Slavic Phrasebook

∙ Cool story bro - Hladen skaz thy boyarin;
∙ Facepalm - Chelodlan, Litseladonіe, Likoprikladstvo
∙ For great justice - zaradi Doomsday / B / ozhіya
∙ GTFO - Begone
∙ Just for lulz - Tokmo smѣhu sake, United potѣhi for
∙ LOL - CSA (Smѣyus according Velma)
∙ Sad but true - sorrowful but true
∙ Tits or GTFO - Percy Ali Begone
∙ Anon delivers - Nevѣdomy dostavlyashe
∙ delivered Anonymous - Neznamokto brought
∙ the author is cool - clerk vozzhegashe
∙ Awards - Istorzhenіe into darkness vnѣshnyuyu
∙ banhammerom - Mech-kladenets
∙ Bitard - / B / obyl, / B / iryuk
∙ Big fucking - Svѣtoprestavlenіe
∙ bombs - Yamschik
∙ Cattle - Black, Sbrod, Smerd, Holop
∙ Cattle detekted - stinks phenomenon! I behold mobile nabѣgayuschu!
∙ quickly, decisively! - Greyhound, prebuyno!
∙ Your post saddens Blacks - Pechalit arapov pisanіe your
∙ Substances - Potions durmannyya
∙ Take and uebat - Yati yes zѣlo poraziti
∙ All fag, and I - D'Artagnan - Sodomites okrest, Az same edin Dobrynya Nikitich am
∙ Gipnozhaba - Toadfish prelstiva
∙ Goat - Otrok blѣdnolikіy
∙ Grammarnatsi - Fierce clerk, letters-oprichnik
∙ Zadrot - Oderzhimets, rukobludets
∙ imageboard - folly board
∙ IMHO - humbly I believe
∙ Interface - Mezhdumordіe
∙ KG / AM - Sіe tvorenіe smerdit and clerk - ohalnik
∙ kopipasta - Kanon
∙ krevedko - Puccini tarakan
∙ Underage stupid ass - Son-beztoloch, Dѣtische umom meager, Oaf
∙ Pallas - Kot-Bayun
∙ Maniac - Pisyukaty zlodѣyuka, Sinister pisyunyavy
∙ Mat - nelѣpye verbs, words of sramnyya
∙ Moar! - Pace!
∙ Motivator - Spodvigatel
∙ Nanotechnology - Miracles dikovinnyya on zamorskіy Maner sotvorёnnyya Tsarёm yes boyars-slaboumtsami for embezzlement.
∙ For example - Yako ashche
∙ Niasilil - Velma bukvits not prevozmog
∙ Nha - Lubo, bonuses
∙ Ololo on bashorga! - Ogogo in the swamp poganyya!
∙ Office plankton - the scribe, writ gnats, little people posadskiya
∙ patstalom - Vozhohotashe beneath benches
∙ Rekvestirovat - Isproshat beat chelom
∙ Respect - ispolat, Grace in ustneh tvoih da budet!
∙ C blackjack and hookers - Sh zernіyu and prelesnitsami
∙ sloupoki - Zvѣr-tugodum, Zvѣrushka nespѣshna, Nespѣshun, creature zѣlo slow
∙ Sfeylil - Bѣs poputal
∙ trade delivered - thread zѣlo veselyascha
∙ Troll - Lѣshіy, Vseyadets, Smutyan, Prelestnik, Chervoslov, detractors Glumets, creature navya, instigators kb discord
∙ Trollfeys - mug echidna
∙ HS - kala bleak
∙ Hickey - Pustynnik, Zatvornik, Nelyudim
∙ Holivar - zealous strife, Ardent kopіy prelomlenіe, Sѣcha svѦschѣna
∙ Good fit - Blagіy, lѣpy
∙ Shkolota - Founding, Dѣtva unreasonable, Dite bezshtannoe
∙ Emo - Slezlivets
∙ Epic - epics
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