people outside the solar system, then perhaps there is just an effect of the mysterious dark matter referred to above. There are many other hypotheses on the influence of the solar wind and magnetic fields to the uneven heating of the probes themselves.
The tenth planet in the solar system
Far, far beyond the dwarf planet Pluto has a mysterious asteroid Sedna - one of the largest in our system. Besides Sedna is considered the red object in our system - it is even redder than Mars. Why - it is unknown. But the main mystery in the other. A full revolution around the Sun it makes 10 thousand years. And appeals for a very elongated orbit. Whether this asteroid came to us from another star system, or from a circular orbit it knocked the gravitational pull of a larger object. What? For example, the mysterious planet Nibiru - the planet that supposedly exist on the very edge of the solar system, but astronomers detect it until it succeeds. (If I'm not mistaken that is associated with it the end of the world in 2012, when the Mayan calendar ends)
There is another fact in favor of the existence of the mysterious planet. Sedna is located in the Kuiper Belt - the region of space is extremely saturated small space bodies. From Pluto, the Kuiper belt increases the density, and then abruptly drops to zero. So it could be, if all the objects that are farther, were attracted by the gravitational field of the mysterious planet.
Perhaps the mystery will be resolved when NASA probe in 2015 will reach Pluto and from there try to "see" the elusive Nibiru.
The radio signal from the constellation of Sagittarius
In the 1970s the United States began a program to search for possible extraterrestrial radio signals. To do this, the radio telescope sent into different fate of the sky, and he scanned the broadcast at different frequencies, trying to detect a signal of artificial origin.
A few years astronomers boast at least some results could not. But August 15, 1977 while on duty astronomer Jerry Ehmana recorder which records everything that falls into the "ears" of radio telescopes recorded a signal or noise, which lasted 37 seconds. This phenomenon is called Wow! - On a sidenote, who brought red ink stunned Ehman.
"Signal" was at a frequency of 1420 megahertz. According to international agreements, no earthly transmitter does not work in this range. It came from the direction of the constellation Sagittarius, where the closest star located at a distance of 220 light years from Earth. Artificial he was - no answer so far. Subsequently, scientists have repeatedly ransacked this area of the sky. But to no avail.