Polar bears
It was a most interesting experience with polar bears. Family couple turned out to be extremely sociable and curious, so they spent around our ship for two hours. In addition, so close to the ship bears none of the longer fit. And of course it was very cool to watch the baby. Children and they have children. Even if the baby polar predator.
As usual, they noticed a cut and icebreaker stopped. They were quite far away from us.
But unlike most previous bears, they not only did not become run away, but instead went to the ship. This was all the more surprising because usually the mother tries to steal the baby away from possible danger.
As usual, they noticed a cut and icebreaker stopped. They were quite far away from us.
But unlike most previous bears, they not only did not become run away, but instead went to the ship. This was all the more surprising because usually the mother tries to steal the baby away from possible danger.