Claes Oldenburg sculpture Giant
American sculptor Claes Oldenburg (Claes Oldenburg) Swedish origin for the past fifty years, impresses with its large-scale sculptures. He was already 83 years old, lives and works in the United States.
Megalomania in the sculptures of Claes Oldenburg (Claes Oldenburg)
Lease warehouses: classification
Intercity taxi service FastTaxi - transfer to Bukovel
The mysterious Olmecs — people from nowhere
Megafauna. The world we have lost forever
Megafauna. The world we have lost forever (30 photos + text)
The electromagnetic noise interferes with birds to navigate
Works of art from the usual things
Snow and Ice Festival in Harbin
The most unusual monuments and sculptures of the world
Abandoned objects
14 sculptures on which physical laws have no power
Festival of Snow and Ice
She became the first Woman of the World, who gave birth to child in this way! Fantastic!
What to give birthday girlfriend
Sculptures made of caps for wheels
Top 10 art projects in 2014
Frozen Beauty
Masterpieces of the rocks
Giant snails on the streets: an environmental installation in the French Angers
Giant figures on the buildings of London
Creative Street Yekaterinburg
The most impressive snow sculptures in the yard
Glass sculptures by Robert Mickelsen
Megalomania in the sculptures of Claes Oldenburg (Claes Oldenburg)
Lease warehouses: classification
Intercity taxi service FastTaxi - transfer to Bukovel
The mysterious Olmecs — people from nowhere
Megafauna. The world we have lost forever
Megafauna. The world we have lost forever (30 photos + text)
The electromagnetic noise interferes with birds to navigate
Works of art from the usual things
Snow and Ice Festival in Harbin
The most unusual monuments and sculptures of the world
Abandoned objects
14 sculptures on which physical laws have no power
Festival of Snow and Ice
She became the first Woman of the World, who gave birth to child in this way! Fantastic!
What to give birthday girlfriend
Sculptures made of caps for wheels
Top 10 art projects in 2014
Frozen Beauty
Masterpieces of the rocks
Giant snails on the streets: an environmental installation in the French Angers
Giant figures on the buildings of London
Creative Street Yekaterinburg
The most impressive snow sculptures in the yard
Glass sculptures by Robert Mickelsen
How to take pictures of seals
Gift favorite