Muslim women can not zdavayat loud sounds
Do you think that they banned this time? ..
Islamic City Council in the Indonesian province of Aceh, which comply with Sharia forbade women to break wind. Mayor Seyyed Yahya, told reporters that the ban was necessary as public flatulence is not combined with the Islamic virtues as modesty.
"Muslim women can not fart, making loud noises, since it is contrary to Islamic teachings," - said Seyyed Yahya. At the same time, representatives of the Association iindoneziyskih feminists have told local media that they will try to block the action of the "smelly" rule, which they will certainly be considered discriminatory.
In an interview with the publication Wadiyan, Mayor Seyyed Yahya said that the new law is aimed at the preservation of human morality and behavior befitting framework. "When you see a woman who lets gases, emitting loud sounds at the same time, it loses its shape and becomes a man. But if it will do so silently, not submitting thus of any kind, it will look like, as befits a woman, "- explained Yahya.
While the proposed law does not forbid women to do everything quietly, but loud sounds that accompany the process is actually not uncommon for residents of South-East Asia, and especially for women, a daily diet that consists mostly of potatoes and peas, a lot conducive flatulence . And, of course, women can not restrain the natural functioning of your body and say that they feel healthier when they are not hanging over the prohibition to do it loud.
Fatima Khan, a doctor at the hospital Al-Bani strongly the new rules adopted by the deputies. "This law is very doubtful value and necessity, not to mention the fact that there is no possibility of the mechanism and its regulation. Well, people can not do what their inborn heritage "- outraged physician.
Mayor Seyyed Yahya told the publication refused Wadiyan details of the punishment that will carry rights violators. While another member of the City Council, who requested anonymity, says that sharia court convicted the offender will receive 20 lashes for an average volume of sounds, and three months in prison for a resounding expression of flatulence.
Opinion Islamic scientists divided. "The release of gas is not regulated by the Shari'a. About this there is no mention in the Quran "- objected to a Muslim activist Bshar Abdullah. "However, the Islamic traditions of modesty does not support high-profile manifestations of flatulence from women," - said the scientist and supporter of the new law, Mahmoud Hussein. The mayor pointed out that control the women in the audience will be very public, but at home it will be the responsibility of the wife.
Islamic City Council in the Indonesian province of Aceh, which comply with Sharia forbade women to break wind. Mayor Seyyed Yahya, told reporters that the ban was necessary as public flatulence is not combined with the Islamic virtues as modesty.
"Muslim women can not fart, making loud noises, since it is contrary to Islamic teachings," - said Seyyed Yahya. At the same time, representatives of the Association iindoneziyskih feminists have told local media that they will try to block the action of the "smelly" rule, which they will certainly be considered discriminatory.
In an interview with the publication Wadiyan, Mayor Seyyed Yahya said that the new law is aimed at the preservation of human morality and behavior befitting framework. "When you see a woman who lets gases, emitting loud sounds at the same time, it loses its shape and becomes a man. But if it will do so silently, not submitting thus of any kind, it will look like, as befits a woman, "- explained Yahya.
While the proposed law does not forbid women to do everything quietly, but loud sounds that accompany the process is actually not uncommon for residents of South-East Asia, and especially for women, a daily diet that consists mostly of potatoes and peas, a lot conducive flatulence . And, of course, women can not restrain the natural functioning of your body and say that they feel healthier when they are not hanging over the prohibition to do it loud.
Fatima Khan, a doctor at the hospital Al-Bani strongly the new rules adopted by the deputies. "This law is very doubtful value and necessity, not to mention the fact that there is no possibility of the mechanism and its regulation. Well, people can not do what their inborn heritage "- outraged physician.
Mayor Seyyed Yahya told the publication refused Wadiyan details of the punishment that will carry rights violators. While another member of the City Council, who requested anonymity, says that sharia court convicted the offender will receive 20 lashes for an average volume of sounds, and three months in prison for a resounding expression of flatulence.
Opinion Islamic scientists divided. "The release of gas is not regulated by the Shari'a. About this there is no mention in the Quran "- objected to a Muslim activist Bshar Abdullah. "However, the Islamic traditions of modesty does not support high-profile manifestations of flatulence from women," - said the scientist and supporter of the new law, Mahmoud Hussein. The mayor pointed out that control the women in the audience will be very public, but at home it will be the responsibility of the wife.